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Unfolding the Beauty Possibilities
of Your Figure!


OUR INDIVIDUAL CHARM--your style--­your natural loveliness can best be en­hanced by the painstaking care which our designers give to the needs of your figure.

In designing your support for you--and you alone--­our designer must accomplish the following results:

First--unfold the beauty possibilities of your figure. A large percentage of the influential women of this country have their figure supports designed by Barcley because they acquire a certain smartness, a certain charm of figure lines and posture, which can be secured in no other way.

Second--fit you faultlessly and give you a degree of comfort and satisfaction such as you never realized could be possible in any corset or support.

Third--safeguard that most priceless of all posses­sions--health--by assuring correct posture and pre­venting the condition known as visceroptosis, so prevalent among women of today, which is the cause of constipation, headaches, backaches, bearing-down feeling, nervousness, insomnia and an endless chain of ill effects.

Visceroptosis, as you probably know, is a sagging of the abdominal wall and the organs within.