Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/185

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Bethsaloe. See Barsaloe Bethsames, town VI-436b; Ark

at I-723b; name X-67Sb Bethsamites I-723a BETHSAN II-537a; Philistine

possession XII-21d. See also

Beisan; Scythopolis Bethsemes. See Bethsames BethsettaVI-43Gb; nameX-678a Bethshan. See Bethsan Bethshemesh. See Bethsames Bethshemites. See Bethsamites Bethshittah. See Bethsetta Bethsiamits, Canada, mission X-

382c Bethsimoth. See Bethjesimoth Bethsur (Bethsura)^ town VI-

436b; fortification VIII-544d;

I.vaiaa's ilcfent IX-494b Bethtappuah (Beththaphua) VI-


Bethuel. .Set- Bathuel (father of Laban)

Bethul VI-43r,b

BETHXILIA II-537b; VIII-554d: siege VIII-5r>4a; XV-581b

Bethtine, Annand de, Bishop of Le Puy Vni-.il2b

— James. See Beaton. James

— Jean Burillau de, scientist XI- 296d

—John, Baron XVI-32d; 33a

— Robert de, Bishop of Hereford Vn-255d

Beth-Yakin, town, siege II-14b

Bethzachara VH36b

Bethzacharam, battle (164 b. c.) V-373d: IX-494C

Bethzatha, pool. See Bethsaida

Belhzecha VI-436b

Bethzur. See Bethsur

Betkowski, scientist XII-198C

Betomesthaim VI^36b

Betonim VI -332b; 436b

Bcloyan Indians VII-758a

BETROTHAL II-537C; and ab- uurti.jn I-32c; 34a; age for I- -'lisc; 20Ua; of bishops XIII- "i'ld; breach of II-o38a; cere- iiMjny IX-704C; 705c; 707a; in I iista Rica IV-41.Sc; dissolu- tion II-o3Sa; effects II-537d; I'.rmalities II-537d; history 11 -.538b; as impediment to matrimony II-537d; VII-696d; .Irwish II-549b; XIV-}37a; \V-t64Ga; 464Hb; legislation lV-3c; marriages as I-208c; and public honesty XII-554b; requisites II-537c; in Roman Law IX-80a; 704d; spiritual IX-703d; of Virgin Marv XV- 464Fd; York use XV-73.TC

Betsileo, Madagascar, mission I-lS7b

Bettachinj, Orazio, Vicar Apos- tolic of Jaffna IV-124d; VIII- 269b

Bettaffua, name X-C7Sa

Bettelheim, Anton, version of the Bible XV-374b

Bettendorf, Dietricli of. Bishop of


1 XV


Betti, Betto di Francesco, sculp- tor XII-216d

— Enrico, mathematician XII- 112d

— .Sec Juste

BETTIAH, PREFECTURE APOSTOLIC OF II-5.3Sd; I- 317a; mi3.sion II-.539a; statis- tics VII-730a

Bettinelli, Joseph-Marie I-86a


Bettinger, Franz, .\rchbishop of Munioh-Freising X-6.33a

Bettini, Lucas, Dominican XII- 3«3a

Bettir, Kh. .See Bether

Betto, Blessed XIII-716d

— Saint, Bishop of Auxerre XIII- 718b

— Bishop or Langres VIII-790a

— Bernardino di. .See Pinturic- chio

Betulius, Sixtus, dramatist IX- 28c; Biblical concordance IV- 196b

Betulphus, Bishop of Maastricht VI-633C

Betumah fSt. Thomas), town Xin-3S3b

Bet Yehav&h, sanctuan- XIV- 49fla


— Jacques Claude II-539c Beunnoc, Saint. See Winwallus,

BEUNO, SAINT II-540a; XV- .583d; and St. Winefride XV- 656d

Beuren, Otto. See Raich, Johann Michael

Beuron, Abbey of II-202a; 451 d; art school II-458c; schola cantorum XIII-547d

— Congregation of II^51c: in Brazil II-449d; and St. Ottilien Congregation II— 453a; statis- tics (19061 n-460d

Beust, Frederick Ferdinand von, prime minister of Saxonv II- 132d; VI-.511b

Beuvy, Anne XIV-438d

Bevagna, ancient Seeof XlV-234b

Bevan, Anthony Ashley, Biblical commentator IV-162d

Bevegnati, Giunta IX-6.54d

Beverley, .Sec of XVI-38a

— John of. Saint. See John of Beverly

—MINSTER II-540a; archi- tecture VI-675a; (ill.) V-facing 450; 455a; monastery founded VIII-470a: sanctuary right XIII-430d: school XIII-557b

Bevilacqua, Bonifacio, Bishop of Crvia Ill-.54.5b

Bevin, Elway, composer X-601b

Bevon, Saint IV-793d

Bew, John, President of Oscott XI-333d; and Berington II- 491c

Bewcastle Cross I-511b; IV- 533b; 534d; (ill.) I-facing 508: 510a; inscription I-509d

