Page:Anne's house of dreams (1920 Canada).djvu/244

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“I’m waiting for Gilbert—he’s over at the Cove. I intended to stay at the light, but Captain Jim is away.”

“Well, I came here because I wanted to walk—and walk—and walk,” said Leslie restlessly. “I couldn’t on the rock shore—the tide was too high and the rocks prisoned me. I had to come here—or I should have gone mad, I think. I rowed myself over the channel in Captain Jim’s flat. I’ve been here for an hour. Come—come—let us walk. I can’t stand still. Oh, Anne!”

“Leslie, dearest, what is the trouble?” asked Anne, though she knew too well already.

“I can’t tell you—don’t ask me . I wouldn’t mind your knowing—I wish you did know—but I can’t tell you—I can’t tell anyone. I’ve been such a fool, Anne—and oh, it hurts so terribly to be a fool. There’s nothing so painful in the world.”

She laughed bitterly. Anne slipped her arm around her.

“Leslie, is it that you have learned to care for Mr. Ford?”

Leslie turned herself about passionately.

“How did you know?” she cried. “Anne, how did you know? Oh, is it written in my face for everyone to see? Is it as plain as that?”

“No, no. I—I can’t tell you how I knew. It just came into my mind, somehow. Leslie, don’t look at me like that!”