Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/140

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Thomas I-611b; Acta of St. Timothy I-613b; Acts of bt. Titus I-613b; Acts of Xan- thippe and Polyxena 1-6 lit), Actus Petri cum Simone I- 611a: Adam I-132a; 606c; Agrapha I-225d: Anaphora PUati I-609d; Aphikia I-606c; Apocalypse of Abraham 1- 604c; Apocalypse of Baruch I-604a; Apocalypse of Uaniel I-604C; Apocalypse of IMias 1 606c; Apocalypse of Esdras I-606c; Apocalypse of John I-614C; Apocalypse of Maf-V I-614b; Apocalypse of Moses I-606C; Apocalypse ot »t. Paul 1-61 4c; Apocalypse of St. Peter I-614b; Apocalypse of Sophonias I-606c; Apoca-

l^Syp'^el!:^ -1o I and Apostolic Fathers I-639b

Aseneth. Marriage of {-o*^; Aseneth. Prayer of I-606c. Barnabas, Epistle of II-299a; Belial II-408b; Canon, effect on III-272a; 276c; censorship of III-520a; Christian I-60fac; Church and I-614d; Coptic V-357b; XVI-29c; Creation, Book of I-606c; Didache IV - 779a; Doctrine of Addai l- 612d; V-88b; Epistles I- 613d; Epistola Pilati ad Liberium I-609d; III-Esdras I-605a; V-537b; IV-EsdrasI- 603d; V-537d Ethiopian \-- 570c; Gesta Matthise l-613a. Gnostic VI-599C; Gospels I-606d; VI-656d; C>ospel of St. Andrew I-609b; Oospel of the T^-elve Apostles }-^09a.; Gospel of Barnabas I-609b; Gospel of St. Bartholomew I-609a; Gospel according to the Egyptians I-60Sb; Gospel of Eve I-609b; Gospel of Gamaliel I-607c; Gospel ac- cording to the Hebrews I- 608a; Gospel of the Infancy. Arabic I-607b; Gospel of James I-607a; Gospel of Judas Isca- riot I-609b; Gospel of St. Matthew I-607b; Gospel of Matthias I-609a; Gospel of St. Peter I-608c; Gospel ^ St. Philip I-608d; Gospel of Thad- deus I-609b; Gospel of St. Thomas I-60Sd; Henoch, Book of I-7Sd; 602b; Henoch, Book of the Secrets of I-603c; Historia Certaminis Apostolorum 1- 610d; St. Innocent III-520b; Isaias, Ascension of I-78d; 606b- Jannes and Mambres, Book of I-604d; St. James, Pseudo-Epistles of . I-614b; St. John, Pseudo-Epistles of I-614b; Joseph, Prayer of 1- 606c; Joseph of Arimathea, narrative of I-609d: J^bdej^. Book of I-604d; VIII-53oc; Laodiceans, Epistle to the I-614a; Jewish origin 1- 601d; 604d; Letter of Herod to Pilate I-609d; III Macha- bees I-60.5b; IV Machabees I-605d; Manasses, Prayer of I-605c; Martyrdom of the Apostle Andrew I-611b; Mp'ef. Assumption of .I-603b; XIV- 535d; Paradoseis I-609d; Pa- ralipomenon of Baruch 1- 606c; Passio Bartholomasi 1- 611c; Passio Sancti Matthffii I-612c; Paul, Ascension of I-614c; Paul, Preaching of I-613c; Paul, Pseudo-Epistles of I-613d; St. Paul and Seneca, Pseudo - Correspond- ence I-614a; Peter, Martyr- dom of I-Blla; Peter Preach- ing of I-613c; philosophy, Jewish I-60M; Pilate I-609b; Protestant III-273C; XIII- 638a; psalms and prayers I- 60.5c; Roman synod (382) III-277d; Sibylline oracles I-606a: Simon Peter in the City of Rome, Preaching of I-613c; Solomon, Odes of XIV-137b; Solomon, Psalms of I-605C; XIV-137b; Syriac versions XIV-410a; New Teatament III-271b; Tcst a-


