Page:Bohemian legends and other poems.djvu/100

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Upon his breast was harness,
His sword was by his side;
His heart beat for his loved one,
With love he could not hide.

Her eyes with tears are heavy,
As she looks on the youth;
Her cheeks are pale with anguish,
God be with thee in sooth.”
A wreath upon the banner,
A ribbon on the sword,
Then she called out, “Be prosperous,
Come, living from the horde.

One heard the noise of battle,
The blows that fell apace;
New warriors rush to conquer,
To fill the vacant place;
The youth is with them, carrying
The banner of his land,
The sun is shining on them,
It lights the bloody band.

Upon the castle turret,
The maiden gazing stands;
She looks down on her lover,
Fighting those warlike bands;
Her heart with pleasure beating,
When high the banner flies;
Her hands to heaven she raises,
When low the banner lies.

Like a wild beast defending
The lair that is his home,
The youth is rushing onward,
His horse is all in foam.
But Zvikoš goes to meet him,
He strikes with might and main,
The arm that holds the banner,
The hand sinks down in pain.