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this, judgment (in coming forth to bless): so the Christ who was once led forth to bear the sins of many, shall appear unto them who are looking for Him a second time without sin unto salvation" (Heb. ix. 27–28). This is, then, the divine plan. The Advocate of the saints has been for many centuries in the Most Holy; in all of which long period the saints have been praying without, and sending up as incense, "supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings"—"spiritual sacrifices acceptable to Deity through Jesus Christ" (1 Pet. ii. 5): and while thus engaged, waiting and looking for His appearing to pronounce the blessing, or to withhold it, according to conditions specified in the word. When He comes forth to judgment, "He will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and then the praise shall be to each one from the Deity" (1 Cor. iv. 5). The manifestation of character first, and praise afterwards, if deserved.

But, we are told that "mortal resurrection is not taught, directly nor indirectly, in the Scriptures." By "mortal resurrection," I suppose objectors mean, the coming forth of bodies from the dust of sheol, whose life is terminable. They deny that the bodies of the just and unjust, in their coming forth, are alike. Perhaps they would admit that the unjust come forth mortal; but not the just. These, they affirm, are generated in the dust incorruptible and immortal; and come forth as perfect as they will ever be.

But in opposition to this notion, is the teaching of Paul. He very plainly tells the saints, in Rom. viii. 11, that "the Deity who raised up the Christ from the dead, shall also quicken their mortal bodies by His spirit"; and in 1 Cor. vi. 14, "He will raise us up by His own power." This is affirmed of all saints of all generations. Did Paul mean the "mortal bodies" called saints, living at the time he penned these words? If he did, were they ever quickened? No; instead of having life imparted to their mortal bodies, they lost even the life they had, in common with all flesh. And where are said mortal bodies now? Body is a congeries of organs in the image of Deity. Where are these bodies? They are nowhere! Only a little dust remains of them in sheol, and unorganized dust is not body. What, then, is necessary that Paul's words may come to pass? Manifestly, that the saints re-appear as mortal bodies; so that when they have come forth corruptible and mortal, "this corruptible" may "put on incorruption, and this mortal" may "put on immortality," by the spirit or power of Deity, who quickens.

Again, he teaches that "the life of Jesus" is intended for manifestation in our body, or mortal flesh. The troubles, perplexities, and persecutions the saints endure on account of the truth, he styles