Page:Bohemian legends and other poems.djvu/94

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The keeper of the bridge stood pale,
The nuns were sore afraid;
The servants they set up a wail,
But all that did not aid.

I wonder if you now can tell,
Who was this youth so bold?
Who cut the strong chain quick and well,
With lady in his hold?”

The harper ceased, his song was done,
And low he bowed before the throne.
The youths they whispered every one,
It is not true,” in undertone;
For who can cut an iron chain,
E’en with a sword that hath no stain?
The singer singeth nonsense.”

Prince Oldřich smiled, and asked his wife,
Božena, if she knew his thought?
It seems to me ’tis true to life.
And that the youth his loved one sought.
I feel that Břetislav, our son,
Could do this deed beneath the sun,
As well as that bold stripling.”

And see the door flew open wide,
While youth and maiden entered in.
They bow, and to his father’s side
Břetislav leads his loved one in.
Yes father, you are right, your son
Did do this deed, beneath the sun,
To win his loved one, Jitka.”