Page:Autobiography of an Androgyne 1918 book scan.djvu/228

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Effects of Castration.

writing (1918), that "' of a fat frau in the last stages of pregnancy," to quote the words of business associates. I simultaneously returned to the low degree of physical strength obtaining immediately after castration.

The following is my weight, stripped, at various ages; 20-25, 110 pounds; at castration at 27, 128; 29-32, 143; 32-42, 183; two years following (1916-1918), 160. After castration it required two years to rise gradually from 128 to 143. My obesity is entirely due to castration, as slenderness is universal in my family.

After castration, ejaculations during sleep gradually declined in frequency, but continued, with the emission of a sticky fluid of the appearance of semen, for about nine months. But dreams of ejaculations—that is, a sort of pseudo-ejaculations—occurred about once a fortnight for several years, and about once in three months as late as fourteen years after castration. I would be dreaming of fellatio, and seemed to feel the muscular contractions that take place during ejaculation. Awakening in alarm, it seemed that I must find some fluid, but did not.

Even up to more than three years after castration, I occasionally during fellatio experienced the spasm, when I could distinctly feel the contractions ductus ejaculatorii, as if to push along the semen, although nothing would exude. At those times I would utter a spasmodic groan.

Fourteen years after castration, when I had not experienced an emission for six years, I was with a conipanion who held the palm for amativeness among all that I had known. Amplexus ejus fervidi induxerunt in me