Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/180

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Benignus, disciple of St. Hidul-

phu3 XIII-345a — traditional Bishop of Le Puy

IX- 186a —OF ARMAGH, SAINT I-734c;

II-179C; c-onversion VIII-

99d: at Drumlease VIII-643c;

at Glastonbury VI-o79c; in

Kerry VIII-627c; and St.

Patrick XI-535b; school VIII-

lOOb —OF DIJON, SAINT II-479d;in

Beaancon legends II-525b;

at Langres II-144a; tomb IV-

794c ■ — of Genoa, Franciscan VI-2SCb:

XV-522d — of Kilbannon, Saint II^79d;

XV-80c; 81b —of Syracuse, Saint XIV-397a —of Trevi, Saint XIV-234d Benihassan, i)ainting at (ill.)

VIII-IH.T Beni-Khazer, emirs XII-224a Beni Kurt, dynasty X-481d Benildis, Alozarabic martyr

XIV-17sd Beni Merines, dynasty XIV-

179c; ls2b Beni-Mervan, dynasty X-59Sd Beni Musa, tiulfiors XII-49b BENIN, VICARIATE APOS- TOLIC OF THE COAST OF

II-48Ua; IV-WJ4a; map I-fac-

ing ISO Benincasa, Angelo di, Senator of

Rome VII-458a — Catherine. See Catherine of

Siena, Saint — Christina XIV-5.58a - — Francesco, Bishop of Carpi

ni-374c — Giacomo di ni-447a — Girolamo XIV-."j.'iSa — Ursula, Venerable, Theatine

XIIl-.512b; XlV-.558a Beni-OkaU, d> nasly X-598d Ben-Isaac, Jehuda Jona. .See

Battista, Giovanni Guida

Giona Ben Isaac, Solomon. Sec Rashi Beni Shibab, Syrian family IX-

683d Benislaski, Russian envoy XIV-

99c Beni-Suet, Jacobite Diocese of V-

3o5d Benitez, Jose Gautier, writer

XIV-2(>7d Benito, Campos, missionary

VIII-272C Benivieni, Girolamo, VIII-249C Benivolus, Hrescian VI-393d Beni-Yala, emirs XII-224a Benizi, Philip, Saint. See Philip

Beriizi. Saint Benjamin, naiiie X-677a —Saint XI :,l\r,d BENJAMIN UJib.) son of Balan

Il-4Niid BENJAMIN (Bib.) gates II-

4siid. \ 1 1 1 -:i.-i3d BENJAMIN I Bib.) rebuilder of

.I, IH80d BENJAMIN ( Bib.) son of Herem

II 4s(ld BENJAMIN (Bib.) son of Jacob

II-4M)d; \ll-030b;XIII-214c;

BENJAMIN (Bib.) tribe II-480d; XV-39C; and Ammonites I- 432b; Jerusalem under VIII- 34ed; jewel XIV-.307d; and Moabites X-4ina; St. Paul of XI-569a; wolf I-526d

^Jacobite Patriarch of Alexan- dria I-7lib; 301d

—Bishop of Jerusalem VIII-35Cb

—Bishop of Soli XlV-134d

— of Edessa, liturgist XIV-41Sa

—of Tudela, on Carmel III 3.')3d; in Palestine Vll-103b; on I'rcster Jolm XII-4nib; on Torah XlV 7.S0b; travels II-9a


