Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/141

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Ghirlandaio VI-546d; Latcran fastigium I-363d: portraits XII-291d: Raphael XII-G45b; Thorwaldsen XIII-64ric; Ste. Chapelle, Paris XIII-644d APOSTLES and astrolog>- II-24c ; authority I-628a; \'II-32Sc,- autographs I-63oc; baptism of II-2fila; St. Bartholomew II-313d: in Canon III-262c; celibacy of n-561b; III-481b; Celsus the Platonist on III- 490d: censorship of books III- 520a; charismata III-5S9c; chronology III-737c: Church organized by III-747d; Churches founded by I-634c: VII-343a; common of, hymn I-393b: conditions essential to I-628a; Coptic MS. XVI- 29a: as corporate body III- 746b; deacons, ordination of XIII-741c; in Didache VII- 336a; IV-7S0d; Didascalia IV-781c; as disciples V-29b; ecclesiastical season, East Syrian Rite XIV-416c; and Ember Days I-G9b; emblems I-626d; in Ephesians, Epistle to V-4S6c: episcopacy of I- 628c: exorcism V-710C —fast. Byzantine Rite IV-315c;

Ethiopian Church V-370d -feast of I-629b: III-162c; Cop- tic MS. XVI~29a: Dispersion V-46c: Greek Church I-70d: vigils, Anglo-Saxon Church I-olOc — as founders of Church I-648b; Gnostic Apocr^T^ha VI-.599c: hierarchy VII-341c: and his- tory, ecclesiastical VII-3()Sa: hours of prayer XI-219b; imposition of hands Vll-OOSb; infallibility XV-lOd; infal- libility of Church VII-793a: inspiration III-274C: intoler- ance of XIV-766b: Irvingite doctrine VIII-174d; >St. James the Greater VIII-279b: St. James the Less VIII-2S0d: in Jerusalem, tradition III- 747a: St. John the Evangelist VIII-492a; Judas Iscariot Vin-539d: St. Jude. Epistle of VIII-542C; as legislators III-281C; litany of the Saints IX-291b; liturgy ascribed to I-572a: St. Matthew X-56d; St. Matthias X-66b: meanings I-627b; Memoirs of the VI- 6o7b: Messianic prophecies XIV-59-b: ministry, m Di- dache IV-780a: iMohammedan teaching X-426b; and Mosaic Law I-72d: New Testament authors XIV-530C -^offtce I-627d: apocrv-pha I- eiOd: as charisma Vn-333a — ordinations by XIV-730b: origin I-627c: St. Psul XI- 537b: on Pentateuch .\I-652a: St. Peter XI-744d: St. Philip XI-799a: pictures of I-635C; position VII-328b; possession, demoniacal XII-316d: pre- rogatives I-62Sa: XII-393b: property rights XII^66d: ra- tionalistic views I-627c: relics I-63.5b: and religious rule XII-760d: and Resurrection of Our Lord XII-790a: and sacraments XIII-299b; on salvation XIII-.i30d; and Scripture Xlll-flSOc; 639a; Scptuagint XIII-722b; St. Simon XIII-7n6c: teaching of the III-71Sb; St. Thom.^3 XIV-6.58b: tomb, pilgrimages to VII-7sr.b: and Unity of Church XV-134a: and Virgin Mar>- XV-4fiOa: 472b; widows cared for XV-617d: on work XII-238C — Church of, Cologne IV-I17d —Church of, Constantinople III- 9.5b: St. Andrew's relics I- 47ld: Constantine's tomb III- .wea; Gcnnadius II Vl-llSd; St. Helena's tomb VII-20.3c: Jovianus' tomb VIII-.530a; -N'icephorus' tomb X-242d ; Theodosius' tomb III-506a — Church of. Jerusalem. See Sion, Church of

12.5 Paris. See Ste. Apostolic Blessing.

— Church o

Genevieve — Church of, Rome I-31Sd:

Clement XIV's tomb (ill.)

IV-37C: Conventuals IV-345d;

and Julius I VIII-561d — Elgar's oratorio XI-27Ib —Irvingite Church VIII -I75a;

Mormon Church X-573d —College of IV- 112c — Doctrine of the Twelve. See

Didache — ^False. See Apostolici — Gospel of the Twelve I-609a;


See Blessing,

VI-656d — Letters. See Apostolic Letters —Royal Chapel of, Bergen XVI-

9d — Threshold of. .See Ad Limina

ApoHtoIoruni —and Evangelists, Common of. Aurora I.uris Rutilat II-112b; hymns II-112b

