Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/139

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MARIA I-oSSc — N"' Anthony

Antoaios, hvinnodist VII-599d — Suares, Blessed XII-70c: XI V-

l(19d ANTONIUS, Latin poet I-58Sc — rhetorician XIV— 412b — moaaicist X-5S9d — Bishop of ^lia (Jerusalem)

VIII-356C —Bishop of Barbalissos II-284d —Bishop of Cinna III-776d — Saint, Archbishop of Florence.

•See Antoninus —Bishop of Fussola VI-326d;

and St. Augustine III-S77C;

XII-26Sd —Bishop of Heraclea VII-243a;

at Ferrara VI-ll2c — Bishop of jModena. See An- toninus —Bishop of Segorbe XIII-684b — Bishop of Zeugma XV-757C — Aug. Georgius, missionary

VII 28ob — Brother, and Knights of Christ

III-(i9Sd — of Hoornaer, martjT VI-651d — of Weert,\T VI-651d —Lucius, divorce' V-64d — Mark. See .\ntony, Mark — Richard. See Champs, Eti-

oijn-- Agard de

Matre Dei, commentator

—Bible I-590b: 222c; _ chapte

V-289d; XII- arrangement [.) XII-222d; Targum



intonovitch, philosopher XIII-

i.NTON ULRICH, Duke of BriitiHW-ick - Liineburg- Wolfen- biittel I-583c; II-529a; III- 19d: XIV-284d

^tonuzzo, Franciscan, and Mon- tes pietatis X-535c

Intony, Bishop of H\'paepa VII- ('■l)lc


—Mark, and .\teporis XIII- 668c; and Cleopatra I-303c; XIV-461b; divorce V-64d; and Herod the Great VII- 289d; Pelusium XI-610d; and Polemion XII-2CHa: at Samos I-791a; and Thessalonica XIV-633b; Triumvirate, second II-107a; XIII-167a

Lntrobus. Frederick Ignatius, Oratorian XI-273d

mts, in Bible I-.517d

-in biology V-661b

Lntschar, Duke, and Desiderius XI-.^78a

intunes de Souza, Lucio, Bishop XVI-34C

lNTWERP I-o8Sd; agreement of II-401a; Alva's statue I-371b: art I-590b; Bolland- ists II-631C: 633b; Carmelite convents in-368c; XIV-660C

-Calhedral l-590d; XIII-371b; aisles I-237c; Diepenbeeck's work IV-786b; (ill.) I-fac- ing .588; sculpture in XIII- 646b; Way of the Cross XV- 569b

-churches I-590d: Church of St. Andrew, pulpit XII-.565c; Daughters of Wisdom XV- 669c; English Catholic interest in I-590C; Eucharistic Con- gress V-593b; fall of (138.5) I-»42b; fossils XV-266d; Fran- ciscan friar>', stations XV- 569d; history, ecclesiastical I-589b: intellectual life I- 590a; IrUh College VIII- 160b; masters and scholars (1793) VIII-162c; Jesuit col- lege XII-6.54a; and Lidge IX-237b; Marquessate of, Godfrey of Bouillon VI-624c; Ortelius XI-329c; Papebroch's history II-633b; Plantin-Mo- retus museum (ill.) XII-149a; Plantin press I-390b; popula- tion and commerce I-589a; Reformation in I-389d; relics, inventory of XII-738a; sta- tistics, religious I-.5Vtla; Son- nius, episcopate of XIV-1 t2c; .Spain, revolt against I-.5H0d; Temperance congress Xl\'- 486a; Titian's works XIV- 742d; Walburga, St., relics of XV-527a

VII-175d 2_23d; Jonath;

XIV-456c; Montanus edition I-7nc; Onkelos, Targum of XIV-4.56a; Plantin I-390b;

XII-149b; Targums XIV-

457d — Polyglot. See .\ntwerp Bible Anu, deity II-I7b; 187b; 514c;

X-741b: in Adapa legend II- ISSd; in Babylonian cos- mogony IV-t06b; VII-311b;

and Dagon IV-(302d; in Gnostic

System VI-595d; temple of,

rebuilt Il-Sb Anuario edesiastico de Espafla

XIV-272b Anubis, deity V-.344a; VII-638a;

at judgment V-347a Anuhertu. See Anaharath Anulinus, proconsul, V-121c:

122a; Constantine's letter,

V-123c; and St. Crispina


DE LA I-391b; signature I-

591b —JUAN DE LA I-591d; philo- sophical works XIII-402b An-und-fiir-sich, stage of being

VII-192d Anunnaki IV-407a Anvers. See .Antwerp Anville, Jean - Baptiste Bourgi-

gnon d*, geographer XII-721a;

