Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/151

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Artisans canadiens-franjais, Po- cictv. in United States VI-27i;c

Artists, accession artificial I- 9Ga: guilds of VII-70d

Art Macmorrough, and Ferns Castle VI-45d

Artois VI-95a; 171d; XII-2b; Margaret of Burgundy III- 70b

— Comte d', and Ausculta Fili II-666c: and Marie-Antoinette IX-666b


Artolatria \'-574d

ArtoW, Archbishop of Reima Vl-lOoa

Artotyrites* Eucharist host of VII-490a; X-523d

Arts, defined I-7oSa; 760b; development I-763d; guilds IV-62Sb; illiberal. Christian view of I-761d: Jewish, an- cient II-5nlc: license in I- 759b; mnemonic verses I- 762c; philosophy of XII-27c; and religion XII-742b; seven mechanical I-762c: symbolism I-762c: at universities I-7B4a;

—BACHELOR OF I-756d: XV- 193b: Cambridge University III-213b; modern development I-757c: origin I-756d; Paris university XI— 197b; qualifi- cation I-756d

—FACULTY OF I-757d; 764a; in America I-759b; constitu- tion, modern I-759a; masters I-759d; origin I-757d; Paris university XI-497b

— ^Fine, Academy of. See Fine Arts

—MASTER OF I-759b; in Alexandrian School (pagan) l-761b; in art I-762d; St. Augustine I-761d; in Bona- venture's system I-763c; Cas- siodorus' \'iews I-762b; in Cicero's system I-761d; in educational systems, modern I-764c; as faculty of arts I-758C; Hugo of St. Victor on I-763a; and humanism I-764d; St. Isidore on I- 762b; Marcianus Capella I- 762a; origin I-759b; Paris. age I-758c; Platonic system I-761a; Quintilian I-7filc; Rabanus Maurus I-763d; Ratio Studiorum I-764b; XII- 654a; Renaissance I-704b; Rome, ancient I-761b; in Socrates' system I-761a; in United States I-7r.0a

—SEVEN LIBERAL I-760b; Christian I-761d; definitions I-7.5Sa; derivation of name I-762b: Greece, ancient I- 760d; master I-764b: medie- val I-762a: pagan I-7G0C; at Paris schools XI-19.5d: Py- thagoras I-7tiOd: in Vatican Palace XV-2S4d

Art the Lonely, in Irish literature VIII-120a

Arturus, of Rouen VII-293d

Artus. See Arthur

ARTVIN I-7i;.ia

Artymnessus (Pinara) Xll-lOla

Aruacas. Sir Ar;iwaks

Aiuboth VI-4:t4b

Arubu (Arabians) I-fiti5d

Arue, in Icecnd V-.WSc

Aru Khorch'in, tribe X-480a

■Arflmah VI-1.34C

Arundel, John, Bishop of Chi- chester III-6o7d; Coventry and Lichfield IX-233a; Exeter V-709a: and Pecock Xl-fiOOc

—THOMAS, Archbishop of Can- terbury I-76.ib: III-.300a; Adam of Usk I-1.34b; Angclus I-4S7b; death III-6.57a; Ely V-.397a; Gairdner on V-441c; Lollards IX-33oa; papal de- cree I-500a; and imiversity Vl-lOla

— Thomas, Bishop of York XV- 7.34b

— and Warren, Robert, Earl of I-7fi5b

Arundell, family Xll-172a

— Anne rri-193c

—Blanche, Lady l-76.5d

-Catherine XV-30a

—Henry, third Lord Arundell of Wardour I-765d; petition V-450C

Arundell, Henry, Earl of. Sec Filzalaii, twelfth Earl of

—John I 7i„-,c

—Lady Mary .\n-509b

— Matthew l-765b

— Philip, Lord .\rundell of War- dour XIV-164C

— Richard, Lord ."Vrundell of Wardour I-705b

—THOMAS, first Lord Arundell of Wardour I-76.5b

— Thomas, second Lord Arundell of Wardour I-76.5d

— and Surrey, Anne, Countess of Vn-503b

ArundeUs, Great I-765c

— of Lanheme I-765c

Arundo, at Communion III-562b

Arunta, tribe, Totemism XIV- 790d: 792a

Aruntius. Saint IX-719a

Aruru, deity I-131a; II-lS8c; IV-407a

Amsberg, Westphalia, ecclesi- astical di^nsion XV-604d; court of XV-602C

Aruspices V-48d; Roman V-49a

Aruwimi. See Kilo

Arvad, .\sshurbanipal II-16c; Baal worship II-17.5b; Dagon worship lV-60.3a

Arvadite. See Aradian

Arval Brothers IV- llld; inscrip- tion II-41',ic: III-.'il3a

Arvernenses, Formulae VI-142b

Arvide, Martin de VlII-332c; X-391a; XV-769a

Aryans, race, in Asia I-778d; characteristics XII-626a; habi- tat I-778a; in India VII- 727d; in Indo-China VII- 766b; in Italy VIII-224a; language I-778a; VII-178b; mythology I-529b: in Persia XI-712b; Totemism XIV- 7S9b; in Wales XV-533d; 534d

