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- Have the chicken dressed and cut in half (along the back-bone) by the butcher.
- Singe the chicken if necessary, to remove the pinfeathers.
- Wash the chicken inside and out, and then wipe it dry on a piece of clean cloth.
- Place the two pieces on a greased broiler, with the skin side down, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
- Put the broiler in the lower oven and cook the chicken fifteen minutes, watching carefully to see that it does not brown too quickly.
- Put several bits of butter on the chicken, sprinkle again with salt and pepper, and broil five minutes longer, turning the pieces frequently.
Only very young chickens should be cooked in this way. Such smaller birds as squab, quail, etc., may be broiled according to the same directions, but should not be cut in two before broiling.
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