China Vl^,52c — Nicholas de la Rochefoucauld,

due d'. at Halifax XI-136b Amur (Terracina) VIII-219d Anysia, Saint XIV-634b Anysius, general XIV-387b —Bishop of Thebes (431) XIV-

562d — Bishop of Thessalonica II-

677d; Illyricum, papal vicar

for VII-663C; Innocent I,

letter of Vlll-llb Anz, Wilhelm, orientalist VI-

693a Anza, Juan Bautista de, explorer

V-99d; X-77.5d; XII-556b AnzeigepSicht, in Kulturkampf

VIII-709C Anzengruber, Ludwig, dramatist



Anzer, Johann Baptist, vicar Apostolic III-676b; XII-491a; XIII-7.53a

Anziani, Florentine VI-106b

Anzio, battle (1378) XV-337d

Aod, and Eglon I-378c; X-410a; meaning X-676c

Aodh Mac Ainmerech. See Aedh mac Ainmire

Aodh Slaine. See Aedh Allain

Ao-Khan, tribe X— 180a

Aora, Juan de, missionary VI- 298c; 299a

Aomos, oracle X-735b

Aorta I-438a

Aos. See Ea

Aosta, town II-79a

—DIOCESE OF I-591d: XII- 76c: cathedral (ill.) VIII- 238; diptvch V-23a; mosaics, X-586C

AoudjUa (Audjelah) II-73b

A. P. A. See .American Protec- tive Association

APACHES I-592a; VII-747d; X-720a; XIV-77.Sc; Arizona XV-84d; food taboos VII- 7.50a; language 1-41 lb; mis- sions to I-592a; and Pdpago XI-431c; and Pima Xll-lOOb; Texas XIV-547C

Apa Elia, Coptic MS. XVI-29a

— loule, Coptic M.S. XVI-29a

Apafy, Michael I. See Michael I Apafy

Apakiri (Apakyr) IV-.597d

Apalachee Indians VI-119b; XIV-734a; converted I-242c; missions X-38.5a; Moore's raid VI-116d; 118c; 119d; XIV-735b

Apalit, parish IX-598d

Apamaea. .See Pamiers

— John of. .See John of Apamea

Apameia VI -4.34a

— .See of. Bith\-nia I-592C

— See of, SjTia I-592c

— Cibotos I-592c; Christianity, early I-7S8b; monastery I- 721a ApSm-Napat, deity X-402d Aparicio, Celestio Ibanez, Vicar .\postolic of Northern Shensa XVI-,S2c APARISI Y GUIJARRO, AN- TONIO I-.592C; XIV-201C Apason. See Apsu Apathy, Francis VII-546C Apatzingan, congress X-566a Ape, in Bible I-517d; Hiickel's theory XI-413d; van Cleef's signature IV-llb — of Aristotle I-266c; II-151a APELLES, Gnostic I-593a; VI- 599a; IX-64Sa; Christology V-71b Apengeter, Hans, metal-worker

X-223C Aper, Bishop of Tarbes'XIV-453b —Saint, Bishop of Toul X-680b;

XIII-354C; XV-68b Aperger, Sigismund, missionary

XII-S96a Apergius, Bishop of Perge XI-

C67b Apet. See Thebes Aphjerema VI^34a Aphaka, oracle XI-266b Aphara VI-434a Aphec (Aser) VI^34a — (AssjTia) VI-434a; battle XIII-il6a; and Eliseus V- 3S7c —(Benjamin) VI-434a — (Issachar) VI-434a — (Juda) VI-434a Apheca, town VI-434a; Venus,

temple of IX-104d — mountain VI-434a Aphek (Aphekah). .See Aphec Apherema. .See .\phierema APHIAN, SAINT I-593a; XI-

4:i7b: 7n',)d Aphikomon \ III-403a Aphorismi (Hippocrates) X-123C Aphraat, Bishop of Ispahan VIII-

in2c APHRAATES, SAINT I-593b; XI-715c; XIV-409a; on ex- treme unction V-720a; on penance I-62a; writings I- 593c Aphrahat. See Aphraates, Saint Aphrodisias. See Stauropolis Aphrodisius, Saint, Bishop of

mzKTs X-546b

— Bishop of MagT,-dus IX-537d

Aphrodite IV-684a; Xn^2d;

Amathus I-131a; Aphrodisias

XIV-283b; Arcae I-687c; Chy-

tri III-766b; C-yprus IV-589d;

Gaza VI-401b; Sepanto IX-

181d; Tanagra XIV-442b

Aphthartodocets X-491d; and

Justinian V-639a Aphthonius, Bishop of Zeugma

XV-7fl7c — of Egypt IX-596b Apian, Saint. See Aphian —Philip II-758d; Vlll-Sb; XV-

83b APIARI0S OF SICCA I-594a; XII-26Sc; African Church I- 200b; Rome, appeal to XV- 765a Apikaz, tribe II-603a Apil-Sin, King of Babylonia