Arya Samaj II-~35a

Aryat. See Arcthas

Arza, Johannes XV-33d

Arzapi, principality \'II-306c

Arzawyia, Hethite VII-30t)b

Arze. Deodato de. Bishop of Cassano ni-41)3d

Arzo, John de II-774C

As, coin XI- 153d; (UL) XI- facing 152

Asa, Saint. See Asaph

—King of Juda VIII-198b; 654b: 650a: 657a; IX-78!)c; Christ, genealogy of VI-410b; idols burnt Ill-476b; Israel's war with VIII-198d; Temple gifts VIII-347b; Zara the Ethi- opian, wars with VIII-<i55a

Asael (Asahel) VIII-40Ua; death I-4.5d

Asaka, family VIII-29Sb

Asakura Roku-yemon, and Paul V VIII-:«i7b

Asal VI-434C

Asam \I-ril«)c

Asan VI-434C

Asana, mnn.isterj' XIV-178b; 4r>L.'c; 4."i9d

Asaph, rianie X-676C

—SAINT I-766a; and St. Kenti- gern XV-583d: 5,S6c: Bishop of St. .^saph Xin-332d

—musician II-551d; and David XII-l78b; Psalms of XII-.53SC; 539d; sons of XIV-498d; Tem- ple liturgy XIV-J98d

Asarhaddon, King of Ass\-ria II- 1.5c; Vl-JOOb: VIII-200b: Arabians I-66.5d: inscription Il-llb; Philistines XII-22a; and Phoenicia XII-t2a; and Taharka V-342b; 567c; TjTe XV-llOd

Asarmoth, name I-664d

Asartha XI-661b

Asaski Marsuti Xl-198a

Asasonthamar (Engaddi), and Chodoriahomor V-12sd

Asbaje, Juana Ines de XIV-203b

Asbestas 'Asbestusi, Gregory, Bishop of Nicipa XI-4,3d; and Photius IV-311b: at Syracuse IX-l.V)c: XIV-397b

Asbjornsson, Botolph XVI-76b

Asbury, Francis X-239c

Ascalon, town VI-KXla; Agiles at I-21()d; battle (1099) IV-.>47a; VI-62.5c; Sennacherib takes II- 14c: siege II-12.3b

ASCALON, See of I-766b; and

Bethlehem II-533a Ascanian line, founder II-73Sd Ascanius, Saint. See Canus, Saint — Bishop of Tarragona VII-348c;

XIV-459C Ascelin, Bishop of Rochester,

England XIII-102b — Adalbero, Bishop of Laon XIV-

131a —NICOLAS I-766c: IV-551b AsceUna, name X-fi75a Ascellius .Smilius Mll-721b ASCENDENTE DOMINO, Bull of Gregory XIII I-76Ud; XII- 7.53a Ascension, John. See Sulaga Ascension, church, Donaldsonville

XIII-35Sd — convent, Moscow X-595c —church. New York XVI-50d —hill XI-244C

—FEAST OF I-767b: blessing of beans III-2n.5c; Bobbio Missal III-502b: Byzantine Rite IV- 315c: calendars, ancient III- 163a; Carmelite Rite Xni-73d; Celtic Rite III-,Wlb: Commu- nicantes III-2G2b: Durham procession V-214b; Gallican Rite VI-3IJ0b: Gospels VI-660c: as holy day XlV-342c; indul- gence Vll-788d; Latin Church XI-517a; liturgical prayers III- 500c: and liturgical week XV- 576a; Masses II-568d: post- Nicene Church I-197c: Req- uiem Masses XII-779d; in United States II-238d — Day. See .\scension. Feast of —OF CHRIST I-767a; Ark pre- figures I-724C — in Art: Fra Angelico I-484a; Athelstan's Psalter (ill.) I- facing 76G; Baveu y Subias II- 35Sb: Deger IV-677c; Pintu- ricchio XII-104a; St. Ethel- wold's Benedictional (ill.) II- facing 464 —in prophccv XIV-598b; Raban- us' hymn VII-602c: symbolism V-144d; Virgin Alary XV- 4G9a — of Isaias, Abyssinian Church I -78d; analyzed I-606b; Arch- ontics I-697b: Belial II~408b; on hierarchy VII-338b — of Paul, apocryphal I-614c;

Gnostic work VI-599C Ascent of Calvary (Pinturicchio) XII-liHd: lliulieiis) .\I-4md — of Mount Carmel i.^t. .I"!ni nf the Cn.s.')) 1 1 1 -:lt,7b ; \ 1 1 1 - 4N(ld Ascents of James V-L'4:id Asceterion I-HId: XII-796a Ascetical Theology. See Theol-

