Page:Autobiography of an Androgyne 1918 book scan.djvu/249

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Baby Crying for Her Brave.

(Air: “ Hello Central ”’)

Dedicated to Sergeant Frank B., handsome, strong, and noble; a brave, brave gunner; the most popular man in his company; the favorite of his captain; first in football; first in baseball; and first in the heart of Jenuie June.

Baby is so sad and lonely,
Pining for her soldier brave;
Night and day, awake or sleeping,
Crieth for him, e’en doth rave:
O to rest upon his bosom,
In his blouse her face to hide!
O to feel his strong arms round her!
Why this bliss denied?


Baby’s dying, naught can save her,
Pining for her brave;
Naught can save but his caresses,
For which she doth rave:
O come quick, dear soldier hero,
Clasp her to thy breast;
For she’s surely pining, dying,
In thine arms to rest.

Were she able, surely would she
Hasten quick to reach thy side;
To thee knit, cemented, mortised,
Would she e’er henceforth abide:
Clinging, O so fast and closely,
Would she lose herself in thee;
No more two, but ever, always,
With thee ONE to be.