ment of Abraham I-606c; Testament of Job I-606c; Testament of the Three Patri- archs I-606c; Testament of T\^'elve Patriarchs I-60ba; Testament of Zacharias I-606c; Testamentum Domini Nostri Jesu I-613b; Transitus Manse I-607d; Two-ways 1-6 13c; Virgin Mary in XV-464Fc; Virgin Mary, Pseudo-Epistles of I-613d Apocrypha Anecdota I-WSc Apodeipnon I-108b; 106c; 4i3d;

IV-lS7d APODOSIS I-615b Apokatharseos deomenon 11-

327d Apokopos, poem III-123d Apoliston Indians VII-75Sa Apollinaria, l<K<md IX-743b APOLLINARLANISM I-615b; XI-o75b; Apostolic Consti- tutions I-637c; Christology I-215b; VII-712a; X-756a; XIV-600b; condemned 1- 80b; 616a; IV-308b; 613c; and Epiphaniua XIII-393d; Fathers of the Church XIV- 589a: and Gregory of Nazian- zusVII-14c; Leontius Byzan- tinus IX-181b; ordination XII-774d; reception into Church I-45a; theory I-615d; Theodore of Antioch XIV-

APOLLINARIS, SAINT, Bishop of Ravenna I-616b: 155a; XII-665d; XV-380C; Bo- logna n-640a; relics XII-663b;

Apollinaris, Bishop of Sarsina XIII-478d

— SAINT, Bishop of Valence 1- 616c; XV-250a

Apollinaris martyr XII-72.'ib

-CLAtroroS, SAINT 1-6 7a ; on Thundering Legion 11-1090

— Sidonius. t^ee Sidonius

—THE ELDER I-617a; Bibhcal work l-e.\-,b ^. , , ^

— The Younger, Bishop ot Lao- dicea I-615b; VII-13a; X- 309a; and Diodorus of 1 arsus V-8c; and Gregory of Nysaa VII-18a; Manichseism IX- 595a; Paraphrase of the Fourth Gospel Xl-lOOa; tra- ducianism XV-15a; writings I-615C ^ . „. •

ApoUinarists. See ApoUinarian-

Apollinarius, Bishop of Hieropohs

X-522b . ,. ,

Apollo deity XIV-566C; Antioch, temple I-567c; Argos, temple I-706b . . ., ,,„^.

—i-i art: Bernini II-510d; GegenbauerVI-403d; Houdon VH-499C; Michelangelo lU- 61b; Pichler XII-74d; Pm- turicchio XII-103d; Raphael XII-644b; Ribera XIII-31d; Sansovino XIII^54a —Chytri III-766b; Claros I\- 128d; VII-611b; DaPll"«  II-178d; Delphi XI-265d; Dembr# X-661b; festival. Church adopts IV-105a; Gaza VI-401b; Gortyna VI-654b; and medicine X-123a; Patara XI-541b; Rhodes VII-29na; Rome IX-228a; ^"I-lJhc; Tanagra, temple XIV-44-b. and Wisdom, Book of XV- 667d; Sebaste XIII-661C -disciple of St. Paul I-661b: V-76C; VII-331b; 334d; at Corinth IV-364a; 365c — Belvedere, sculpture XV-281d;

— Didymaeus, on inheritance XII-

Apoilodorus, , Bishop of Cwfu

IV-3ii:<b; VIIl-92a; XI-.30(a — noot .\lV-4.50d APOLLONIA, SAINT I-617b;

V-llc; VI-162C; patronage

XI-."»6iic ApoUonia basilica, Sirmium I-^54a —Crete Vl-738a —Macedonia VI-434a — of Rome, legend I-617c

See Sozopolis; Sozusa; Thyniaa

ApoUonia-and-BuUidis, See of

VT-73Sd , ,

Apollonio, mosaiciat X-588C

Apollonius, Saint X-704b; XIII-

472b — general IV-707b; Jerusalem

VIII-348b; IX-494a —historian XIV-283b — senator, martjT XIII-167C —Bishop of Tanis XIV^44a —OF EPHESUS I-617d; XV- 471d; and Tertullian XIV-524b — of Perga, astronomer II-25d;

XII-47d — of Tyana, philosopher X-(4oc; XV-106b; on metempsycho- sis X-235c; Philostratua X- 746a . .

