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Public Health Service, HHS
Pt. 84

Subpart E—Updating the Scientific Elements Underlying Dose Reconstructions

§ 82.30 How will NIOSH inform the public of any plans to change scientific elements underlying the dose reconstruction process to maintain methods reasonably current with scientific progress?

Periodically, NIOSH will publish a notice in the FEDERAL REGISTER notifying the public of plans to change scientific elements underlying the dose reconstruction process under EEOICPA to reflect scientific progress. Notice will include a summary of the planned changes and the expected completion date for such changes.

§ 82.31 How can the public recommend changes to scientific elements underlying the dose reconstruction process?

(a) At any time, the public can submit written recommendations to NIOSH for changes to scientific elements underlying the dose reconstruction process, based on relevant new research findings and technological advances. NIOSH will provide these recommendations to the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health to be addressed at a public meeting of the Advisory Board, with notification provided to the source of the recommendations. Recommendations should be addressed to: Director, Office of Compensation Analysis and Support, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, MS–R45, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226.

(b) The public can also submit recommendations by e-mail. Instructions will be provided on the NIOSH Internet homepage at

§ 82.32 How will NIOSH make changes in scientific elements underlying the dose reconstruction process, based on scientific progress?

NIOSH will present proposed changes to the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health prior to implementation. These proposed changes will be summarized in a notice published in the FEDERAL REGISTER. The public will have the opportunity to comment on proposed changes at the meeting of the Advisory Board and/or in written comments submitted for this purpose. NIOSH will fully consider the comments of the Advisory Board and of the public before deciding upon any changes.

§ 82.33 How will NIOSH inform the public of changes to the scientific elements underlying the dose reconstruction process?

(a) NIOSH will publish a notice in the FEDERAL REGISTER informing the public of changes and the rationale for the changes. This notice will also provide a summary of the recommendations and comments received from the Advisory Board and the public, as well as responses to the comments.

(b) NIOSH may take into account other factors and employ other procedures than those specified in this subpart, if circumstances arise that require NIOSH to implement a change more immediately than the procedures in this subpart allow.


Subpart A—General Provisions


84.1 Purpose.

84.2 Definitions.

84.3 Respirators for mine rescue or other emergency use in mines.

Subpart B—Application for Approval

84.10 Application procedures.

84.11 Contents of application.

84.12 Delivery of respirators and components by applicant; requirements.

Subpart C—Fees

84.20 Examination, inspection, and testing of complete respirator assemblies; fees.

84.21 Examination, inspection, and testing of respirator components or subassemblies; fees.

84.22 Unlisted fees; additional fees; payment by applicant prior to approval.

Subpart D—Approval and Disapproval

84.30 Certificates of approval; scope of approval.

84.31 Certificates of approval; contents.

84.32 Notice of disapproval.

84.33 Approval labels and markings; approval of contents; use.

84.34 Revocation of certificates of approval.