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how could such news be hidden ? It spread through the town at once. That was a festive day for the Samarkand families ; soldier and peasant, they uprose in tumult against Khusrau Shah. Ahmad Haji Beg and the Tarkhani begs put the rising down and turned Khusrau Shah out of the town with an escort for Hisar.

As SI. Mahmud Mirza himself after giving Hisar to SI. Mas'ud Mirza and Bukhara to Bai-sunghar Mirza, had dis- missed both to their governments, neither was present when he died. The Hisar and Samarkand begs, after turning Khusrau Shah out, agreed to send for Bai-sunghar Mirza from Bukhara, brought him to Samarkand and seated him on the throne. When he thus became supreme (padshah), he was i8 (lunar) years old.

At this crisis, SI. Mahmud Khan (Chaghatai), acting on the Foi. 3ob. word of Junaid Barlas and of some of the notables of Samarkand, led his army out to near Kan-bai with desire to take that town. Bai-sunghar Mirza, on his side, marched out in force. They fought near Kan-bai. Haidar Kukuldash, the main pillar of the Mughul army, led the Mughul van. He and all his men dismounted and were pouring in flights of arrows (shiba) when a large body of the mailed braves of Hisar and Samarkand made an impetuous charge and straightway laid them under their horses' feet. Their leader taken, the Mughul army was put to rout without more fighting. Masses (qalin) of Mughalls were wiped out; so many were beheaded in Bai- sunghar Mirza's presence that his tent was three times shifted because of the number of the dead.

At this same crisis, Ibrahim Sdru entered the fort of Asfara, there read Bai-sunghar Mirza's name in the Khufba and took up a position of hostility to me.

{Author's note.) Ibrahim Saru is of the Mingligh people ;i he had served my father in various ways from his childhood but later on had been dismissed for some fault.

Foi. 31. The army rode out to crush this rebellion in the month of Sha'ban (May) and by the end of it, had dismounted round

1 mingligh aildin dur, perhaps of those whose hereditary Command was a Thousand, the head of a Ming (Pers. Hazara), i.e. of the tenth of a tumdn.