Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/128

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Amartolos. See George Hamar-

Amaru, Tupac, Inca king XII- 605c; La Paz, siege of \m- 795c , ,

Amarudu. See Marduh

Amarus Vaz, Blessed, martyr XlV-UOa

Amasa, nephew of David \111- 40(ja; e4S

Amasacus, Romolo \L-if:ta

Amasea. See Amasia _

Amasia, Galatia. school I-/90b

AMASIA I-38pd; Saint Theo- dore martyrdom of XIV-6i3b,

Amasiah. See Amasia

Amasianus, Saint, Bishop ot Tiranto XIV-451a

Amasias, priest, and Amos l-

-I^ng of Juda VIII-lOTa; 347b; 654b; 656c; 657c; birth VIII-65Sb; and Isaias VUl- ISOa- and Ozias XI-379C; hela XI-777C; Petra VM41b

Amasio, Romulo, humamst Vll-

Amasis, King of Eg>-pt V-342d Amasius, Saint, Bishop of hpoleto

XIV-234a „ ,,.

—Saint, Bishop ot Teano lU-

195b Amasserah. See Amastns AMASTRIS I-3S0d Amat, Felix, church l"8to"an

VII-37Sd; version oi tne

—Manuel de,' Viceroy of Peru XI-7;i4a

-THADDEUS I-3S0d; X-367b;

532d „ .

Amatha. See Haniatha Amathi, father of Jonas \ Ul

AMATHUS, titular see (Cyprus)

—titular see (S>Tia} I-3Sla

Amati, Girolamo, Tusculum, ex- cavations at VI-243C

—Nicholas, violin maker Xi\ 311b; birthplace Iv-*tf , ,„„

Amato, Archbishop of fealerno

a4"^^^^^'-" 1^-=*^^'= ^'^"

—Saint, Bishop of Autun II-144a

—Saint, Bishop of Auxerre Alll-

lOOb- 718a; and St. Germain

of Auxerre VI-473a; relics

IIH41b ^ „ YV

—Saint, Bishop of Troyes XV-

Amatus, Saint, a^*orite VII-

26d; IX-363a; XII-764b —Saint, Bishop of Nusco XI-

— of Bordeaux, apostolic legate

Al^auricus. See Amalric of Bena Amaury de Bene (de Chartres). See Amalric of Bena

Ambiorix, leader of the Eburones IX— 166c

Amberes. See Antwerp

Amberg, Germany, Jesmt Col- lege X-76d; pilgrimage Xll- 657c . .,

AMBITION I-3Slc; and pride

Ambitiosae, Constitution of Paul II V-690d; 715d; XlI-4/lb; 755b Ambivius, Marcus, Procurator

of Judea VIII-350a AMBO I-381d; Epistle IX-194c; Gospel VI-661a; Gradual VI- 715c; (ill.) I-3S2; at Milan I-400b; VI-662b; as pulpit III^37d; XII-563d; response chanted I-579b; in San Cle- mente, Rome XlU-lila; in Santi Nereo e Achil eo. Rome X-175a; two-storied l-3i.iD; tract VI-717a AMBO (in Russian and OreeK churches) I-3S2c; in Sancta Sophia's, Constantinople 1- 382b; III-96b Ambohidempona, Madagascar,

Jesuit observatory V I-453C Amboise, Concordat of U4/^) IX-371b; conspiracy of (lobU) III-197d; 443b; VII-75a; X\- 4b; Edici of (1563) IH-l^d; Vli-531d; IX-210a; XII-707C

Charles d', cardinal, and bolari

XIV-133a — GEORGE D', cardinal I-£«^5' 382d; and d'Armagnac l-iiaa; manuscripts IX-BWavVA.' 211a; at Montauban X-5^4C, at Narbonne III-332a; at Rouen XIII-210a —Louis d', bishop III-360d —Louis d'. Viscount de Thouars, and Blessed Frances d' Amboise VI-205C . .1- •

Amboyna, St. Francis Xavier at

VI-233d Ambracia. See Larta Ambras, castle II-126b Ambresbury, England, monas- tery V-323C . , Ambricho, Bishop of Ratisbon XII-657d . , , „ , Ambrogini, Cervini Angelo. See Politian, Angiolo o •_. Ambrogio Sansedoni, Saint

XIII-781a Ambroise, Franciscan at Ville-

franche Xlll-lOSb — poet XI-106a TT_ii=;^-

Ambronay, monastery 11-413C,

496a; X-71C „,,


on Cross, adoration of IV- 524c; in Confiteor I^OOd; conscience, doctrine of Iv- 270a; defects Vl-Sb; De Fide ad Gratianum Augustum 1- 385c; education I-384a; elec- tion I-3S4b; exegetical works I-387a- on extreme unction V-720d; on fear II-65c; feast III-163c; V-75c; and Fritigil II-613c; funeral oration 1- 3S6a; and St. Gaudentius \ 1- 393c; St. Gervasius and Pro- tasius VI-537b; and Gratian VI-729d; VII-168d; heretics^ condemns execution of XI V 768c; Holy Ghost, doctrine of the Vll^lla; as hymnodist I-199a; 389d; 390a; 392c; VII-597C; 59Sa: 600b; XII- 144b; 676d; 782c; 783a; XI\- 479a; XV-341c; 348a; on images VII-666b; in India XIV-683d; influence XIV- 5S9b; and Justina Xy-2ooc; on power of the Xi-