Bewerunge, h!, on ecclesiastical music X-4c

Bewick, John William, Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle VII- 31Sd

Bewsher, explorer II-9a

Bexar, San Antonio de, parish VII-42C

Bexhill-on-sea, Providence Sis- ters of the Institute of Charity in XII-.509b; Rosminian mis- sion Xin-201c

Bexon, Leopold Claude de. Bishop of Naniur X-679c

Bexwick, Margaret IX-573a

Bey-Bazar VlII-741a

Beye de Cisneros, Manuel Ig- of University of




Beyer, Valentine. —Wolfgang, ixplonr Vl-4.">2a BEYERLINCK, LAWRENCE II-

.54 Uc Beyle, Maria-Henri. See Stend-



Beylerbey, palai noplc lV-3(nd

Beyme, von, Prussian minister XII .52.5d

Beyn, Blessed Hid

Beyschlag, Willibald, Biblical commentator IV-162b; on St. James' Epistle Xni-162b; on .St. Matthew'.s Gospel X-64a

Beyssac, Benedictine XII-147c

Beysserre. Suipician VIII-763a

Beza, inoniistirv VI-575a; X- 71c: XIIl-.5s9d

— Theodore. .See Beze. Theodore

— Codex. .See Codex Bezje

Bezaleel. .See Beseleel

Bezbracbniki, Raskolnik sect XII-649d

Beze, monasten,-. See Beza

Beze, Theodorede, on Antichrist I-561c: and Arminius I-741a; on baptism II-261b; Bolsec's life of II-643b: and Campion V-294a: Codex IV-S3d: doc- trine III-19Sb: and Erastus V- 514d: and Esnenee V-542a; on fall of man III-199c; and St. Francis de Sales VI-220b: at Geneva University III-198a; Huguenot representative VII- 531b: on invocation of saints III-203a: Michel de L'Hos- pital's portrait IX-209c: at Alontbf^liard V-37b; at Orleans University XI-319c; and per- secution of heretics III-197d: poetical wrilings IX-29d; at Poissy I-79od: V-37a; XV- .366d: on predestination XII- 382a; New Testament edition

IV-503a; XIV-532b; and Vigor XV-428d

Bezec VH36b; name X-676d

Bezena, See of VI-73Sd

Bezer. See Bosor I

Beziers, town, siege (1209) I- 269a: XII-670a: V-107b

— Diocese of X-546b

—Cou7icils: (366) VII-349d: IX- 221c: X-.546b; (1233) X-546b: (1246) X-S46b; (1255) X- 546b: (1299) II-390C

— Heart of Mary Sisters VII- 167d: Lazarist seminary X- 361b; Poor Clares XII-253b

— Roger, Viscount of I-269a

Bezpopovtsi, Raskolniks XII- (14«b

Bezsonoff, Peter A., writer XIII- 265d

B. F., abbr. I-23d; 2Cc

Bgol, Abbot at Atripe XIII-527b: XIV-561d

Bhagavadgita II-733d

Bhagnagar (Hyderabad) VII- 592c

Bhakti, in Hinduism II-733d; 734b

Bhawanikhera, mission XII-635C

Bhikkus III-30b

Bhrigu, in " Laws of Manu" IX- 61.3b

Biaggio, Anselmo da, Bishop of Lucca X-3U0d

Biagi, Clemente, archaeologist III-2UUa

Biagini, Atto, Franciscan IX- 746d

Biaknabato, pact (1897) XII-13c

Bialobrzeski, Vicar Capitular at Warsaw XIII-25SC

Bialystok, seminary XV-433d

Biamban, deity I\'-686d

Bianca, Poor Clare IV-4b

—Maria VII-48:jc

Bianchi. See Penitents, White

— Ambrogio, Camaldolese III- 2U6a


— Giovanni di Rimini. Sec Blan- co Giano

—Isidore, archaeologist III-206a

— della Giustizia VI-218a

BIANCHINI, FRANCESCO II- 541a: Vll-:!7l'.d; XV-362b: and Clement XI I\ -29d: and Mul- let (licKioniontanus) X-62SC

—GIUSEPPE 11 .541c

— of Ferrara XI-784b

Bianco da Siena. .See Anciolina, Bianco d-.dV


— James. .See James Bianconi, Blessed

Biancourt, Jean de. See Potrin- court

Biandrate, Guide da. Bishop of Hav<nna Xll Ci.l.d

BIARD, PIERRE ll-.541d; among Abenaki 1 :«ic: ll-7ii:ic: X- 386a; XI cud Xll .'sTc; in Canada X :i7-~b; X 1 1 1-3.-..5a: in Maim- 1 'Ha: l.\ .546c; among Malisett IX .j7t)c: and Mass^ X-:i0b: on Meiiibertou X-172b; on Micmacs X-284b; "Relations de la Nouvelle France" XIV-96C

