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Hebrews 12:1‑2    (Looking to Jesus, the perfecter of our faith)
Psalm 103    (He forgives all your sins)
Matthew 9:2‑8    (Your sins are forgiven)

When Anointing is to follow

James 5:14‑16    (Is any among you sick?)
Psalm 23    (You have anointed my head with oil)
Mark 6:7, 12‑13    (They anointed with oil many that were sick)

When Communion is to follow

1 John 5:13‑15    (That you may know that you have eternal life)
Psalm 145:14‑22    (The eyes of all wait upon you, O Lord)
John 6:47‑51    (I am the bread of life)

After any Reading, the Celebrant may comment on it briefly.

Prayers may be offered according to the occasion.

The Priest may suggest the making of a special confession, if the sick person’s conscience is troubled, and use the form for the Reconciliation of a Penitent.

Or else the following general confession may be said

Most merciful God,
we confess that we have sinned against you
in thought, word, and deed,
by what we have done,
and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved you with our whole heart;
we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.

454Ministration to the Sick