Page:An English-Chinese dictionary of the Foochow dialect.pdf/21

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Anterior, – in place, sèng-dāu: – in time, câi sèng.

Anteroom, lòng-dāu.

Anticipate, sèng lâiu.

Antidote, gāi dŭk iŏh.

Antipathy, hièng.

Antique, gū: antiques, curios, gū-dūng.

Antler, lĕ̤k gáe̤k.

Anus, bóng-muòng-kāu; gŏng-muòng.

Anvil, tiék dōng.

Anxious, lê̤ṳ; guá-lê̤ṳ; chău-sĭng.

Any, – how, sùi-biêng: – time, sùi-sì: – one, hùng-nè̤ng; bók-lâung diê-nè̤ng: is there any more? gó ô mò̤?

Apart, with an interval, láe̤ng: separated, liê kŭi.

Apartment, bùng; bùng-găng: female –s, giĕ-bùng.

Apathetic, mò̤ sìng.

Ape, gàu: V. to imitate, ŏ̤h iông.

Aperient, siá-iŏh.

Aperture, kĕ̤ng-kĕ̤ng; póng-póng.

Apex, ciĕng; dīng; mūi̤.

Apologize, háng dáik-cô̤i; nêng dâng; bùi̤-bók-sé.

Apology, nêng dâng gì uâ; bùi̤-bók-sé.

Apoplexy, dé̤ṳng-hŭng.

Apostasy, huāng gáu; liê dô̤.

Apostle, sè̤ṳ-dù.

Apothecary, kŭi iŏh dáing gì nè̤ng.

Appall, hâi nè̤ng giăng.

Apparatus, gă-sĭ.

Apparel, ĭ-siòng.

Apparent, mìng-bĕk; hiêng: apparently, káng-chiông.

Appeal, V. sióng kóng; kóng-gó̤: – to emperor, dâ̤ ngê̤ṳ-câung.

Appear, hiêng; hiêng-chók.