Apollophanes, physician XI' 1- C89b; Pseudo-Areopagite s let- ter V-14d Apollo Pythius XV-16C ApoUos, name X-674a Apollo Sauroktonos XV -282b Apoloeetical Declaration, ot

Covenanters lV-461d APOLOGETICS I-018b; XIII- 606a; Albertus Magnus 1- 266b; Amort I-434d; Aris- tidcs I-712d; .A.rnobius I- 747a: Athenagoras 11^2c; St. Augustine II-89d; Bar- tholomew of Edessa 11-3150; Bossuet II-700d; Bridgewater treatise II-783c; BrugSre III- 4d; Canes III-249d; Chardon III-588C; Coeffeteau IV-91c; Contzen IV-340c; Colon IV- 422b; definition I-618b; and Deism I-621d; discussions, religious V-34a; Dominicans XII-364C; Eiaengrein V-368C; Emser V-410d; Ernst of Hesse-Rheinfels V-524b; Euse- bius of Dorylffium V-622a; Faber V-741b: de Feller VI- 34b; Ferber VI-39c; Feuar- dent VI-58b; Fitzsimon VI- 87b; Floyd VI-122C; Forer VI-134d; Freppel VI-2/7d; Gother VI-663a; Green VI- 776d; Hilary of Poitiers Vll- 349c; Hippolytus of Rome VII-360b; Hooke VII-^Ooc; Islam I-620d; St. Jerome VIII-341a; Judaism I^20b; St. Justin Martyr V III-; 580d; Lactantms VIII-736a; Lamennais VIII-763d; Laniy VIII-772a; literature I- 620a; Loci theologici IX- 321a; Macariua Magnea IX- 4S3a; Mazzolini X-95b; AIil- ner X-315a; Minucius Felix X-336a; Mohammedanism I- 620d; de Mornay I-621c; Nicolas XI-67c; object I- 618d; Origen XI-306c; pa- ganism I-C20b; Patristic era XIV-588C; patron III-44.M; philosophy, modern I-62.ia; Protestant I-619d; 621c; 623b; Rationalism l-b_ia; religion, comparative I-622d; religion, natural I-619a; re- ligion, revealed I-619a; revela- tion, Christian I-619c; revela- tion. Mosaic I-619b; science of I-618C; Sulpicians XIU- 380a; Tatian XIV-464c; Ter- tullian XIV-520d; and theol- ogy I-618d; and theology, dogmatic XIV-580a; 583a; Torres XIV-7S3c; Vigihus. Bishop ot Tapsus XV- 427a; V\'eislinger XV-5i<0; Winzct XV-659d; XV-702b; VV'orsley XV-il.iD Apologeticus (Tertulliaii) I~620d; III-38.-.d; X-336b; XIV-o21a — (Eunomius) IV-4.3d; V-605d — See Apology

Apology for Origen CPamphi-

lusf XI-437ai 437b; 447b APOLYSIS I-623C APOLYTIKION I-623d; 106a Aponensis, Petrus, physician XI-

Aponte y Lis, missionary I-592b Apophi, Pharao V-339a _ Apophis II, Pharao XI-i89b Apophthegmata, of St. Anthony


