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"I've taken a most unaccountable aversion to the food on board this yacht."

"Really? Why, I think our chef does admirably. You yourself complimented him."

"Oh, I don't pretend to be consistent. Nevertheless, I've made up my mind to go to Paris and order a meal more to my taste. Would you kindly ask the Captain which is our nearest French port?"

"You don't intend to leave us?" said Hazel, moistening his lips and then helping himself to a sip of brandy.

"I'm afraid I must, Jack."

"Sorry," said Hazel, rising and going forward. He returned with the Captain.

"We're off the northern Brittany coast, my lord," said the master of the yacht, "and our nearest port is Morlaix. The coast, as you know, is a dangerous one, and I should not like to attempt Morlaix Harbour at night without a pilot. We should have to stand off even in daylight and put you ashore in one of the ship's boats. Nothing larger than four hundred tons can enter Morlaix Harbour."

"Morning will suit me very well. I wish you would give orders, Captain, to whoever is on duty at that hour, to have me called at half-past six. I think there is an express for Paris from Morlaix at eight o'clock or thereabouts, but to make sure