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new cottages within six months, perhaps less, and yet keep my promise to Wilson that I shall not repair the cottages now in existence. Of course, if those cottages you are now occupying turn out to be ugly structures, I must have them demolished when the new buildings are ready for occupation. And now, gentlemen, enough of business for one day. Let us devote the rest of our time to pleasure. None of you have been in London before, I think you said. Complete strangers without even a map?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Very well; I'll lend you my chief automobile until four o'clock this afternoon. It will hold seven very comfortably. I shall instruct my chauffeur to bring you back at four, in time for tea."

He pressed a button, and asked Perkins to send in Henri, the chauffeur. When that exquisite individual appeared, looking very natty in the Stranleigh livery, his master said to him:

"Henri, please telephone down to Messrs. Cook and Sons at Ludgate Circus, and tell them to have ready for you, within half an hour, one of their best guides to London. Here are five friends of mine from the country, and I wish them to see everything worth while that can be seen from now till four o'clock, at which hour I shall expect you here. You have nothing to do but to see that the speed limit is not exceeded. You will go wherever Cook's