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Scott—So you’re not acomin’ on the Sunda with me? [His voice indicates disbelief.]

Robert—I can’t, Uncle—not now. I’m very grateful to you for having wanted to take me. I wouldn’t miss it for anything else in the world under any other circumstances. [He sighs unconsciously.] But you see I’ve found—a bigger dream.

Scott—[Gruffly.] Bring the girl along with you. I’ll fix it so there’s room.

Mrs. Mayo—[Sharply.] How can you propose such a crazy idea, Dick—to take a young girl on a sail-boat all over the world and not a woman on the boat but herself. Have you lost your senses?

Robert—[Regretfully.] It would be wonderful if we could both go with you, Uncle—but it’s impossible. Ruth couldn’t go on account of her mother, and besides, I’m afraid she doesn’t like the idea of the sea.

Scott—[Putting all his disapproval into an exclamation.] Humph! [He goes back and sits down at the table.]

Robert—[In joyous high spirits.] I want you all to understand one thing—I’m not going to be a loafer on your hands any longer. This means the beginning of a new life for me in every way. I’m sick and disgusted at myself for sitting around and seeing everyone else hard at work, while all I’ve been doing is keep the accounts—a couple of hours work a week! I’m going to settle right down and take a real interest in the farm, and do my share. I’ll prove to you, Pa,