Page:Beverages and sandwiches for your husband's friends.djvu/34

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Break three-quarters of a pound of "Chocolat Menier" (green wrapper) into a large, deep soup plate. Set in the oven, with the door open. In a short time it will melt into a smooth paste, which will dissolve easily in the milk, when added. Place on the fire in an earthen vessel three pints of rich milk. When at the boiling point, add gradually the melted chocolate. Allow to boil about five minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, from the moment you begin adding the chocolate. Now remove from the fire and when partly cool, add two tablespoonfuls of brandy, and one pint of cream, previously whipped to a stiff froth. If not quite sweet enough, sweeten now to taste. Then with Dover egg beater, beat violently for five minutes. Now take a pail and place in it this pot of chocolate, carefully covered. Pack around it ice and salt, as you would pack an ice cream freezer. Leave until ice cold, stirring occasionally to avoid crystallization. Pour into a pitcher and serve in glasses.