II-181d; 186b Apion, grammarian VIII-523b;

necromancy X-735d Apiro, Ignazio d' III-324c Apis, deity II-532d; V-344a;

hulls, tombs XI-.304C Apisius, Laurent VI-65c Apizio, Bishop of Lucca IX-406b Aplica., abhr. I-22d APOCALYPSE (Revelations) I- .594c; 614b; XII-4Sla; Al- bertus Magnus, commentary of I-265a; Alleluia in I-319b": Alogi I-.331b; Alpha and Omega I-.332b; 333b; altar I- 362a; .362d; Andrew of Ca!sar- ea's commentary I-473a; An- gels of the churches I- 478b: 486a; III-749c; An- tichrist I-560b: Arethas of Ca?sarea's commentary I-701b; An. Christian I-316b; authen- ticity I-594d; III-277a; Baur's estimate IV-495c: Caiua on III-144b; canonicitv XIII- 638c: XIV-52.5a; Christology

XIV-599C; I ,'ic,a-

XIV-530d \\\1

29d: criti. , ( yril

of Jerusal* ir l ; i > iiiiel,

prophecy of I\' r,2L'd; di-utero- canonical XIII-638a; Diony- sius of Alexandria on IV- 492b; V-12c; dragon I-522a: drama. Divine I-596d; Du- rer V-210b; elect XII-381C; Gallican Rite VI-361d; Gos- pel, Fourth I-595b; hier- archy of early Church VII- 338b; Hippolytus I-331b; in- spiration XII-475b; interpre- tation I-598a; Lamb I-221b; Lutheran attitude III-278d; 279a; Nestorian attitude III- 279a; persecution V-114d; place I-595d: XI-547b; Plym- outh Brethren X 1 1 - 1 73b ; Pullen's commentary, XII- 563c; purpose I-597b; Simeon, the Younger XIII-796a; atruc- tiu-e I-597d; textual division of XIII-638d; and Thessalo- nians XIV-632c; Ticoniua" commentary XIV-721d; time I-596a; XIV-531d; Toledo, decree of III-278C: Victorinus' commentary XV— 414a; Virgin Mary in XV-460d; 469c; Vischer's theory I-599a ; world, end of 1-56 la; worship. Chris- tian V-258b; Zoroastrian es- chatology II-1.56b Apocalypse Explained (Sweden-

borg) XIV-3,"ir,d Apocalypse of Abraham I-604C — of Adam I-132a — of Baruch I-604b — of Daniel I-604C — of Elias I-606C — of Esdras. See Esdras, IV

Book of —of Isaias VIII-182a — of John I-614C — of Mary I-614b — of Moses I-C(iiic — of St. Bartholomew See Bar- tholomew. .St., Gospel of — of St. Paul I-()14c —of St. Peter I-014b; Clement of Alexandria's commentary on IV— 45d; Muratorian canon I-594d — of Sophonias I-606c — of the Testamentum D. N. Jesu Christi. See Testamen- tum Apocalypse Revealed (Sweden-

borg) XIV-3.)r,d Apocalypses, apocryphal I-614b —Christian I-614b — Jewish I-602b; characteris- tics I-602a; Messianic predic- tions III-745d Apocalyptic Spirits, Coptic feast

XVI-28d APOCATASTASIS I-,599b; VII- 20.Sd: abandoned I-600b: con- demned I-600c; Eriugena V- 52Ic; George, Bishop of the Arabians X— 194a; Gnosticism II-328a; Gregory of Nyssa VII-18b; XIV-581d; Parsee V-53nc; Protestants I-600d; Zoro.astrian II- 1.56b Apocellus. Jakob I-514d APOCRISIARIUS iHidOd; 209c; IX-ll,Sd; XI-160b; in By- zantine churches VI-760C Apocritica (Macarius Alagnes)

IX-183a APOCRYPHA I-60Ia; Abgar legend I-12b: 6ll9d; Acta Pauli ot Thecla; I-612b; XIV- 564a; Acts of St. Andrew 1-61 la; Acts of Andrew and Matthias 1-61 lb; Acts of the Apostles I-6lnb; Acts of St. Barnabas I-61.3a: Acts of St. Bartholomew 1-61 Ic; Acts of St. James the Less I-612c; Acts of St. Luke I-613a; Acts of St. Mark I-613a: Acts of Martyrdom of St. Matthew I-6Ilb: 6I2c; Acts of .St. Paul I-612a; Acts of St. Peter I-f.Ua: Acta of I'eler and Andrew I-Ollb; Acts of Sta. Peter and Paul I-609c; end; Acts of St. Philip I- 612c; XI-799d; Acts of Simon and Jude I-<>12d; Acts of ThaddeuB I-612d; Acts of St.

tioman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.