I-3S3a; X-649b Ambrose, centurion, martyrdom

VI-42d . „ , , Y

— Franciscan, in NebrasKa -v-

fUliauij «" ; ■- 732c

^^^pn^jL^fe^ent and ^l^^^^l^^^r^^oe. Schall von Bell Xlll-o-lb _ -Bishop of Cahors IH-Hlb

—SAINT, Bishop of Milan 1- 383c; X-300c; and St. Ador- ator IX-264C; on St. Agnes I-214b; Alexandrian bchool

Amaya, town, "Pai? Jll-f}]^ Amayden, Theodorich I-ol4d. Amaziah, Amazias. See Amasias

Amazon, river, B^f vv'slsb-' 746a; discovered Xy-3»00, explorations XIII-109b; Fritz IV-758b; VI-308b

-river, Peru XIII-lTOc; P.zarro, exploration of XII-141d

— river, Venezuela AV-.i-'o

Amazonas, Prefecture Apostolic of. See San Le6n del Ama- zona.-) .

Amazones, "ty I-3,81b

-DIOCESE 6F I-381b

Amazons, at Amisus I-4-«'0; Areopagus, legend of l-'"'a, fable I-7Slb; George Hamar- tohis. ilir.ini.lf of VI-456a


Ambarualia, pag;m festival XI- ■390d . ,,\-i

Amba Shnudah, monastery X\ 1-

Aoibassadors, chapels l""'";": napal, precedence of XI W'oc, ffthe Pope II-69b;m United States, appo.nU,ient^XV-164d

Amberger of Ratisbon, ana Hirscher VII-364d

Ambianum. See Amiens

Arobigua, definition IIl-.i-i2a

Kev. 62dd Latii 32d: 71d

XII-31d; on alnw8i\'°8 A: 329a; and St. Alj-pms I-374d, Ambrosian Liturgy l-394a, 402a; and Ambrosiast_er I^06b; on angels I-477d, 486a; antiphonal method -;vll- 144b; at Aquileia, Council of (3S1) I-385c; Arians I-3sob; in art I-365d; IX-643C; 770b; XV-49a- as ascetical theolo- gian XIV-61Sa; St. Augustine I-142a; 384d; II-S5c; 86c; 95a- and Auxentius Junior II-144d; on baptism, quoted II-263C; 265a; 26bb; 268b, besieged "»„ bas!™ „l7?>*-'f' on Black Fast n-590c; in Bobbio Canon II I-500c; Can- ticle of Canticles, "se of IIl- 304a; and Celcstine I III-4"c. censorship of books III-520d, chant I-389c; chrism, reference to III-696d; and St. Chro- matins III-730b; on Church and State XI-452d; on com- munion of saints I\-17-c; on confession XI-627b; on con- fir,>,.,.ion IV~218c; IV-218d;

^., i^V tV-

,Li St. Lawrence IX literature IX-25b; 26a; as liturgiologist XIIl- n love XIV-614C; and St. Marc"ellina IX-637c; on mar- riage V-39c; IV-lb; IX-709b: on the Mass IX-791b; XII- 777a- 780b; and Maximus I-385d; at Milan XIII-16-d; monasticism I-403d; and St. Monica X^82d; on music, ecclesiastical X-648d; as ora- tor VII-443d; panegjTics I- 3S7d; on papal authority XIII-531C; as pastoral theo- logian XIV-612a; on St Pelagia of Antioch Xl-bOlo, on penance XI-631d; Peretti, edits works of XIV-33d; on ■ St. Peter XIII-531c; portrait (ill.) I-383d; Prfficonium pas- chale XI-515d; on prayer XII- 348b; XIII-747C; Prayer of, in Stowe Missal IIM99a; on predestination X11-3S4D, and Priscillian VIII-27C; Pris- cillianists XII-429d; on prop- erty XII-214d; on psalms XII-537a; 537b; 543b; on purgatory XII-577d; on relics XII-734d; rings XIII-60c; on sacred vessels IV-283a; on saints, invocation of V lU- 72b; on satisfaction XI-629a; and Savinus XII-70c; onSt. Thomas Apostle XI\^o8d on science and the tiiurch XIII-603d; at Sens XIII- 716d; on sin IX-256d; XI- 314d- XIV-6a; on singing I-390a; X-653c; and Pope Siricius XIV-26C; on Spirits XIV-221a; on Station fasts XIV-268b; statue by Mar- chesi IX-643c; and Theodosms I-384d; 385d; XIV-578c; the- ology of XIV-605b: Tobias. Book of XIV-751C; tomb I-386c; III-506b; translation, feast of I-39SC; on . Tnmty II-263d; and Valentinian II I-386b; II-265d; 266b; X\ - 255b; and VigUiua XV-f26c; on Virgin Marj' Ml-biod; XV-448c; 460d; 464Ga; 464Hd; St. Vitalis and Agri- cola, relics of XV^S6b;^ on wealth III-762d; XV-oi2b; writings I-386d; 387b —Saint, Oblates of. See Oblates

of St. Ambrose —Saint, Order of. See Ambro-

— Saint, Sisters ot. See .Annun- ciates of Lombardy . —Bishop of Sariijevo Xn-(>49b -Bishop of Sasima -Xn.H^;* —Bishop of Terracina XlV-olsc —Alice X-7S7C

