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40 i«_s, .kU、


) • 液 姓 X I V ,S 44. — 弋 姓 X I V ,546. — 翼 姓 X I V , 546. — 交邑姓 XIV, 54s. I4*• 邑 姓 X I V ,548. — 逸 姓 X I V , 5I5. 一 - 億 姓 X I V , 547. 一 - 却 姓 X I V , 547. — M 姓 XIV,5 4 7 . /fish. 鲵 魚 X I X , I44. — M . 螺 山 VII, 26. — 沂 山 v n , 27.



m Chihli.

I^-chan1 (d).

I、 chih4*• I-chih-tziL

奋 竊 4 益智 子

乏神 _

東 鎭 折 山 之 神 伊水

VII, 25〇.

See Eructation.

I M o u 2(3 ) .

侍 衞 XI ,417-422 421]. 賞 齒 X XVIII ,3I3-3I6.

calligraphy (and other fine arts) . 裳 翰 I X ,239,

See Hiranya Parvata.

利 哇 姓 X I V ,638. 伊 裏 ▲ X I V ,562.

弋門姓 I-mu.

^ -^T.



See Leonurus.


乙那婁姓 / - ■ • K . 俅 耐 VIII,52. /-滅 insect• 緣 女 X I X , m I~ssu-/u-han.




太 醫 院

宮 闈 總 部 X , i-6.

officers of the. 內 府 XI ,425—428


imitation of ancestors. 法 祖 IX ,2 5 I.

legislation. 法 令 IX ,27 〇


mandates. 教 令 XXIII , 145.

Household in general.

Princesses and their husbands.

[b. 83-96].


制 誥 XXIII, 141-144.

rescripts. 枇 答 XXIII, 145,

reverence for G o d . 敬 天 I X ,250.

sovereignty in general.

See Ispahan.

XI , 415, 416

decrees• 詔 命 XXIII , 137-139.

functions. See Sovereignty.


X I V ,幻8.


XI, 289-296 b. 290-295].

College of Medicine at Peking.

b. 416].

V I ,648.


Clan Court.

I-mei*tung-chrang-kuan, township in Ssu-cheuan.


XVIII, 47, 48.

Body-guard. •

X I V > 563. X I V , 595_

See £Deconim Ritual/

I ' l ^ h s i 4⑷.


Imperial Academy of Learning. 國 子 監 XI, 386-390 [d. 388, 389].

Board of Astronomy. 欽 天 監 XI ,412-414 [3.413,414].


T Li.

冰 V ,29, 3 〇


strange phenomena relating to. 冰 異 IV, I35_

Iguana. See Turtle, marine, /V. Ilex sp., kou. X X ,251.

cornuta^ Lindl. See Xylosma.

Ill-luck. See Fortune and misfortune. Images, Buddhist. 佛 像 XVIII, 9〇-94.

1Immortals 9 of Taoism. See Gods and fImmortals/ Impartiality and freedom from prejudice. 虛 心 XXII , 113. Impatiens Balsamina, L. 鳳 仙 X X , m Impeachment. See Promotion and impeachment of officials. Imperata arundinacea^ Cyr., and other sp. See Reeds and rushes.

6 7.

蒼 孩 . See Coix.. 14_扣2广 '意 如 姓 X I V ,6〇5. 工 林 -kan1. ^ 千 姓 X I V ,6 i 9. I2.ku3 ⑷. 夷 鼓 姓 X I V ,咖 . I M a , ). 楼束 jj 姓 X I V ,563. I-lan-na-po-fa-to. 伊 爛 拏 鉢 伐 多 7-

See also Snow and ice.

and pictures of gods.

See Cardamom.

邑 裘 姓 X I V ,6I9. /-f石 似K . 夷 谢 j VIII,41. I、c h W ⑷, 義 樾 姓 X I V , 6.5. I-cHueh M . 伊 齒 山 v n ,5 2. I4*-fu4* ( 外 乙 喿 姓 X I V ^ S . I-fu-wu-ti K. 乙 弗 勿 敵 vm,

I-yii. Ibis, glossy (Plegadis fa lc in e llu s ). 个 奚 See Fowl, barndoor, XIX, 33.

Japanese {Ibis N ip p o n ).秋 鐵 . See Fow], barndoor, XIX,



T-hsiang4 {&). r-hsi, 4 ⑷ . #

醫無間山 、

意 夜 網 • See Hyaena. 衣 魚 . See Lepisma.


See fBook of Changes/

I Ching.

XVIII ,26.


X I V ,563. -

See Department of Imperial chariots and pro­

I-wu-lu M . 醫 巫 間 山 VII, 9.

(northern guardian), genius of t h e . 北

See Post-masters.


I cJii mint

XIV, 638.

cessional regalia. I2_ w u 2• 夷 吾 姓 X I V ,的 .

See Insignia carried before the Emperor.


See Courier post.

邑 田 姓 X I V , 619. 壹斗眷姓

I - w e i.儀

煨 水 v n , “a 矣 水 VII, 2〇I. 施 姓 X I V ,618.



X I V ,638.


(eastern guardian) genius of the.

XVIII, 26. / R., branch of the Lo River in Honan.

in Shantung. 沂 水 v n, 2〇7.

in Honan.





皇 極 總 部

IX, 233-235.

IX, h

X ,8 i- io o