Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/134

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Aneeriacum, monastery IX-Gd

ANGERS, DIOCESE OF I-4S9b: abbev I-7-iod; Il-lo-ib; cathe- dral I-489c; IV-541b

—Congresn: Catholic (1S87) IV- 246a; (1908) IV-246b; Euchar- iatic(1901) V-593b

—Councils of (453) X\-2'lb: (455) XII-751b; (1062) V-61/a

—Easter custom V-227d; formu- laries VI-142b; House of Good Shepherd VI-648a; Our Lady of Calvary Convent m- 191a; Plantagenets, tombs of I^89c; St. Laud's church II- 509c; Sts. Sergius and Bacchus, church II-7S4b; Society of the Blessed Sacrament XIV-


198a .

Anges, France, pilgrimage Xll-

SSc —NOTRE DAME DES I^90a Anghiera, Peter Martyr d'. bee

Martyr d'Anghiera, Peter Angilbe'rga, queen, foundation


— n. Bishop of Milan I-386c

AngUram, Bishop of Metz X- 24Sb; Capitula II-106C; III- 310b ,,^,^

Angiolieri, Cecco, poet Vlll-


490d Angiolo da Orvieto \ II-o5d Angiosperms XI^12a; in Cre- taceous era V-064b Angitia, deity IX-718d Angkor Wat, temple of VII-773a Anglade, Francis, at Maynooth

X-89a , ^.,„

Angles, in Britain I-50od; XIII- 497d; conversion of XV-584a; early I-S05b; evangelization of III-175a; VI-781d; in Scotland XIII-614b; in Wales XV~532d — Joseph, Scotist XIII-612C ANGLESEA (ANGLESEY), PRI- ORY OF I-4',i(ld Anglesola, Raimundo de. Bishop

of Vich XV-4or>b Anglet, religious congregations

II-361a ANGLICANISM I-498d: V- 445b; absolution I-66c; ad- vertisements. Book of I-167b; Allies' works on I-324b; V- 445b; AngUcan revival I-504a; archbishops I-692a; archdea- cons I-694b; Arches, Court of I-695a; and Athanasian Creed II-35a; Athens VI-743C; Aus- tralia II-116b; 118a; baptism IV-479b; beliefs I^99c; bene- fices I-170a; Biblical inspira- tion VIII-49C; St. Birinus II-57Sb; and Bohemian Breth- ren II-617d; 619c; Book of Common Prayer II-678d; Branch Theory III-7o8a; XI- 403c; and Bucer III-26b; and Calvin III-197d; at Cambridge III-215c; in Canada III-241b; XII-595a; canon law XIII- 652a; canons III-253b; cate- chism V-79b; and Catholicity III-151b; and Catholic Truth Society XV-78a: in Ceylon III- 550b; chancel III-572c; Chris- tian Knowledge, Society for Promoting III-720C; Church, definition III-759a; clergj', con- vocation of IV-348b; clerical disability V— 457a; Communion service X-353b: Xin-68b; comprehensiveness V-143a; on concupiscence IV-20SC; con- fession XI-633d: XIII-G54a; confirmation IV-222b; con- gresses XV-149d; continuity claim I-504b; e42b; III- 757a; V-439b; Creed IV-479b; crosier, armorial use VII-246d; crosses IV-537d; deacons IV- 651b; deaconesses IV-6.52d; deans IV-660b; deutero-canon- ical books nl-273d; develop- ment and parties I-503b; divi- sions XV-144a; in Dublin V-174d; education xni-572a: encyclicals V-414b; Establish- Large