Biarmaland (Russia) XI-116d

Blame, explorer IX-.54.5b

Bias, philosopher XII-40.5d

Biasca Sacramentary I-397a

Biaschelli, Aloysius, of Fathers of the Most Precious Blood XII- 374a

Biasecki, historian XII-I97b

Biassono, Ansperto da. Archbish- op of -Mihni X 2fl9a

Bibars, Siilian lV-.551d: Antioch captured I-.567d: 569b: Ascalon destroyed I-766b: Elcutherop- olis destroyed V-380b: at Issus VIII-201C; Joppc captured VIII-2fi8d: at Nazareth X- 726b: Nubia expedition XI- 148a: and Polo travellers XII- 217c: Soziisa captured XIV- 167a: S\ria conquered VIII- .363a: tomb IV-612d

Bibber, van II-231d

Bibbiena, battle (1289) IX-6.54d

—BERNARDO, cardinal II- 542b: and Berni II-.509b; dramatic writings VIII-25(k:;


immorality XII-766d: and Leo X IX-162c: portrait II-542C

Bibel-Babel, controversy IV-494C

Biberach, town XV-"22.5d; in Smalkaldic League XIV-58b

Bibescu, George, Wallachian ruler Xni-22Ud

BIBIANA,SAINTII-542d:statue, Rome 1 1-5 11a

BIBLE II-543a: Abrahamites be- hef I-57d: Abecedarian poems I-Ula: Abvssinian monks I- 79a: Adam of St. Victor I- 134b; affinity I-177d: Airoli I-237b: Albert of Castile I- 262c: Alcuin I-278a: Alleluia I-319b; Allioli I-325a: Allot I-326a: angels I-476d: 478d

— in Anglieanism I-i99d; ordina- tion rite I-492a; White on XV- 636b

— animals I-517a: antediluvians I-662a: anthropomorphism I- S69a : antiquities II-548b: Apol- linaris the Elder I-615b; 617a; Apollinaris the Younger I- 61ob; and apologetics I-619b: Aramaism V-247b: astronomy II-29c: authenticity II-137c; authority I-621d: St. Avitus Il-ieic: and Babylonian dis- coveries I-481a: Baltimore de- cree II-240a: Biblia Pauperum II-547a: Biblical Commission II-558a; books, metaphorical XII-381a: books, number of III-26Sb: and Buddhist Scrip- tures III-29b; in Calvinism III-202C; Caraites III-329b; Catechism, Roman, on V- 87a; chronology III-731C; citations in I-724a; Clementine revision XV-515c; Codex Am- iatinus III-537a: commentaries IV-157C: concordances IV- 195a: correctories IV-394d: cosmology II-29d: Cotton La- tin IX-616b: criticism I- 622c: IV-491d: Deists I-622a; divination by V-4Sd; 49b: 60d; division into verses V-290b; Dominicans XII-363b; dreams V-155a: Duhamel V-187d: edi- tions V-286c: embroidery V- 401a; epistles V-509b; Euse- bius of CsesaresV-62Ia; exegesis V-692b: and faith, confessions of V-760a: of forty-two lines VI-326d: VII-90d; genealogy VI-408b; generation VI-412d; geographv VI-42Sd; in German literature VI-.520d: called Gi- gas librorum IX-615a

— Hebrew VII-175a: Athias edits II-47c; Massorah X-35d

—Henry VIII on V-443c: Hugue- not version VII-530b; idolatry VII-637b: inspiration II-543c; VIII-45b: interpretation, pri- vate XII-498a: XV- 141b: St. Jerome XV -516a: of King John XII-363C: Lang- ton VIII -791c: literature II-543d: in Lollardy IX- 3.34c; Luther VII-258c; IX- 44.5b- Manir-hxisni IX-594C: l.i,-mn-rn]il> 1\ i.Jla- Marcion 1\ r, |7b, ;,T,-I .M;.-ni,rv IX- 771a. 7Mia M;,-M hn^.-ltslegis- r,t„„, \l nl7a: M;i~.-..r,-lic V- L's7c M.i? iriT, \ I :;.'iid; Mich-

Il-:i2..-b. .\tl.ra.-k:i l.-iri^lation

X-730d: oldc-st eM;,iii '-opy IV-S7c: in Pauhr,:,,, l.,T.--y XI-583d:Piua X .1,1 Ml i::sc: popular use in I iii:laii<l XII- .500a; printing HI .5Jlib; V- 691a: as prophccvl-4:«,d ; Prot- estantism VIII-.50a: XII-49i;a; 496c; of Quedlinburc IX- 616b; 621a; reading of III- .520c: .522a: .524a: rhymed XIII-26d; Roger Bacon XIII- 114b: as rule of faith V-766d; XII-702c; XV-6d; on Sanhe- drin Xni-J45c; in schools XIII-561C; Secularism XIII- 676a: sermon IX-625b: Six- tine revision Vn-4d: Sixline version XV-51.5c; Socinian teaching XIV-lHb; statistics II-544d; Stephen's edition XV-276b; Strahov manuscript XIV-312d; of thirty-six lines

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.