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other county in England, except here and there, of course, where there's some faddy proprietor, who erects cottages that never pay a half of one per cent. on the money expended."

The delegation glanced with alarm towards Stranleigh. They saw that the forceful Wilson was carrying all before him, while they sat dumb in his presence. But as they looked, their eyes opened with amazement. Lord Stranleigh's eyelid that was furthest away from Wilson slowly closed. The other remained open. Could they believe their senses? This great nobleman had actually winked at them!

"I hope, my lord," continued Wilson, with the confidence of a man who has never encountered interference, "that you will leave this matter in my hands. There is no use in your keeping a dog and barking yourself. I understand the situation, and I understand the people. With all due respect to you. Stiles, and the rest here present, the charming town of Muddlebury is a neighbourhood of grumblers. You are never satisfied. You collect in the evening at the tap-room of the pub, and growl there over your beer until closing time, and you, Stiles, are a great deal to blame for stirring up trouble among a contented people."

Poor Stiles muttered something in his throat, and the rest of the delegation shifted uneasily on their luxurious chairs. They saw that their mission was being nullified by the strenuous Wilson, but