A beautiful laddie, with green tartan trews,
And twa bonnie lassies, were bughting in ewes,
They said honoured master are you come again,
Long long have we look’d for you coming hame.
Bught in your ewes, lassies, and go your way hame,
I’ve brought a swan frae the north, I have her to tame;
Her feathers are fallen and where can she lie?
The best bed in the house her bed shall be.
The lady’s heart was far down it couldna well rise
Till many a lad and lass came in with a phrase,
To welcome the lady to welcome her home;
Such a hall in the Highlands she never thought on.
The laddies did whistle and the lassies did sing,
They made her a supper might serve a queen;
With ale and with whisky they drank her health round,
And they made to the lady a braw bed of down.
Early next morning he led her to the hay,
He bid hor look round her as far as she could spy,
These lands and possessions my debt for to pay
You winna gae round them in a lang summer day.
O Allan, O Allan, I’m indebted to thee,
It is a debt dear Allan I never can pay.
O Allan, O Allan, how came you for me,