— Brothers of the VII-2.S0d

APOSTLES' CREED I-fi29c; r,29d; ii.iiib; n.ila; IV-179b: V- 32d: Xn--,22c: African form,a; in Anclicanism I-4H9c; articles I-U31c; 755d: XIII- 532b: belief necessary VI- 702b: in Calvin's Institutes III-198d; catechumens III- 432a; Catholic, term used III-149C; 450a; Communion of Saints XV'-159d; Irvingites VIII-174d: liturgical use I- 632b; Lutheran version III- 451b: IX-458a; in New Testament I-630b; Marcion- ism IX-648C; origin I-627c; in Pastoral Epistles XIV- 733a_; St. Peter Chrysologus on XI-762d: Quaker teaching VI-305d: resurrection XII- 792c: Rites IV-479b: Roman Catechism XIII -121b: Ro- man Creed, old XIV-522c: use and authority I-632a; Virgin birth of Christ in XV-448b; 460b

— Lent. See Lent of the Apostles

APOSTLES OF ERIN, THE TWELVE I-fi32d; Aran school I-677c; St. Ci:ir:m IV-C5d; Clonard acli.iol I\-Mc

— of Mexico, Twelve ln-17Sa

APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER I-633a: XII-34.5b: Sestini XIII-738C; statistics I-633b

Apostles of the Poor Life, Brothers of, and Ambrosians I-in4b

—of the Slavs 11 122b


Apostolate ni-.i»s9c; diocesan, purpose X-394b: papal office IV-lKJb

— of the Mission. See Pious Society of Missions

Apostolatus Officium, Bull of Clement XII III-339a

— Vester, title IV-113b

Apostoli I-tiSSa; appeals as I-fi54c

Apostolic Visitors. See Visitors .Apostolic

Apostolica, Conatituti diet XIV .XI-.553b

Apostolicse Curse, B XIII I-49(;b: 172c: XIII-29.Sc of I-498C XII-756d

on of Bene-

ull of Leo IX-171b;

authority eligious habit vindication I-49Sa

— Romanorum, Constitution of

Pius X XIV-324d — Sedi, Brief of Paul V XIII-

217b — Sedis, Bull of Leo XIII I-232b;


of I'iiH IX 1 i;t.-,c; 4!)b; ni-

339h; .-,j:;a: .•i.'sd;;

2r)llc: \-7Ma: \II-«9nc: 71Sd;

IX-7S0d: X-21b: XII^37d;

471b: XIV -73a: on forgerv

VI-136C; religious habit XII-

75fid — Sedis Officium, Constitution of

Pius IX XII-232a — SERVITUTIS, Bull of Benedict

XIV I-fi46d Apostolic Age, Asia Xn-220c;

poor-relief XII-238b: in West

XII-220C Apostolicam Pascendi, Bull of

Clement XIII XIII-33d

-Brethren, Prague XII - 340a.

See Apostolici -CAMERA I-t533b; XIII-152d; Annates I-537d: archive XV- 2S7d: and Bulls III-57d: and officials I-13SC; and Paul III XI-580b; popes, and administrative authority I- 144b; present functions II- 70d — Canons. .See Canons, Apos- tolic — C h a n c e r y . See Chancery,

Apostolic —Chapel XV-27Sd —Church Directory. See Apos-

I'.lir C'hurcli Ordinance —CHURCHES I -034b; 634d; Apostles' relics I-«3ob: foun- dations I-634d; Irenjeus and Tertullian I-635a — Church Order. See Apostolic

Church Ordinance —CHURCH ORDINANCE I-635d; 636; 637; 226c; V- 3.J9b —College IV-n2b; 112c —CONSTITUTIONS I - 63Ga; amen in I-40Sa; Apostolic canons HI -279c; blessing of font II-275C; celibacy in III- 484c; chanting of I - 576b; Clement I IV -15a; on cloi- ster IV-63C; Constantinople, rite of IV -312b; contents I -637a; Coptic version V- 359c; Copric version and Testament of Adam I-132b: on deaconesses IV-651d; on deacons IV-648c; 650d; and Didascalia IV-781C; Drey's work V-160b; Eastern

Churches, canon of III-279a; on forgiveness of sins VII- 786a: Gloria in excelsis I- 221c; VI-5S3d; Gospel VI- 659c: on Gospel-reading by deacons VI-660d; Grace in XIV-555d; on hours canonical VII-501b; on Lent IX-153a; on liturgical lessons IX-195a; — Liturgj- I-571a: IX-309a: date IX-297b; epiklesis V- 502a: pater noster I-572b — Nunc Dimittis in XI-160a; on 0£fertory XI-21Sa; on OfTice, divine XI-219d; on orientation of churches I- 365b; on' orphans XI-323a: 324d ; Postcommunion pray- ers XII -318b; on power of the keys I-62b; prayer of Manasses I-605d ; Preface XII-384d; psalms VI-71.5a: renunciation, form of II-276a: Sanctus XIII-432C; Sunday observance XIV-335d; "Teata- mentuni Domini Nostri Jesu I-6I3b; on widows IV-651C —Delegations IX - 120a. See

