Page:Biographical Sketches of Dekkan Poets.djvu/116

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With (lamiDg eyei tkat dart their iplen dors clear, And giake-riog pendants that adorn each ear. With necklaces whose light illumea each land. And graceful Camalas in either hand. With robes of direra hues and powder rara Of Rutti's lord, adrugbejond compare Thus deck'd the mountain born half of her lord Does in each essence to her mate accord. May she bestow on Ternmala R07, Victorious battle and triumphant joy. While he with mighty tnsks resistless itroolc. The moantain huge Ragatasara shook Then graceful Gowri with aaeonscions start, Embrac'd 8ri Kuntha to her throbbing heart) While Gunga gashing o'er great Biva's brow In falling stteama is daah'd on earth beloW ; The moontain-bom is pleased with feata nov don* By her own elephantine faced son. To that prescient Ood, whose nam« I taka With holy awe obeisance I make

The following lines are taken from the second book of the same poem, and are supposed to be spoken by Manjuvani, when she was deputed by her mistress Grikanika to Vasoo Rajah.