Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/123

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Alfeld, Augustin von. See Au-

gU3tin von Alfeld

Alfere, E:irl of Mercia V-323C

Alferio Pappacarbona, Saint III- 467c

Alfgar, Biahop of Lichfield IX— 232d

Alfheim, in Scandinavian mythol- ogy I -775b

Alfield, Robert XIV-663b

— Thomas. .See Thomas Alfield, Venerable

Alfieri, Antonio I-30Sc

— Benedetto, count I-308c

— Enrico, Friar Minor VI-284c 284d

— PIETRO I-308d

— VITTORIO, count I-308b; VIII-252a; autobioKraphy I- 308d; portrait VIII-252

Alfius, forgery V-124b

Alfonsina, theological test at Al- cali 1-27 Id

Alfonsine Code, publication XII- 302c

Alfonso,sonof John^,andBa^rien- tosII-309a: and Giron III-lolc

— I, King of Aragon III-412c; and Bull of Gelasius II IV- 543b; castle of, at lachia (ill.) Vlll-facing 238; Granada VI- 723c; military orders estab- lished XlV-ls'la; 181b; Monti- Arajon, tomb of VII-513c; and Munio XIII-391c: and Na- varre X-721d; Saragossa XI- 438a; XIII-469b; Segovia XIII-68.5b; Tarazona XIV- 452c; Tudela taken XV-Soc; Zaraora captured XV-748a

—II, King of Aragon, Count of Barcelona III~412c; VII-477a: Tarragona XIV-460b; and Waldenses XV-529b

—in. King of Aragon II-663a; 1 1 1-41 2c; VII-460a; Catalonia XIV-182a; at Minorca X- 332c; Sardinia, investiture of Xni-475c

— rV, King of Aragon III-412C

—V, King of Aragon III-412d; XIII-776b; XIV-lS2a: Al- berti, mediation of III-216d: Barcelona University, founded bv I I-290d; Catania University founded bv III-430b; and Doria V-134b; and Eugene IV V-602a; Gaeta besieged VI- 333c: and Joanna II of Naples X-686a; and John of Segovia XtII-354b; and Orihuela XI- 315c; Sicily X-685d; Sulmona, battle of (1451) XV-264d; and Valla XV-257b; Van Eyck, painting of X-21od

—I, King of .\3turias XIV-179d; 180b; Gothic Fields XI-418a: Le6n recaptured IX-175b; Moorish conquest XIII-391C; Santander XIII-45SC

— II, Iving of Asturias XI-363c; XIV- 180a; 180b; founds abbey XIII-458C; Orense and Lugo, Dioceses of XI-295c; Servua servorum Dei XIII-737d

— in. King of Asturias and Le6n XIV-180a; Burgos in-411a; Castile retaken III-67b; Orenao retaken XI-29.5c; Zamora con- quered XV-748a

— V, King of Asturias and Le6n VI-558C; Hemeterius and Cele- donius, Abbey of Sts. XIII- 458c; Le6n rebuilt IX-175C

— Vra, King of Castile Ill-illd; XI\'-lS0c; Aragon, allied with III-412d: daughter XIII-392a; Hemeterius and Celedonius, Abbey of Sts. XIIH.58C; legis- lation XIV-18fpb; Moorish struggle XIV-179b; Osma. See of XI-339d; Palencia Univer- sity founded XHlSb; Pla- sehcia city founded XII-1.57d; St. James of Compostela, Order of XIII-353b; Santiago, Knights of XIII-3.i3b; Vitoria, conquest of XV-J89C

—VI, King of Castile and Le«n III-411c; 769b; VII-.52.5b: XIV-lSOc; 181c; and Burgos, Council of III-67b; and the Cid III-67a; and Ferdinand the Great VII-526a; Jews, treatment of Vni-392d; and Navarre X-721d; Roman Rite

X-612b; Segovia Castle XIII- 686b; Spanish conquests XIII- 7S8a; and Toledo XIV-179b; 756a; 758a; Valladolid ceded XV-258b

— Vn, King of Castile and Leon III-411C; 412d; X-722a; XIV- ISOc; 181c; and Alfonso I of Portugal Xn-298c: Calatrava III-150a; Coimbra monastery IV-95c: Coria cathedral IV- 363c; Golden Rose VI-630c; Hemeterius and Celedonius, Abbey of Sts. XIII-458C; Segovia XIII-685b; Sigiienza XIII-78Sa; Tarazona XIV- 452c;

-X, Iving of Castile and Ledn IX-248b;XIV-181d; 182a; and Alexander IV I-2S8a; chron- icle XIV-196b; college, Val- ladolid I-309b; confessor III- 3S4d; and crusade IH-150d; VIII-i30b; German crown claimed VI-798d; and Jaime I III— 412c; Jews, treatment of VIII-394a; XIV-182d;andLa- tini IX-34d; legislation XIV- 186c; 197b; literature XIV- 196d; marriage XV-258d; Ori- huela taken XI-315c; Portu- gal XII-300b; Salamanca uni- versitv XIII-392c; 393a; Se- ville schools XIII-746b; tomb XIII-745C

