Page:An English-Chinese dictionary of the Foochow dialect.pdf/353

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Yearn, sṳ̆ muô.

Yeast, bùi; bău bùi; niòng.

Yell, duâi gáe̤.

Yellow, uòng; uòng sáik.

Yelp, bôi.

Yes, ciáng sê; sê; ô.

Yesterday, siŏh màng: day before –, sŏ̤h nĭk.

Yet, gó: not –, muôi; gó muói; gò̤ lò̤; muôi báik cèng.

Yield, nióng: produce, chók sāng: submit, hŭk; kók: concede, cūng.

Yoke, áik: ox –, ngù gáh.

Yolk, lâung uòng.

Yonder, hṳ̄ bĕng.

You, nṳ̄: plural, nṳ̄ gáuk nè̤ng.

Young, hâu sĕng: inexperienced, nièng kĭng; ciēng: younger, sá̤: a year younger, sá̤ siŏh huói: youngest, dâ̤ ék sá̤: – gentleman, siéu iè: – of animals, giāng.

Your, nṳ̄ gì; nṳ̄ gáuk nè̤ng gì.

Youth, a –, niê giāng tòng; hâu săng giāng: time of –, siéu nièng sì hâiu.


Zeal, iĕk sĭng.

Zealous, iĕk sĭng.

Zebra, hū bēng mā.

Zenith, tiĕng dŏng dŏng; tiĕng dīng.

Zest, cṳ̀ ê.

Zinc, băh iòng; uŏ iòng.

Zodiac, uòng dô̤: signs fo the –, niék báik séu.

Zone, dái: the torrid –, iĕk dái: the temperate –, ùng dái.

Zoology, sĕng ŭk cūng lôi.