ment V-548c; Eucharist V- 574b; X-6d; extreme unction V-717a; faith, rule of V-768a; formularies I-501b; 501c; 501d; S03a; foundation I-oOOc; VII-224b; XII-708d; govern- ment I-499d; XII-.392d; and Greek Church VI-770d; 771a; heraldry VII-244a; hierarchy VII-325c; history, early I- 501b; in Honduras Vll^SOd; host, Eucharistic VII-490b; images VII-670b; in India VII-728C; 733a; infalUbility, conciliar VII-796a; infalUbi- lity, oecumenical VII-791b; intercession of saints VIII- 71c; in Ireland I-113b; 322a: V-174d; in Jamaica MII- 273d; in Japan VIII-309b; at Jerusalem VIII-371b; judicial committee I-SOOd; in Liberia XIII-783a; liturgical changes XIII-6Sa; Low Church I- 499b; IX-399b; Magmficat IX-536a — Marriage II-257C; banns of II-257C; ritual IX-704b; ser- vice V-146a —in Marviand II-22Sb; minister X-326b; mitre, in heraldry (ill.) VII-246a; in Newfound- land X-782C; non-jurors XI- 99b; Office, Divine, Creed IV- 479c; Orders I-491a; XII- 775b; Oxford Movement I- 503d; V-454c; XI-370a; papal supremacy controversy XII- 261d; in Paris XI-491a; pass- ing bell II-i21d; precentor XII-372b; present position I-504c; Pusey and Puseyiem XII-582b; and pre-Reforma- tion period I-499d; and re- union IV-699c; XV-147c; 149a; 149b; 314c; reWval I- 504b; Ritualists XIII-90b; Roval supremacy I-499c; .500a- 500d; XI 1-7 13d; sacra- ments II-680c; XIII-297b; 301c; in Scotland I-692d; XIII-68b; seal of confession XIII-651d; statistics I^99a; 499b: temperance work XIV- 483d; tithe XIV-742a; United States XII^93d: unity, no- tion of XV-149b; 180a; and Utraquism XV-244d; vest- ments XV-390d: via media XIII-532c; Virgin Mary, de- votion to XV-462d; visibility III-754b; Wales XV-537a ANGLICAN ORDERS I-491a; Barlow I-494d; Bonner II- 676b; controversy, history of I^93a; Courayer I^94b; de- fects I-497c; under Edward VI I^92b; Edwardine Ordinal I_494c; under Elizabeth I- 492b; form I-495b; intention I-495d; Leo XIII I-496b; 497d- 498b; 49Sc; 644c; IX- 171b; Nag's Head story I- 493b; non-jurors XI-99b; or- dinals. Catholic I-491b; ordi- nation, form I^92a; ongin I-491d; Parker I-492c; refor- mation 1-49 lb; reordination I-492d; XII-755b; validity I^92d: Cardinal Vaughan XV-590a; works, modern I- 404c ^,

Anglicus, Thomas. Sfe Thomas

ANGLIN, TIMOTHY WARREN l-,504d; XI-673a; 673b

Angloardus, Abbot of Priim XII- 519a

Anglo-Chinese Convention (of 1S90). Tibet XIV-720a

Anglo-Continental Society VI-

Anglo-Lusitano, periodical VII-


OF I -Slid Anglo-Saxon, script XI-407b Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, facsimile

-■• ■7d; l.urius. letter of I-




.505b; abbesses I-Sd; abbots I-19d; administration IV- fi62d; St. Ailrian of Canterbury I-160C; under Alfred the Great I-607a; Apostolico; Sedis. Bull

XV-314d; and authority, secu- lar I-o07a; autocephali I-142d; Baccanceld. Synod of II-189c; Bewcastle Cross (ills.) I-facing 508; 510a; bishoprics I-505c; 508b; bishops' oath V-555c; Bradford church (ill.) 1-507; calendars in-163b; 164d; canons III-284c; canonical in- stitute III-292a; catechetical instruction V-78b; celibacy, clerical III-486c; and Celtic Church I-493b; 506c; ceme- teries III-507a; 508a; chal- ices III-562d; clergy I-508d; communion of saints IV-173a; conversion I-505d; courts I- S02c; crosses (ill.) I-facing SIO; 510a; crosses, consecra- tion IV-535d; St. Cuthbert's Gospel (ill.) I-510d; 511; under Danish dynasty I-507c; dean IV-659C; diocese I-169a; Eas- ter V-229b; St. Dunstan, rule of V-199a; ecclesiastical ob- servances I-509b; embroidery V-252a; funeral dues VI-321a; last rites IV-662d; Lent I- 314c; XII-5S9a; literature and art I-511d; liturgy I-olOb; IX-311b; 312a; marriage IX- 706b; menologium IIl-164a; X-192c; missions I-510c; mo- nastic reform I-507b; monas- teries I-508C; organization I-- 507c; parishes I-507d; paschal tables l-532a; penance I-5()?b; penitential system I-62d; XI- 632d; Peterspence I-509d; XI- 774a; prayer for the dead I- 509c; ritual I-510b; Roman authority I-506b; sacramental system I-510a; saints, venera- tion of I-510b; and Scandinavia I-126d; stone church II^41d; Sunday XIV-336b; tithes I- 509c; and Welsh Church X\-

Anglo-Saxons, in Britain I-505b; and Rome I-642d; saints, royal I-642d; in Scotland XIII-613C

Anglus, Thomas. See Thomas of Jorz; White, Thomas

Angnolo, Donato d". See Bra- manti*. Donato

ANGOLA AND CONGO, DIO- CESE OF I-512d; X1I-305C; Barreira II-308d; map I-facmg ISO; missions I-lS9b; Prot- estant missions I-lS8a

Angoni, tribe Xin-25d

Angontenc, Huron town VII-

Angora (Ancyra), town I-464d; battle (1402) I-513a; 785c; III-113a; IV-305a — DIOCESE OF I-513a: Ar- menian school I-739d; statis- tics I-791C ANGOULEME, DIOCESE OF I-

