Page:Biography and Family Record of Lorenzo Snow monochrome.djvu/153

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these valleys are rich in their productions; but two-thirds or more present nothing but precipices, ravines and rocky districts, or such as have a northern 'aspect. The inhabitants are far too numerous for the nature and products of the soil. They are often compelled to carry mould on their backs to form gardens amid the barren rocks.

The French language is generally understood, but in many parts it is spoken very imperfectly, and with a mixture of provincialism and Italian. The latter is understood by a considerable number, but it is not extensively used. In fact, this is where, at least, five distinct dialects are spoken by different classes.

During our protracted journey, the health of Brother Toronto had been considerably impaired, but the invigorating effect of this salubrious clime so restored him, that he became very anxious to visit his relatives in Sicily. As I felt it proper for him to do so, he took his departure at the beginning of August.

Soon after my arrival here, I considered it necessary to issue a publication in French; accordingly I wrote and compiled a work, entitled, "The Voice of Joseph," containing Visions of Joseph Smith; discovery of the gold plates filled with Egyptian characters and hieroglyphics; their translation into the English language by the aid of the Urim and Thummim; the sacred history of ancient America, now clearly revealed from the earliest ages after the flood to the beginning of the fifth century of the Christian era; organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; their persecutions; expulsion from the States of Missouri and Illinois; martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith; banishment of many thousand Saints; their travels in the western wilderness; their present location in Upper California; their organization of the "State of Deseret;" the missionary labDrs of their Elders; sketch of their faith and doctrine.

After fruitless endeavors to find a proper person to trans-