Delegation — Faith Movement, Japan VIII- 3onc

—FATHERS I-637d: authen- ticity III -712b; Barnabas, Epistle of I -638b: on canon of Old Testament III -271c; on Church I-639c; St. Clem- ent of Rome I -638a: IV- 12d: Cotelier's work I-038a; Dionysius the Areopagite I- 638b: doctrinal value I-(i.3fla; Gospel witnesses III-275c: St. Ignatius of Antioch I- 638a; on Jesus Christ I-039b; on moral law I-639b; New Testament citations XIV- .53.3b; Papias I-638b; XI- 457d: and .St. Paul's epistles III-276a: St. Polvcarp of Sm\Tna I-63.Sa; Pseudo-Bar- nabas I-638b: Pseudo-Clement I-6.38b; and Scripture V-702d: Shepherd of Hermaa I-(!3Sb; I Thesiialonians XIV-630b: on Trinity I-6:j9b

—writings I-638C; VI-5b; au- thority of I-C38d

ApostolischeKirchenordnung. .See Apostolic Church-Ordino

Apostolic Heralds. See Ci Apostolic

APOSTOLICI 1-64 7a: Anabi tists I-047c: and Nicolas


XI-58a: purgatory doctrine XII-576a; Segarolli XI-506b — See Apostolic Brethren; Apos-

tolics — MINISTERII, Bull of Innocent XIII I-r,-f7d; and priestly du- ties .\II-4nra Apostolic Indulgences. See In- dulgences. Apostolic APOSTOLICI REGIMINIS, Bull

of Leo X I-648a; III-402c —Bull of .\lexander VII I-743a Apostolicis litteris, Decree of Pius

I.X XV-3II.-.C APOSTOLICITY I-648b: Apos- tolic Father.', on I-639c; and inspiration III-274d; as mark of the Church III-150c: 759d- XV-179d; Tertullian on XIV- 522b Apostolici Verba, Letter of Celes-

tine I XII-4S7b Apostolic Legate. See Legate,

papal — Legation, Sicily VII-49a; and

Guarantees Law VII-4Sc —LETTERS I-640a; IX-203b; forgery VI-135d; form I-29c; in Liturgy VI-659d: penalty relating to V-687b; Secretar- iate of the Briefs to Princes XIII-153b — Library, Vatican, contents XV-

297b —MAJESTY I-640b — Missionaries, college, Quer^taro


— Mission House, Washington,

D. C. III-J53d; 456b; X-

369c; XV-560a

— Palace, Vatican XIII -371c;

administrator of household XV-

281a; Prefecture of the XV-

298c; Swiss Guards XV-299d

— Penitentiary, archive of the

Vatican XV-290b — Queen, title I-640c — Rescripts I-22d —Rule II-79d

Apostolics VI-245a; communism of IV-180c: condemned VII- 4ead. See Apostolici Apostolic Schools. See Schools,

Apostolic —SEE, THE I-640c: 640d; ap- peals. Synod of Armagh I-730a; in Micrologus X-2S5a: occu- pant I -641a; rights violated XIII -537a: Roman Church called I-634d: Rome as IV- 113b; Rome, diocese called XIII -I64a: Vatican Library, possession of XV -297b. See Holy See — Signatura. See Signatura,

Apostolic — state, Quietistic VII-93a -SUCCESSION I-641b: XII- 265b: Anglican claim I-491a; 499c; 642b; Apostolic Fathers on 1-6390; Apostolicitv of mis- sion I-fi4Sc; St. riement on IV- 15d:Si. Ir, mil]- I f,35a; in Pas- tor;.! I |. il. \l\-732b;Pre8- byi. in , I , . .\II-39.3b; ra- tional, Mi,- .h,.,ry III-750C: Ronifin clmni I-fi41b; and Scripture Xlll-639b; Trac- tariana XI-370c — Syndic. See Syndic. Apostolic — Traditions. Sec Tradition and

Living Mugistcrium Apostolicum, Hull of Clement XIII II1-271C; cause of publi- cation IV-33b; effect XIV- 86c — in Universas Orbis Ecclesias, Bull of Pius IX. and bishopric of Tamaulipas XI\'-440c — Ministerium, Bull of Bene- dict XIV I-6.58a: XIV-92d —PASCENDI MUNUS, Bull

of Clement XIIl I-649d APOSTOLIC UNION OF SECULAR PRIESTS I-643d; monthly review I-644b Apostolicus, title I-640d; IV-

11. 'ib Apostolic Vicar. See Vicar Apos- tolic Apostolini, Ambrosian houses

1-1 04c Apostolorum, Basilica. See Basil- ica Apostolonmi — passio, hymn I-3fl3c — supparem, hymn I-393c

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.