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In this case a disk D, of magnetic metal preferably cut away at opposite edges as shown in dotted lines in the Figure, is mounted so as to turn freely inside two stationary coils N' N" placed at right angles to one another. The coils are preferably wound on a frame O of insulating material and their ends are connected to the fixed terminals T T T' T'.

The generator G is a representative of that class of alternating current machines in which a stationary induced element is employed. That shown consists of a revolving permanent or electro-magnet A and four independent stationary magnets P P' wound with coils. The diametrically opposite coils being connected in series and having their ends secured to the terminals t t t' t'. From these terminals the currents are led to the terminals of the motor, as shown in the drawing.

The mode of operation is substantially the same as in the previous cases, the currents traversing the coils of the motor having the effect to turn the disk D. This mode of carrying out the invention has the advantage of dispensing with the sliding contacts in the system.

In the forms of motor above described, only one of the elements, the armature or the field magnet is provided with energizing coils. It remains then to show how both elements my be wound with coils. Reference is therefore had to Figures 17 and 18.

Figure 17 is an end view of such a motor with a diagram of connections. Figure 18 is a view of the generator with the field magnets in section. In Figure 17 the