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them on that score as well as any other. By the way, who owns that lovely old manor house in the west end?"

"Why, you do, of course."

"Do I?"

"Certainly. You own everything on the north side of the main street, you know."

"I didn't know. Is the manor house furnished or unfurnished?"

"Oh, it's fully furnished, and has often been let, though it's vacant at the moment."

"Well, I think I'll come down here and live for a while and learn respect for the law. The enjoyment of your own company is an additional attraction, even though it costs five shillings an hour. Do you know my property pretty well, Mr. Sneerly?"

"Every foot of it."

"You say your time is worth five shillings an hour. Counting three hundred and sixty-five days to the year, and ten hours to the day, just figure up how much that would be. I'm no hand at calculation."

"Nine hundred and twelve pounds ten shillings." "Then let us make it the even thousand pounds. I offer you the position of agent to my property at a salary of a thousand pounds a year. Whatever law business you do for me will be extra, of course."