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she is in England, and wouldn't care a rap if he did. A man who through his own genius has risen to such a place in the railway world as G. P. Flannigan is no fool. He'll not hinder you. Why, what are you doing? You are building up for him a great business."

"He wants to own that business himself and eliminate everyone else."

"Yes, you think so. It would be silly to oppose a quixotic young man like you, who are going to risk your money in a project of which Flannigan owns half, and in which you can possess only whatever stock Mr. Sarsfield-Mitcham presents to you."

"What would you do?"

"I'd let Sarsfield-Mitcham go bankrupt; and allow the sheriff, or whatever official attends to these matters, to sell him out. I'd eliminate Sarsfield-Mitcham; I'd eliminate his charming but suspicious daughter; then I'd turn round and eliminate Mr. Flannigan. I'd recompense Mr. Sarsfield-Mitcham and his daughter, of course, but I wouldn't have such a feather-headed man babbling to everyone about my affairs, and I wouldn't allow this girl to fill my mind with grotesque suspicions."

"Then you'd fight Flannigan?"

"Yes, square and above board. I'd bring him into the open."

"And crush him with the weight of gold."