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Also, inquiry should, be made in those cities where gaps in the routes exist and very likely some amateur will be found who possess all necessary qualifications except an efficient set, and this would be provided by nothing more expensive than a little expert advice.

Often the difference in efficiency of amateur sets makes it easier to work several hundred miles to an efficient set than one hundred miles or less to a less efficient one. It seems that the best work that could be done by the league would be to develop the efficiency of the stations at points necessary and for this a much more complete description of the apparatus used would be necessary. There would be no opposition to this from a great many amateurs that I know and I am sure that the officers of the league would have the hearty co-operation of the more advanced members in assisting in this work.

As to the trunk from New York to Chicago. I would suggest that it be through, say 2JD, 8AAU, 8NH and 9IK. Each of these stations can suggest intermediate stations and by arranging regular schedule for this route all the business that is now handled in seven evenings per week can be easily handled in one evening. For instance, 8ZD could fill the gap between 8AAU and 8NH and there is surely some amateur in Goshen, Indiana, or South Bend that has the means and ability to put his station in first class shape if he has the proper advice as to how to proceed. I do not mean that the above route is the only one or even perhaps the best one, but it is a feasible one,

and if established it would not be necessary for us to hold a message for New York until such a night as it would be possible to work with 2JD direct. Also, Lima, Ohio, and vicinity is the logical division point for the route to St. Louis via Indianapolis and 9FY at Duquoin, Illinois. At present I know of no one in Indianapolis, Indiana, with station efficient enough to work with us regularly direct but we can usually work direct with 9FY except under very bad conditions.

In regard to the special stations. It seems to me that they should be the collecting and forwarding points for these messages; especially when appointed through the recommendation of the League. However, at least in this section they seem to be operated in about the same manner as the ordinary amateur station and for lack of a definite understanding and because of the fact that they are usually working on a longer wave and do not hear calls from short wave stations at any distance, they handle very little of the traffic.

My purpose in making these suggestions is primarily to start a discussion along these lines and to see if we can not get some concerted action in regard to establishing a really EFFICIENT relay system. Hoping that in at least some measure my suggestions may prove of value and assuring you of my interest in the work QST and the American Radio Relay League are doing, I remain,

Very respectfully,

M. B. WEST. 


 The Secretary wishes to announce that the new Call Book is nearly ready for the printers hands. It is a matter of a few weeks before the book will be out giving the latest membership of the LEAGUE. To make sure that you will receive your copy, it would be well to make arrangements with the Secretary so that he may keep a copy for you. The new books will contain over a thousand stations and every member of the LEAGUE should buy his immediately. Enough hooks will be published to supply each member with one. Order now and avoid the rush.

Would you like a “How to Make It” department?

Would you like a “Question” department?


 The Secretary of the LEAGUE wishes to express most sincere thanks on the part of the LEAGUE and its members to S. Delbert, Jr. of Philadelphia, Pa, who has contributed at various times sums amounting to ten dollars. These generous gifts of Mr. Delbert have gone a long ways and have helped to put the LEAGUE records in good shape.

The Editor of “QST” is looking for comments. Comment on what you like; comment on what you don’t like; comment in general, and then we shall have what you want.