513b; IX-263C —Cathedral (ill.) 1-512; domes

V-lOlb; vaulting V-262C — Eucharistic congress y-593c; Lazarist seminarj' X-361C; map VI-188 • — Margaret d', Duchess of Berry

lll-196a ^

— Marie-ThSrese-Charlotte, Du-

chesse d' IX-6G6b Angoumois, province XII— 4c;

churches I-513c — Philippe d', Compagnie du

Saint-Sacrement IV-184a Angourous, tribe XIII-759b ANGRA, DIOCESE OF I-513c; Il-lliSc; cathedral II-169a; map XIV-200^ Angrians. See Engern Angro-Mainyu. .s'lf Ahriman Angstrom, Anders Jons, astron- omer II-2Sd Anguanis, Michael de, Carmel- ite III-.3.59d . . , Anguilla, island, ecclesiastical

government XIII-191C Anguillara, family, Rome XIII-

17tid; palace Xni-17C.d — Francesco, coins X-334b Anguiscen, Pierre d'. Bishop of

Montefiascnne X-529a Angulo, Gonzalo de, bishop XV-

329d —PEDRO 1 .11 3d Angus, King of the Picts, founda-

— Archibald Douglas, sixth Earl

of II-374a — William Douglas, tenth Earl of

VIII-Sc Angweyn, mission VIII-672C Anhalt, John of. See John of

Anhalt — Margaretha von, princess X-


513d; map VI-.il4; under Prop- aganda XII-457b Anher, deity V-344d Ani, Armenia, fortress II-293c;

destroyed Ill-llOd Aniago, college X-012d Anian, Bishop of Bangor II-250a — I, Bishop of St. Asaph XIII-

333a ^.,„

— n. Bishop of St. Asaph XIII-

333a Aniane, abbey II-467b; IX-473a;

X-546C: XIV-5Sd Anianus, Patriarch of Alexandria.

See Annianus —Saint, Bishop of Chartres III-

635b ^Saint, Bishop of Orleans. See

Anibarro, Manuel Martinez III-

CTd ANICETUS, SAINT, Pope I- 614b; Xll-273a; chronology I- 446d; IV-13d; identity VII- 194d; and St, Polycarp XII- 220b; Te Deum XIV-469d Anician library in-145d Anicium (Le Puy) IX-186a Anidha, liturgical book IX-303C;

An'Ua, Bishop of T(iy XV-105b

Anima, hospital IV-789d


— CHRISTI I-515C; II-50oa

Animal food, Albigenses I-268b; EncratitesV-412d

— magnetism, Mesmer on Vll- 605a; and Spiritism XIV-222b

Animals, Alaskan mythologj- 1- 249a; anatomy I-457d; Aris- totle II-572d; in Ark IV-zOSb; Balmes' theory II-225d; bless- ing of Il-OOlb; Brahmimsm II- 731c; Buddhist teaching I- 77'd- III-30C; Byzantine dia- logues III-119c; Caddo In- dians III-129b; Cartesian the- ory XIV-156b; Condillac on IV-210d; consciousness in I- 449b; cruelty to IV-542a; dis- section of I-458a: holocausts VII-396c; instinct VIII-51a; Jainism VIII-270c; Lamarck on V-656b; and man I-lSOc; mind X-321j; nutritive in- stinct I-SOOc; offspring of, as Eropertv I-9od ; organisms, chwann XIII-592d; and rea- son VIlI-66d; XII-675b; re- demption of XII-6S2a; sacred XI-377d; souls of. Aristotle I- 716c; sufferings of V-649c; in symbolism I-516c; in Totem- ism XIV-790C; unclean I-67d; 72a; llSd; vivisection XV- 494d; 495a „„ „„„

—worMp 0/ I-132b; VII-638a; XIV-339d; Egyptian V-344a; XI-3SSb; among Mazatec In- dians X-93d; nature of X- 717b; and Totemism XIV- 7S9d; Vedistic II-731a — Zoroastrian teaching II-15_4a — Four incorporeal. Feasts XVI-

— IN CHRISTIAN ART I-515d; bestiaries II-529d; Christ preaching (ill.) III-99a; C^Tene

tion XIII-332b

„„,„ (ill.) I-. .-

144c- Gothic period I-5I6C —IN THE BIBLE I-517a: Addai I-517d; Adder I-517d; Ant I-517d; Antelope I-517d; Ape I-517d: Asp I-517d; Ass I- 51Sa;.\ss'scolt I-51Sc:.^ttacua I-518d; Aurochs I-51Sd; Bab- oon I-519a; Badger I-519a: 526a; Bald-locust I-51Sd; Barn- owl I-523d; Basilisk li'lfla: Bat I-519b; Bear I-.;)19b; Bearded-vulture I-.523C; Bear- rat l-r,2M: Bee l-519b; Beetle I-519c; Behemoth I-524a; Bird I-519d; Birds of prey I-523a;

type indicates titles of articles; other tj-pea, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.