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comfort from the appearance of his face, however, for it scowled upon them. He was not so powerful a man as Mahtawa, but he was more gracefully formed, and had a more noble and commanding countenance.

“Have the Pale-faces no wigwams on the great river that they should come to spy out the lands of the Pawnee?” he demanded.

“We have not come to spy your country,” answered Joe, raising himself proudly as he spoke, and taking off his cap. “We have come with a message from the great chief of the Pale-faces, who lives in the village far beyond the great river where the sun rises. He says. Why should the Pale-face and the Red-man fight? They are brothers. The same Manitou[1] watches over both. The Pale-faces have more beads, and guns, and blankets, and knives, and vermilion than they require; they wish to give some of these things for the skins and furs which the Red-man does not know what to do with. The great chief of the Pale-faces has sent me to say. Why should we fight? Let us smoke the pipe of peace.”

At the mention of beads and blankets the face of the wily chief brightened for a moment. Then he said sternly,—“The heart of the Pale-face is not true. He has come here to trade for himself. San-it-sa-rish has eyes that can see; they are not shut. Are not these your goods?” The chief pointed to the pack-horse as he spoke.

“Trappers do not take their goods into the heart of an enemy’s camp,” returned Joe. “San-it-sa-rish is wise, and will understand this. These are gifts to the chief of the Pawnees. There are more awaiting him when the pipe of peace is smoked. I have said. What message shall we take back to the great chief of the Pale-faces?”

San-it-sa-rish was evidently mollified.

“The hunting field is not the council tent,” he said. “The Pale-faces will go with us to our village.”

Of course Joe was too glad to agree to this proposal, but he now deemed it politic to display a little firmness.

“We cannot go till our rifle is restored. It will not do to go back and tell the great chief of the Pale-faces that the Pawnees are thieves.”

The chief frowned angrily. “The Pawnees are true; they are not thieves. They choose to look at the rifle of the Pale-face. It shall be returned.”

  1. The Indian name for God.