— Corianus. See Ambrose of Cora — of Alexandria, deacon^ and

Oricon nl-l9nc; \I-30,d — OF CAMALDOLI, SAINT - 3SSb; Il-J2d; 111 ^l.-.b; \II- 539b; a. Bm.^Io Il-:S37a; am Greeks Vl-17b; n.- humamst Vll-lla; VIII-249a; and Man- uel Chysolara.'..IX-lil4b of Cora (Coriolanus), theo- logian VI I-'2S5a

—of Racconigi, artist Xin-(3-c AMBROSE OF SIENNA, BLESSED I-388c; Holy Name, devotion to VII-420b Ambrosia, and Eucharist y-5/3D Ambrosiana. See Ambrosian

Library Ambrosian Antiphonary I-579c — Antiphones I-397a —BASILICA I-3S8d; altar I- 365d; Ambrose. St., tomb 111- 506b; ambulatory I-406d; bra- zen serpent I-389c; dedicated I-364d; relics I-364d; siege I-389a; 394d; Pala d oro (ill.) I-facing 388 —Breviary I-397c; hymns I-

393c —Brothers I-i04b_ — ceremonial I-397c —CHANT I-385d; 3S9c; antiph- onal singing I-390a- classifi- cation IX-305d; and &re«onan VI-779d; illustrations I-390D —hymn. See Te Deum — hymnary I-390a — HYMNOGRAPHY „^I-392c; 3S6d; 393a; VII-59Sb; 600b; authorship I-399d; St. Hilary of Poitiers I-390c; metre I-393C; origin I-3?4d Ambrosiani, hymns I-392d Ambrosian lectionary 1-3970

Library i-393d; x-302a

abusing, penalties for I-394a, Assumption of Moses, Mb. 1 603b; Bangor Antiphonary 11- 249b; Bobbio volumes II-«Obb. Bonvicino, work of Il-o7Sa, description I-394a: Dungals books V-192C;. MSS. in IX- 619d; Muratorian Canon A-

llTURGY AND RITE I-394d; ^07aIII^96a;VI-"ob; Vlll- isd; IX-311b; 312a; 313b; abolition, attempts at 1- iq5c- X-612a; Advent 1- ifd'; Agnus Dei I-222b; 4020; aliturgical days I-314a; Alle- luia I-401a; altar III-o,6b, altar-bell I^OOb; ambo I- 3S2b; Ambrosians 1-4U4D, amice I^28d; Ambrose, St. I-394d; Annunciation, feast ot I-398a; 542d; Antiphonse 1- 399c; Antiphoner I-397b; area I-395d; Armio Sacramentary I-397a- Assumption, feast ot II-6d; baptism I-403a; Bedero Missal I-397b; Ber- gamo Sacramentary 1-39 i_D, Biasca Sacramentary l-3.i/a. calendar I-397d; Canon of Mass I-401d; cathedrals I- 400c; and Celtic Rite III-^ 498d ; ceremonial i-39/c , chants I-389C; character IX- 312a; Charlemagne l-jasp, Christmas I-398a; colours 1- 398d; IV-135C; Communion I^02c; Complenda I-39aa, Completoria I-399d; Com- pline I-400b; Confiteor I-- 400d; Consecration I-40ja, Creed "Olc: IV-l'9b; 4,9d deacon, use of stole n-boOb, Easter I-398b; embo.ism of the Lords Prayer I-^-21oa and Ephesine Rite ,I-396b, Epiphany I-39Sa; Epistle I- 401a; Extreme l nction 1- 403b; feasts, classification 1- 3q8b- feasts, occurrences 1- 39Sc: funeral III-77c; and Gallican Rite I-39ba; \.]- 3S7c; Gloria I-iOOd; M"; -,S4b- Cuspel I^flla; Gradual


, I-394d; Holy Hours, Canon- Ninns I-399d; nd; Introit i-4(iiid \ lllMc; 81d; Kyrie

rleison l-tOOd; VlII-716c; i..,,;,,aEi- Xlll-70d; laity, obla- t ,n"?.v 1 li'lc; Lauds I-tOOa; i\' ^s," 1 l^ tli' I-102a; Lent isi I, ..n. in IX-194C: , '. ■ I \ vi.d: liturgical

U 1\ -^';a; Lodrino Sac-

,iit.ntir\- I-:-i9~a; I.ucernaria l'-399d; Lugano ll-341b; man- iril I-397a; manuscripts 1-

W6d; Mass I-lOOb; ^latins

I-399d; Monia Sacramentarj

'Larg^eTudi^atestrtleTof'ti^ticles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = iUustrations.