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Can the effect
of Beautiful Clothes be Ruined
by Poor Figure Lines?


EW WOMEN realize the importance--not only to appearance but especially to health--of perfect posture.

And yet, how often we see a woman wearing a beautiful gown, but somehow or other she doesn't look attractive.

Some slight fault in posture simply spoils her appearance.

Then again we see a woman wearing a plain inexpensive dress who attracts us by her perfect posture--­her smart stylish figure--her radiant personality.

Without perfect figure lines--and by that we mean not only symmetry of line but perfect posture--no apparel, however expensive it may be, can do a woman justice.


Corseted Figure

The properly cor­seted woman may retain her natural loveliness long after the woman, who is careless about her corset, has become ill-proportioned and unattractive.

Properly -- Improperly
Properly -- Improperly


Corseted Figure

Note the incorrect posture, protruding abdomen and unsightly lines--an example of the results of figure neglect. Can any woman afford to corset herself incorrectly?