Page:Catalog of Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.pdf/1670

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E665191 - 8665364
JAN. - JUN. 1977

E665191. Nest's Louisiana legislative service, 1950. No. 1, p. 1-37. O HtJunSO; iA15'i742. Uest Poblishinq Coupanr (PaU) 5JU177: R665191.

R665192. Best's Ohio digest. Vol. 27-28. 1950 cumulative aDoual pocket parts. 8 15Jun50: Best Publishing 4 41514 744. Coapany IBM) 5Jul77; E665192:

B665206. Mississippi digest. Vol. 1-15. cumulative annual pocket parts. 44156764. Best Publi e 13Jun50; 5Jul77; company (PHH); B665206. E66536lt.

The Heritage of the fieformation commemorating the centennial of £ Theological Seminary. By Elmer J 4rndt. Frede 7Feb50; 441 Ire 4rndt (B) 254pr77;

E665193. Louisiana digest. Vol. 1-2, 4-20. 1950 cumulative annual pocket parts, e 12Jun50: AA154745. Hest Publishing Company (PHH) 5Jul77: E665193.

E665194. Southern reporter, second series. 44. e 13Jun50; AA154945. West Publishing Company (PBH) ; 5Jul77; 8665194.


B665195. West's Ohio digest. June 1950 pamphlet. a 15JunS0; 44156748. Uest Publishing Company (PBH) : 5Jul77; E665195. H665196. Hissouri revised statutes annotated. June 1950 pamphlet. By West Publishing Company & Vernon La¥ Book Company, employers for hire. 6 29Jun50; AA156751. Hest Publishing Company (PSH) ; 5Jul77; B665196.

B665197. Pacific digest covering volumes 211-215 Pacific reporter, second series, June 1950. Best O 27Jun50; AA156753. Publishing Company JPHH) ; 5Jul77; B665197. 66 5 198. NeB York supplement, second series. Vol. 9b. 6 30Jun50; AA156754. Best Publishing Company (PBH); 5Jul77: R


E665199. Corpus iuris secundum: a complete restatement of the entire American lau as developed by all reported cases. Vol. 65. By American Law Book Company, employer for hire. O 27Jun50 AAT56755. Best Publishing Company (PUB): 5Jul77;


E665200. Federal digest. June 1950 pamphlet. 44156756. e 16Jun50: Best Publishing Company (PHH) 5Jul77; B665200.

E665201. Federal supplement. Vol. 88. 8 19Jun50; 44156758. Hest Publishing Company (PHH); 5Jul77; B665201. E665202. South western reporter, second series. vol. 227. e 19Jun50; AA156759. Best Publishing Company (PHH) 5Jul77; B66S202.


Califo^ia reporter covering cases reported in Pacific reporter, second series, 213 P. 2d-214 P. 2d. e 23Jun50; AAl 56760. Hest Publishing Company (PHH); 5JU177; B665203. E665204. North western reporter, second series, vol. 41. 9 22Jun50; AA156761. Hest Publishing Company (PBH) ; 5Jul77; E665204.

E665205. Federal rules decisions. Vol. 9. a 23Jun50; 44156763. Best Publishing Company (PBH) 5Jul77;



U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1978 O - 275-102 (Sect. 2

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