-XI, King of Castile and Le6n III-411d; XIV-182a; and Al- fonso IV of Portugal XII-301b: coronation VII-512d; and Gil de Albornoz VI-55Sc; Jews, treatment VIII-394b; and Lu- cero XIII-391d; minority XV- 258d; marriage XV-258d; Moors X-722b; XIV-179c: Portuguese war V-391c; tomb XIII-745c; Valladolid univer- sity XV-2.';9c

-IX, King of Le6n XIV-lSlc; Alcantara I-271d; Aldonza de Le6n XII-228b;andd'Azevedo V-106c; Celestine III III- 479a; Cuenca IV-562c; ex- communicated VIII-15d; and Ferdinand III of Spain VII- 458c; and Gir.iud de Borneil VI-570b; Isidore the Labourer, St., legend VIII-189c; legisla- tion XIV- ISfib: marriage XIII- 391c; policv IX-17.5d; Sala- manca university XIII-392b; son XIII-392a

-I, King of Naples. See Alfonso V, King of Aragon

-II, King of Naples X-686a; abdicates I-291b; and Alex- ander VI I-2Gla; and George of Trehizond VI-4.56C; and John II of Navarre X-722c; and Malatesta, Roberto IX- 566d; marriage IX-IOc; and Patrizio VI-334a; and Robert of Rimini XIII-S8b; and Tos- canelli XIV-787a;

-I, King of Portugal XII-298c; XIII-353C; Beia II-393d; and Crusades II-162b; IV-5.5.5b; Knights, grant of II-162a: Lis- bon IX-28Ic; St. Michael's Wing. Knights of. X-273a; Moors defeated II-464b; Por- tuguese kingdom Vni-761d: XII-298C

-IT, King of Portugal VII-4.')8c; Church, attitude of Xn-299b; marriage annulled Vin-1.5d:

-HI, King of Portugal XII- .300b; and the Church XI- 260d; XII-.300C; and Innocent

IV Vlll-lSa

-IV, King of Portugal V-391b; Xn-3nib; Coimbra univer- sity IV-95d

-V, King of Portugal XII-302b; and .\brabanel I-50c; and Al- buquerque I-270c: and Cala- trava Knights III-151d; and Isabel of Burgundy II-16Sc; and Isabella of Castile VIII- 177c; and .loan of Castile VIII-177d; and .Joanna of Por- tugal. Blessed Vlll-inOa

-VI, King of Portugal XII-304a; in Angra II-16Sd; and Vieira XV-4l6b

-I, King of Sicily. See Alfonso

V of Aragon

— Xn, King of Spain XIV-186a; and Cardinal Gonziilez XVI- 41d; Order of XIV-188a

— XIII, King of Spain XIV-186b: marriage IX-706d

— Duke of Calabria. See Alfonso II. King of Naples

—Duke of Gandia VIII-474d

—I, Bijhop of Tuv XV-105C

—II, Bishop of Tuv XV-105C

—Bishop of Vizeu XV-497a

— de Aragon. See Alfonso of Aragon

— de las Navas. See Alfonso VIII, King of Castile

— de Portugal, Bishop of Evora V-671a

— de Vaena, Blessed, Jesuit mar- tyr XIV-ll()a

— DE ZAMORA I-309a

— el Batallador. See Alfonso I, King of Aragon

— el Bravo. See Alfonso VI, King of Castile and Le6n

— el Casto. .See Alfonso II. King of the Asturias and Le6n

— el Catolico. See Alfonso I, Iving of the Asturias

— el Conquistador. .See Alfonso I, King of Portugal

— el Emperador. .See Alfonso VII. King of Castile and Ledn

— el Gordo. .See Alfonso II, King of Portugal

— el Magnfinimo 5ee .\lfonso V, King of Aragon

— el Magno. See Alfonso III, King of Le6n

—el Noble. .See Alfonso V. King of the Asturias and Le6n

— el Sabio. .See .Alfonso X, King of Castile and Leon

— Henriquez el Conquistador. .See Alfonso I. King of Portugal

. — of Aragon, Archbishop of Sara- gossa VI-213d; XIII-469b; 469c

— of Aragon, .\rchbishop of Va- lencia XV-252b

— of Aragon, Grand Master of Calatrava III-151C

— of Bourbon, and duelling V- 185c

—OF BURGOS I-309a; XI- 41,8b: and College of .St. Gre- gory XII-36SFc: XV-259b

— the Brave. .See Alfonso VI, King of Castile and Le6n

— the Catholic. .See Alfonso I, King of the Asturias

— the Chaste. See .Alfonso II, King of the Asturias and Le6n

— the Conqueror. See Alfonso I, King of Portugal

— the Emperor. See Alfonso VII, King of Castile and Leon

— the Fat. See Alfonso II, King of Portugal

— the Fighter. .See Alfonso I, King of Aragon

— the Great. See Alfonso III, Iving of Le6n

— the Magnanimous. .See Al- fonso V, King of Aragon

— the Noble. .See Alfonso V, King of Asturiaa and Le6n

— the Wise. .See .\Ifonso X, King of Castile and Le6n

—.See Alphonsus

Alford, Henry, Biblical scholar IV-161b; on Angels of the Churches I— 486a; on Gospels IX-680C; and Incarnation Vll- TlOd: and Morris, John X- 577a: Testament. New V-292b

