- Wipe the meat with a clean damp cloth, and cut it into pieces about 2 inches square.
- Put the meat into the casserole, pour the French Dressing over it, and let it stand several hours or overnight.
- Melt the butter in a hot frying-pan, place the pieces of meat in this and allow them to brown on all sides.
- Empty the meat from the frying-pan into the casserole.
- Cook the onion, carrot, and parsley for about ten minutes in the frying-pan, adding a little butter if necessary to prevent burning.
- Stir the flour, salt, and pepper into the frying-pan with the vegetables, and cook until the flour browns, stirring constantly.
- Add the Soup Stock or hot water, a little at a time, stirring constantly, and cook until the mixture thickens and boils.
- Pour the contents of the frying-pan over the meat in the casserole, cover the casserole, and place it in a slow oven to cook for three hours.
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