Benna, Bishop of Hereford VII- 25.5d

Bennadius, Bishop of Reims I- 107b

Bennassi, Augustin-Franfiois, Bishop of Petro[)olis XI-7.82d

Bennedetti, Giambattista, painter XII-74a

Bennet, Saint XI-.563d

—Mabel Clare II-222d

—Robert XIII-116C

— Thomas, Carmelite I-315a

— William. See Bentney

Bennett, Bishop of Cork IV-371a

— H. L., on St. Andrew of Crete I-J73b

— James Gordon, journalist IV- 228b

—John, Jesuit X-.56SC

—Patrick II-231c

— William Henry, Biblical com- mentator I-130d; IV-162d; .')02d; Vll-SOd

— W. J. E.. Ritualist XIII-90C

—Law, and A. P. A. I-427a; on education XV-6t)3d; in Wis- consin X-320a

Bennigsen, Levin August, Rus- sian general XlII-249a

— Rudolf von, German party leader VI-513b; on Mallinc- krodt IX-571C

Beimington, Vermont XV-354d; 3.5.5c; battle (1777) XV-162c; 356a

Bennloch y Vivo, Juan, Bishop of Urgel XV-224a

Benno, Carmelite VI-104d

—SAINT, Bishop of Meissen II-481C; X-148d; Eraser's poem V-411a

— II, Bishop of Osnabriick II- 481d; VII-128C; XI-341C

— Bishop of Rimini XIII-5SC

— Bishop of Sarsina XIII-478d

Bennonites, Redemptorists XII- 683c

Beno, cardinal, historian VIII- SOd; IX-225C

Benoist, Rene, version of the Bible XV-372a

Benoit, Saint. Sre Benedict

— Guillaume XIV-797d

—MICHEL II-lS2b; death III- 674b

— de Canfield. See Fytch, Wil- liam Benedict

— de Pont. See B^nfzet

Benoite-Vauz, Notre-Dame de. See Notre-Dame de Benotte- Vaux

Benoni. See Benjamin, son of Jacob

Benserade, Isaac de IX-107c

Ben Sira. See Ecclesiasticus

Bensly, Robert Lubbock, Orien- talist V-537d

Benson, Edward White, -Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Assyrian Mission XI-725a; on Christian Ivnowledge So- ciety III-721d; Ritualism XIII-91C; on Stephen I XIV- 288a

— Robert Hugh, on Ritualists XIII-92C

— William, Abbot of Westmin- ster. See Boston, William

— William, Australian missionary I-140b; II-116d

Bent, Charles, governor XI-2b; XII-556C; XIV-449a

— James Theodore, traveller, in Arabia I-664b; on Axum II- 163a; 163d

Benteen, colonist XIV-22b

Bentham, George, botanist V- 421b

— Jeremy, jurist II-482d: egoism V-328b; XII-29c; ethical code IX-77C; on happiness VII- I32d; hedonism VII-188b; on punishment XII-.569b: on seal of c.jiif.ssH.ii XIII-659C; on Shiik XIII r.'.'.a; utilitarian- i»iii \I I. lib; XV-241C; 242a


Bentt-Bulgarelli, Marianna, act^ res.^ .X-'-'34a

BENTIVOGLIO, fainilv ll-4.s:!b; in Bologna 11 (i39d; and Costa IV-417b; and Juhus II VIII- 563a

—Antonio Xll-OOlb

— CORNELIO, cardinal II-183C

— Giovanni Battista, Cossa's por- trait of IV- 1 17a; excommuni- entiil Vni-.5li:ia; and Imola VII li',i:id; iin.l l.uini IX-tlflc — GUIDO, 11 4S3c; and AniHul.l I 71.-.d; <.n (Issat XI 312d; Pal. j,triiiaXI-t21d; Hicz IV 7'.i;id; wnlings VIII 2.51c . — Maria Costanza, Poor Clare XII-2:Vla

— Maria Maddelena, Poor Clare

Xll-254a Bentley, Mrs., missionary IV-

2:j7a —JOHN FRANCIS II-4,S3c;

portrait II-4S3d; Westminster

Cathedral XV-314d; 599d — Richard, Biblical critic XIV-

5;!2b; on Vulgate XV-51Sd;

.516a Bentley's Magazine, periodical

XlI-,5U4d BENTNEY, WILLIAM II-484a Bentworth, Richard de, Bishop of

I.oii.l.jn 1X-347C Benucci, Alessandra I-712b — Zenobius, Vicar Apostolic of

Agra I-225a Benvenuti, Antonio, cardinal

VIl-7a — Giovanni Battista. See Orto-

lano Ferrarese Benvenuto, Bishop of Gubbio

VIl-55d —Bishop of Moutefeltro X-.528d — Giovanni di, painter XI-400c;

XIIl-779a; "Return of Greg- ory XI", Siena (ill.) VI-799;

Vilterra Cathedral, works XV-

.5().5a —da Imola, litt«r.ateur VII-693b — Scotivoli, Saint, Bishop of Os-

inio XI-339a Benz, Placidus, Abbot of Wein-

gartcn XV-576d

1, Anna Maria IX-178d


ek. Se,

Benzenberg, astronomer XV-

1S.5C Benzeradt, Carl von. Abbot of

Orval XI-331b Ben-Zert. See Bizerta Benzi, antiquarian II-303a — Girolamo Aprile e. See Aprile

Benzi, Girolamo — Ugo, physician XIII-782b Benziger, family, scholarships

lll-4!>5d — Adelrich IH84c — Aloysius Maria, Bishop of

(juilun XII-611a —Charles lHS4b —Charles, Jr. IH84c —J. N. Adelrich lI-l.S4c —JOSEPH CHARLES II-484b — Louis 1I-484C —Martin II-4S4C —Nicholas II-4S4b —Nicholas, Jr. II-484C Benziger's Magazine, New York

XI-696b Benzinger, Harry II-231d

uel. Orientalist II-552C



Benzler, Willibord, Bishop of Metz X-249C; Maria-Laach IX-(i.58d

Benzo, Bishop of Alba Pompei I- 2.52c; and Cadalous III-128d; and Henry IV VIII-86d

