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will form a limited liability company with that capitalisation, and I will pay the money into its banking account.'

"'A limited liability company!' echoed Sarsfield-Mitcham. 'In that case I should need to receive a majority of stock.'

"'Of course. You take fifty-one shares and allot me forty-nine.'

"Miss Sarsfield-Mitcham was quietly prompting her father, but Flannigan ignored her throughout."

"Do the same, Peter, do the same. Flannigan is a very successful man whose example is worth following."

"Mr. Sarsfield-Mitcham said, 'I want to be perfectly open and above board with you. I don't intend to lose control of this invention as I have done with others. It must be understood that my fifty-one shares carries complete voting power.'

"'Certainly, subject to whatever legal enactments exist for the protection of a minority shareholder.'

"'No difficulties are to be placed in my way?'

"'Not by me, nor by my men. If anyone in my employ obstructs you, send a telegram to me.'

"'And if my experiments are successful, may I take it that your roads will adopt this invention on a suitable royalty basis?'

"'If your invention does in practice what you say it will do, every road in the world will be com-