—MICHAEL, annalist I-309b

Alfred, son of Ethelred II V-323a

- — sacrist of Durham. .See Alured

—jewel 1-51 ic; V-251c; (iU.) I- 309d

— of Beverley, chronicler IX- 573a

—of Liechtenstein, prince, school bill II-133d:

—THE GREAT I-309c; IX- 342a; Abingdon Abbey I-43d; and Asser I-79Sc: Athelney Abbe.y founded II— 42b; on beards II-363b; Benedict III visited II-428a: Bilfrid. relics of St. II-22flb; Boethius trans- lated II-611d: as copyist IX- 61Sc: culture under I-511c; and Edward the Elder XIII- 649d; homilies transkated VII- 488a; and India XIII-383b;


Jewel 1-51 Ic; V-251c; (ill.) I- 309d; and John VIII VIII- 425a; as lawgiver IX-69a; leg- islation, ecclesiastical I-507a; Leo IV anoints IX-159b; and Malabar Christians XIV-659a; Oxford, foundation of XI- 205d; and Plegmund XII- 164a; psalter XII-350d: XV- 375a; step-mother XIII-60d; University College, tradition XI-369b; Wilton Convent XV-647d; writings V-459c

Alfric, Abbot of Eynsham. See JEliric

—Biahop of Hereford VII-255d

ALFRIDA, SAINT I-310b; and St. Ethelbert V-553b; and Ofta I-310C

Alfritha, Saint. See Alfrida. Saint

Alfsin, .Archbishop of Canterbury III-299d

Alfuros XII-626d


—son of Hercswiiha VII-256a

Algar, king, and Frideswide VI- 303c

Aigardi, Alessandro, sculptor XIII-646a; Retreat of Attila XIII-372C

Algarroba, use by Mataco In- dians X-llb

Algau, revolt XI-598b

AI-Gazgli, Abu Hamid Moham- med, philo.sopher I-675c; XII- 49a: and Aibertus Magnus I- 265d: and Averroes II-150d

Algazel. See Al-Gaz&li

Algebra, Cardan's work III-332c; Gcver discovers XIII-745b; Ruffini and XIII-220C

Algeciras, conference at (1906) VI-515b; X-574d: siege of (1344) VI-5.58C; ancient epis- copal title III-13IC

Algeria, art. influence on VI— 309c: Catholic statistics VI- 176d; Constanrine IV-295a; ecclesiastical organization I- 311a

— Geography: Algiers I-311a; Cajsarea Mauretania" III-134a; Constantinc IV-295a: Fussola VI-326d; Ghardaia VI-542c; Gratianopolis VI-730d: Hippo Regius VII-360b; Lesbi IX- 190b: Macri IX-508b: Madau- rus IX-512c;Milevum X-304b; Oran XI-266C; Tubuna XV- 84b; Rusicade XIII-230a; Sit- ifis XIV-30C; Tadama XIV- 429a; Thagaste XIV-553b; Thagora XIV-653c; Theveste XIV-634c; Tipasa XIV-738b; Zarai XV-752b

— Holy Cross Congregation VII- 404a: Jews I-185d: VIII-399c; missions, Protestant I-188a: Mohn">medans I-186b; X- 425d; funis XV-S9a

Algerine Act XIII-130a

—War, Acton in I-114d

ALGER OF LIEGE 1-3 lOd; IX- 1,2c: on canon law IV-392b; on impanati.iM V1I-694C

Algerus of Liege. See Alger of


31(ld; and BiBarehio II-.'i81a ALGIERS, ARCHDIOCESE OF I-311a; and Constantine IV- 29.5a; council of (1873) III- 387d; Franciscans VI-293b. hospital I-233d; Italo-Greeks VI-755C; Lazarists X-359a 364d; map I-facing ISO; Sa- cred Heart Society II-283d: IX-.505a — Missionaries of. See White

Fathers — Programme, and French bishops

VI-17Sb Algonquian period XV-705b ALGONptriNS (Algonkins; AI- gonquians), Indians I-;mc: V1I-748C: Canada I1I-229C; 241c: and Chaniplain I-311d; dictionary, page from I-311b; ethnological classification XII- 626d; and Iroquois VIII-170a; language I-312a; 411b: Marie de I'lncarnation XV-229d; mis- sions I-312a; VI-3md: VII- 680a; X-37Sb: XIII-563a: Picquet, Francois XII-75d; religion I-312b; statistics I-

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.