ASCETICISM I--G7d ; Acoemeta; I-105b: Adamites I-135b; an- chorites I-4G2d; Arabian phi- losophy I-676b; Benedictine rule II-439b: bodily. Catholic XIV-614a: Brahniinical I- 772b; II-732b; Buddhist I- 772d; III-30c: Byzantine III- 122b; Christian i-7G8b; XII- 324c; dangers of XIV-615b: definition XIV-613d: and devil XIV-G15b; in eariv Church I- 770a; VI-14C; Xll~7.50a: Eg>-p- tian I-772a; false and true I- 773a: florilegia VI-121C: Greek I-772b; hair-shirt VII-I1.3d; heretical I-772a; highest form I-769b: Hindu II-73.5a: his- torical development XIV-617a: in Jainism VIII-270a; St. Je- rome's attitude VIII-343c; Jewish I-771C; Luther XII- 702c; Mithraistic X-403c; mon- astic I-769d; X-459c; 4G0b; and moral theology XlV-603c: and mysticism XIV-616d: mortification X-578b: natural I-76Sa: St. Nilus on XI-80a; pagan I-772b: XI-391a; Pas- sion, contemplation of XI- 52.Sa: Platonic theory XII- 161c: poverty XII-324C: re- ligiotis XII-742d; 748d: sayings I-C24a; Sikhism XIII-7S9c; Stylitea XIV-317C: Sweden- borgian teaching XI\'-35Ga; Svnesius of Cvrene on XIV- .387b; works on, papal rule III- 524a. See Theology, Ascetical


Asceticon, Coptic manuscript

XVI-30a Ascetics II-365d. See Hermits;

Fathers of the Desert Aschaffenburg, pulpit XII-565b Ascham, Roger, schoolmaster IV-


VON I-77.3C: encyclopedia V-

4!7a Aschenbrenner, Bede XIII-527a Aschendor0, Anton Wilhelm XI-

680a Aschenwall, Gottfried XIV-269d Aschhausen, John Gottfried von.

Bishop of Wiirzburg XV-720a;

at Bamberg II-244C Aschheim, Synod of, decrees ed- ited VI-145a Aschkenazi VIII-396c Ascholius, Bishop of Larandag

IX-3C —Bishop of Rhess'na XIII-19a —Bishop of Thcssalonica XIV-

633d; lllvricuni. Vicar Apos-

tohc of IV-613d; VII-663c:

and Theodosius I XIV-578a Ascbot I, King of Armenia X-

59Sb Ascicla. Saint XIV-797a Ascidas, Theodore. See Askidas,

Theodore Asclepas, Bishop of Gaza VI-

400d: XIII-473a Asclepiadse X-123a Asclepiades, Bishop of Antioch

1-5GSC: IV-46d —Bishop of Trapezopolis XV-24a — of Bithynia. See .Asclepiades of

Prusa — of Prusa \'-276b; on insanity

VIII-39b; medical research X-

12:!d Asdepias, plant II-155d Asclepiodorus, Saint, Bishop of

Perugia XI-73Gd Asclepiodotus, Saint IX-645d —heretic X-44Sd: XV-756C Ascolano, Eurialo XIIT-782b Ascoli, town. Italy VIII-220b;

papal mint X-334d — Cecco d' II-22b; 642c; XIII-

7S2b — Conrad of. ,See Conrad of

Ascoli — Girolamo. See Nicholas IV — cope IV-352a — PICENO, DIOCESE OF I-

773d; cathedral (ill.) VIII-

facing 224 — SATRIANO, AND CIRIG-

NOLA, DIOCESE OF I 774a Ascolti, Benedetto, and Pius IV

Xn-12<(d Ascona, college II-341c: in-624b Asconagus, John V-636a; XV-

61c Asconius, manuscript XII-178a:

177d Ascoytia, monastery II-787a Ascrivium (Cattaro) III-456d Ascuithe, trial of. See Evans and

Asciuthe Ascunages (Ascunaghes), John.

See Asconagus ASEITY I-774b; II-G4a Aselli, Gaspare, physician I-460b;

II-573b: X-131C Asselus, name X-G74a — Bishop of Forlimpopoli II-522d Asem VI-434C Asemona VI-434C Asen, Tsar of Bulgaria III-4fib:

dynasty, in Rumania XHI-

225a; and Theodore of Epirus

I-161a Asena (Bib.) VI^34c; name X-

676d Asenaphar. See Asurbanipal ASENETH (ASENATH) I-774C:

VIII-.W7b; IX-583d; marriage

of I-606C; praver of I-606C Aser, name X-676C ASER. son of Core I-775b ASER, son of Jacob I-774c;

VI-:i31d ASER, tribe I-774d; VI-402d;

XV-.39c; Acrel-llOd: DoraV-

133b: and Nephtali X-750a;

svmbol XIV-30.5b ASER, village I-77oa; VI-434C — .Scr A.sor Asereth XI-fiGIb Asergadda VI-4.34c Ases, in Scandinavian mythology


Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d. quarter of page.