Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/126

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227 IR_\MA IXU MARA translated from Sanskrit sources by Ramakumâra Dása.] pp. ix. 15δ. zef z5, El - zo v ICalcutta, 1899.] 12°. 14123. е. 28. (1.) কলিকতা 14123. е. 29. [Second edition.] pp. 10, 183. - tow. [Calcutta, 1901.] 12°. RAMAKUMARA LASKAR. vif: 31 T: Ei sas i [Pathika. A novel.] Pt. i. pp. ii. 208. z fāzē, z > : c = [Calcutta, 1896.] 8°. 14127. ee. 2. RAMAMOHANA RAYA, Raja. See JAYANATHA SCCCCCCCLS S BSBB BBBSBB BBB BBBSSSSLLLLLL *āmamohana Rāyer dharma-mata.] . . . The religious views of Raja Ram Mohan Roy. [1892.] | 2". 14123. с. 27. [Life.] See RavīNDRANĀTHA THAKURA. Tizizz == g G [Rāmamohana Rāya.] [1885.] 12°. 14123. с. 8.(4.) The complete works of Raja Ram Mohun Roy. Vol. i. Sanskrit and Bengali. (sisi :মোহন রায়-প্রণীত গ্রন্থাবলি ) কলিকাতা ১৭৯৫ [Catcutta, 1873.] 8°. 14127. g. 7. রাজা রামমোহন রয়ের সংস্কৃত ও বঙ্গলা 43 Rás 1 [Sanskrit and Bengali works. A reLLS LLS LLS 000SS BBSBBB BBBSBSSS SSSJJJSS [Allahabad, Calcutta printed, 1905.] 12°. 14128. a. 2. রজ রামমোহন রায়ের সঙ্গীতাবলী । [Sangitivali. Brahmist hymns] pp. vii. 54. &f=<ssel ov->e [Calcutta, 1889.] 12°. 14123. с. 19. (2) RĀMAMOHANAVANDYOPĀDHYAYA, of Matiyari. Se NiI.ARATNA MU, Hoo ADH y AYA. A 3 Cosco 3 o 3 - * I [Ramamohaner Ramayana. An article on the Rāmāyana of Rùnainohana, with extracts from his work.] [1895.] 8°. 14133. f. 18. RAMANAKRISHNA CHATTOPADHYAYA. xit, fa& czofa szolg | [Samudrika rekhādi-viehära. A treatise on palmistry, in the form of question and answer between a Guru and his disciplo. With 48 dingruins.] pp. 20, 129, 14. L'alcutta, 1895.] 8°. 14125. dd. 18. - Sumudrika siksha: or Lessons on Palmistry. Illustrated with 15 diagramus. কলিকতা ১৩০২ | —INAMANA IRAYANA 228 English] by Roman Kristo Chatterjee, pp. 30, 106. Calcutta, 1896. 12°. 14125. bb, 23. Partly translated from the author's Bengali work bearing - the sanne title. vilisa. |Compiled in RAMANANDA CHATToPADHYAYA. See-Arabian Nigurs. *II<J|*taU;* etc. [Arabyopanyasa. An abridged and expurgated translation of the Arabian Nights by Rāmānanda Chattopādhyāya.] [1903.] 12°. 14127. cc. 40. নৈষধThe story of Nala and Edited, with an intro RĀMANĀRĀYANA GHOSHA, Kavivara. zējāJ | [Naishadha kāvya. Damayanti, in verse. duction, by Kaliprasanna Ghosha.] pp. xii. 133. [Dacca, 1896.] 12°. 14127, cc. 23.02.) The last page is wanting. RĀMANARAYANA VIDYĀRATNA. See Gašgānasa, Son of Gopāladisa. Ez-Fingst | [ChhandoWith a Bengali translation by Rama14055, b. 5. mañjarī. nārāyaņa Vidyāratna.] [1907.] 8°. See Jīva Gosvīnstī. CofiofēF"| 3 | [Gopāla champii. Edited, with a Bengali prose translation, by Rānanarāyana Vidyāratna.] [1890, etc.] 89. 14076, d. 45. See JīvA GosvĀMī. হরিনামামৃতম [HariEdited, with a Bengali translation, by Ramanäräyana Vidyäratna.] [1884, etc.] 8°. 14093. b. 12. nāmāmrita. See KavikARNATŪRA. অলঙ্কারকেীস্তুভঃ। [Alaňkārakaustubha. Edited, with a Bengali translation, by Ramanārāyana Vidyāratna.] [1899, etc.] 89. 14053. сcс. 25. Seе Кдупкавългбва. শ্রীচৈতন্যচরিতামৃত মহা**Is [Chaitanya-charitamrita. Edited, with a prose translation, by Ramamārāyana Vidyāratna.] 1885, etc. 8o. 14058. b. 28. See Krasњу АркvАгилкул. নৃসিংহপরিচর্যা [Nyisimha-pnricharyn. Edited, with a Bengali prose translation, by Ramanārāyana Vidyaratna.] [1890.] 8°. 14033, b. 56. See Nirvan. AN A Das A. carafranz i PremaElitel by Rāmanārāyaņa Vidyāratna.] [1892–93.] 8°. 14129. е. 17 (2)