I-023d; Scetic monks in XIV -

561d . . _, ,

Apoquiniminck mission, ueia-

warc IV-693d APORTI, FERRANTE I-624b Apositum super Nobis, Brief of

Pius IX II-303a Apost., abbr. I-23c APOSTASY I-624c; MII-3a; abjuration I-45c; ab ordme I-625C; IV-750b; a fide or perfidiai I-624d; and Alfred the Great I-507a; a rehgione, or monachatus I-625d; bap- tism, repetition of I-624C; Benedict XIV, Declaration of IV-2c; burial III-72a; Car- thage III-386C; 387a; aiid character, sacramental 111- 587b; classes I-624c; deser- tion as IV-750b; and divorce V-63c; in early Church IX-lc; forgiveness of I-62b; general, St. Paul on XI-576d; great, prophesied I-560b; and heresy I-624d; VII-25(;d; XIV- 761b- inobedientisB 1-bZ-lc, irregularity Vin-172a; Judg- ment. Last VIII-552d; and Justinian VIII-579d; lapsi IX-211d; marriage impedi- ment I-625b; Middle Ages XIV-768b; Mohammedan teaching X-427c; patronage, ineligibility for XI-560d; pen- alties, temporal I-625a-. pun- ishment XI-631C; XIV-6O0C, Satan called II-56a; state of- fence XIV-768C Apostel-Kalender, periodical V- 53d

^"o^i^L-k'TN^ "T0RGY I- 626c; 659c; I X- 194b: 303b; X-355d; XIII-63Sb; Addeus and Maris I-137a: Byzantine I-320a; IV-317a: Evangeharia V-040b; St. Mark's Liturgy I-

— of Abyssinia V-281d

— of Armenia II-314b

— of Bassein II-343d

—of Brazil I-461b

— of Central America Vl-llbD

—of Corsica IV-:!97b

—of Germany Il-6o6a; Xl-7b,c

— of Florence I-472d

—of Ireland XI-.i54a

—of Italy ll-50.nb

— of Maryland XV-610b

—of Ohio IV-5Ga

—of Philadelphia II-286a

—of Portugal 11-30, c

—of Prussia 1-12. d

—of the Agaus II;! '/d

-of the Indies ni-399b

—of the Livomans H-Sind

—of the Negro Slaves XI-763b

—of the North I-l 37b

—of the Obotntes n-ol2b

— of the Prussians lll-l»a

-of the Ries vni-332d

—of the Slavs I-12'b

—of the Wends 11-69, d

—of Turin XI-27.3b

— of Washington 1 1 -594b

—of Wessex II-57Sa

-of Western Kentucky y--209c

— See Apology . . __. ,„ ., Western Kentucky V-209C

Apologetische vereemging Petrus T^' ctleS I-«'i;d; IV-112c;

  • Canisius. periodical XI-6Slb f^.°^J^^^u:isiAr VlII- 543b;

Apologia, St. .\pollmaris Clau- 'V ; t' of I-117b: in Abyssm-

Apologia, - ■- - r „

, dius I-617b; Cal....... ---

204a: Melancthon \-it) c, Thomas More , 693a; Newman X-796C; « itzel XV-680b

—See Apology , „ ,_ , ..

Apology, Abclard II-57c; Arts- tides I-712d; Athenagoras II-4-'c- St. Bernar- 13a: of Rufinus Tyrannius XIII-222b

— See Apologia

„. I- 11 7b: in .\byssm- itursv I-30r>a: V l-<t>3c; Anapl.ora>XIV-118c; St. -An- drew l-471a; Antioch. Council of I-569c; II1-2S0C-. XI-43-c; in Apocalypse I-597b; .^poc- iyphal literature I-6l0c: Apos- tolic Fathers venera e I-b.?Sd ApostolicSchoolsimltatc XIU 5S6a: Apostolic t-ce I-lvlOd -in art II-.M7C: Ambrosi'ii basilica I-366a; Catacomb of St. Domitilla frescoes (ill.) 1-; facing 626; DQrer V-211a,

type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ilL) = Ulustrations,