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Arabian Nights


Vol. VI.

The Two Hundred and Fifth Night.

A Continuation of the Story of the Amours of Prince Aboulhaſſan Ali Ebn Becar, and Schemſelnihar, Favourite-Miſtreſs to the Caliſf Haroun Alraſchid.
SIR, ſaid ſhe, upon the Jeweller’s Enquiry of the Thieves, if they knew any thing of the young Man and the young Lady; they anſwered, be not concerned for them, they are ſafe enough, and in good Health; which ſaying, they ſhew’d him two Cloſets, where they aſſur’d him, they were ſeparately ſhut up. They added, we are inform’d you know only what relates to them, which we no ſooner came to underſtand, but we ſhew’d
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