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"Right through the chest. It couldn't have come from any other direction."

"Yuss," answered his companion in a hoarse, broken voice, "bli-me! That Johnny can shoot. Poor ole Perkins—"

In far-away Deli Abbas a heliograph was twinkling, and the signaler's voice trailed away into tense silence, as he read the pregnant dots and dashes.

A A A Message received A A A If can hold out till dark relieving party leaves Deli Abbas hr past dark A A A Repeat back for confirmation if recd A A A

The cockney uttered a crackling oath, snarling in savage anger as he turned to his companion.

"Much bloody good it'll do us, the bleeders starting an hour arter dark. 'Owever, we'll 'ave to bloody well acknowledge their—message. Gawd's truth! You'd think the barstards was in barricks, pipe-claying their belts and a-polishin' of their buttons, they're that cashul like.

"Gawd stri-me pink! British Harmy? Mob of perishing—!

"Watch out for that there Johnny, an' fire at anythink wot moves; 'e 'as 'imself wrapped in khaki, more'n likely; but 'e must rise to fire, an' you'll see 'im move."

Waiting till his silent companion had the gun adjusted, the muzzle trained tentatively toward