Benzoni, family, and Crema IV- 481b


— Rutilio, Bishop of Recanati and Loreto XII-676a

Beoan, Saint VI-32.5a

Beodericsworth (Bury St. Ed- mund's) 11I-S5C

Been, .s'.r Baalmeon

Beor ll-214d

Beorhtgils, Bishop of Dunwiek XI-121d

Beorhtheah, Bishop of Worcester XV-7(J4a

Beorhthelm, Bishop of Winches- ter XV-650C

Beorhtric, King of Wessex V- 325b

Beorhtsige, Bishop of Rochester, lOiiKlaiKl Xlll-lU2b

Beornmod, Bishop of Rochester. ICnglaii.l XIll-ll>2b

Beornstan. Saint, Bishop of Win- chester XV-650C

Beornwulf, King of Mercia IV- 69d

Beorred, King of MiTcia VI-626C

Beorthswith VII 2.'i(la

Bcotes, scniplor III .5.54c

Beothukan Indians VII-75ib

Beowulf, poem l-5i2a; V-4.59b; and B...-lhius II- 6 1 Id: in legend IX 121c; magic in XI-l<19b

Bepuano, Nuestra Sefiora del Pilar de, mission XU-llOa

Beqaa, See of XV-745b

Bequests XV-72a; legal defini- tion III-591C. See Legacies; Charitable Bequests

Bera VI-435C


Berain, Jean, architect XIII- lOllb

Beraire, Saint. See Berecharius, St., Bishop of Le Mans

Berakhoth, Taimudic treatise XIV-43(id

Beraldus, Saint. See Berard of

Berar, kingdom VII-72Sa

Berard, .\rchbishop of Athens II-

— Abbot of Farfa V-786C

— Joseph Frederic, phvsieist

XII-e6b; Dumas on V-189d;

life theory IX-240a Berardi, Berardo, Bishop of Osi-

nio III-14(Pb: Xl-;i;i9a —CARLO SEBASTIANO II-

485d; IX-I15C — Gianetto di Lorenzo Berardo

XV-385a Berardo, Saint, Bishop of Marsi



Berardus, Saint, Bishop of Ter-

amoXlV-.514c Berat,.l...uiii.iit I-2.54b; V-237b;


TOINE HENRI DE ll-486a Berbas, tribe Xll-li26d Berbegal, FeUpe Vl-287d Berbers, tribe I-183a; and Abys-

siniaus I-76a: and Arabs I-

186a; ethnology XII-624a;

626c; Islamism I-192d; in the

Jebel-Gharian XV-59a; mis- sion IV-152C; in Morocco X-

574c Berceo, Gonzalo de. See Gon-

zalo (le Berceo BERCHARIUS, SAINT II-4S6b;

Moutier-en-Der III-566b; and

St. Nivard XII-725d Berchet, Giovaimi, poet VIII-

252c BERCHEURE, PIERRE II-4S6c Berchmans, John, Saint. See

John li.riluiians, St. Berchoire, Pierre. See Bercheure Berchorius, author VI-.539d Berchta, deity ni-728c BERCHTOLD, BLESSED II-

4SUd; at Gottweig \'I-6S2d — Franz, Bishop of Neusohl X-

774d Berctgils, Bishop of East Anglia

VIl-452b Bercthune, Abbot of Beverley

Vlll-17l)a Bercy, Abbe X-147c Berdan \H35c

Berdichev, monastery XII-561b Berdini, Albert. See Albert Ber-

Berd Khan, Kurdish sheikh XI-

Berdnikoff, canonist XIII-264a Berdolet, Marcus Antonius,

Bishop of Aachen I-lc Bere, Richard, Abbot of Glaston-

hur\- VI-.5S0C; XIII-46d Berea'VI-435c; battle (161 B. c.) IV-7(l7b. See Beroen; Beroth Berecharius, Saint, Bishop of Le

Mans IX-143d; 144a Berechiah. See Barachias Bered. .See Barad Bereford, G. J., Protestant Arch- bishop of Armagh I-734a Beregszaszi, Peter X1V-419C Bereitan iBerotha) VI-43oc Berekah 'asuyah, reservoir XII-

235b; 235c Bereke. .S.-e Barka Berengar, Alular.I's father I-36d — B,^1m,|. ..I I':-^:.; XI-519C — Fre.i-ii I -ImII, Berenger

Bercnf:.nia, .,1.11 of Castile Ill-Hid: \ 1 4-'b; VIII-15d

^Queen ol England XIII— 42b

Berengario, Bishop of Salamanca Xin-391c

Berengarius I, King of Italy vl- 14t)c: crowned Xl-3.5ld; XIV- 262a; and John X VIII 42,5c; St. Rafaele, Church ..i I -400c

— n. King of Italy VllI-25Sb; XI-354d; XIV-290b; and St.

Large typo indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.