Page:An introduction to Indonesian linguistics, being four essays.djvu/268

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of the upper teeth" (Snouck Hurgronje). "Malay d and t are supradental" (Fokker). "In Lebonese d and t are supradental" (Adriani).

64. Labials. Here there is nothing more to be said.
65. Spirants. " The Dayak s is hard, like the hard s in German"* (Hardeland). "The Tontemboan s is supradental" (Adriani). "The Gayo s is pronounced a little between the teeth, somewhat lisping" (Hazeu).
"The Nias x sounds like the German ch in the word wachen" (Sundermann). "Tontemboan has no velar media; in place of it there is a spirant which is pronounced at the back part of the hard palate" (Adriani). Bontok š is like "sh as in (the English) shield" (Seidenadel). Bontok š is "as in (the English) fine" (Seidenadel). "Buli f is bilabial" (Adriani).
66. The aspirate h. "Gayo h, as in Dutch, distinctly audible even at the end of a syllable" (Hazeu). "Javanese h is mute when it is the initial of a word, and very weak as the final of a word, likewise between two different vowels, while between two similar vowels it is hke the Dutch h" (De Hollander).

* [Or in English.]
