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Our solar system, to which eight greater and about 280 lesser planets belong, is but an isolated group in immeasurable space. The planet Neptune, the farthest from the sun, is more than 1,200,000,000 miles distant from it. Thus the group of orbs appertaining to our solar system is fairly extensive. Yet there are millions of other similar systems of far greater magnitude than ours, for the sixty million fixed stars which are visible in the heavens are all of them suns, round which other orbs revolve. And how many more millions of suns may there not be, which are invisible to our eye I The interval is so enormous from our solar system to the nearest star that there is room for thousands of similar systems in the intervening space. Imagine yourself standing at the north pole, and the sun as a pea held in your hand, and the distance between you and the south pole would be much the same as that which separates our solar system from the star nearest to it.

Q. If God is everywhere, why do we not see Him?

A. We do not see God, because He is a pure spirit and cannot be seen with bodily eyes.

The Two Servants who were Left without Supervision

Religious beliefs make people conscientious. Two servants, one a Christian, the other a total unbeliever, were in the employ of one and the selfsame master. On one occasion their master left home; thereupon the unbelieving servant said: “ Master is gone away now, so we need not go on working.” His Christian