Page:Bohemian legends and other poems.djvu/90

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Then they both knew what the meaning
Of this strange scene did imply,
And upon each Christmas midnight
To the church they went to spy,
Who of all their living neighbors
To the grave was drawing near,
For not one that they saw praying
Would outlive the coming year.

And one year they looked with horror—
Thought it was the Judgment day!
For the church was filled with people
Sitting, crowding all the way;
And they could not count the number—
Filled were they with horror great.
But next year the plague came raging,
Many people met their fate.

And as once they went to notice
Who should die the coming year,
With a start of inward terror
Saw the warden, himself near.
He was kneeling by the threshold
And the priest the mass did say
Then they knew, beyond all doubting,
This year they should pass away.

Then they knelt in earnest prayer,
While the priest, his hands upraised,
Saying, “Oh, Almighty Father,
Be Thy name forever praised!
Grant that death may find us worthy
Of that heaven Thou hast won.”
And the warden answered humbly,
Father, let Thy will be done.”

And they praised the Lord while living,
Lying down, and getting up;
Giving to the poor and needy,
What they had on plate and cup.
Very heedful of their footsteps,
Not to miss the narrow way,
And before the year was finished
Both in God had passed away.