Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/198

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Bourbon, Pierre II, Due de, and

Brieonnet II-779di Lyons ca- thedral IX-475d — I'Archambault, town, relic X-

604a — See Concl6 Bourboulon, plenipotentiary III-

683d Bourbourg, shnne III-211D BOURCHIER, THOMAS, car- dinal n-71Cb; XV-641a; at Canterbury III-300a; at Ely V-397a; and Morton X-5S2a; and Pecock XI-BOOc; at Wor- cester XV-704a — ^Thomas, Franciscan XIII-63C — William, Earl of Bath V-145d — William, Earl of Eu II-716b Bourdaise, missionary IX-SlOc Bourdalou, Clara, religious XV-


— Theresa, religious XV-2e9b Bourdaloue, Etienne II-717b — LOUIS II-717b; and Chem- inais de Montaigu III-645d; Condi's funeral sermon XI- 485d; eloquence VI-197b; Jou- venet's portrait of VIII-529b; and Massillon X-35c; portrait II-717C; as preacher VII^45b; sermons VII-444d —Mace, II-717b Bourdeilles, Arnaud de. Viscount

II-719d — HELIE DE, cardinal II-719d;

XV-2C — Pierre de. See Brantome Bourdelot, physician III-722d Bourdichon, Jean IX-626d; and

Fouquet VI-I63a Bourdin, Maurice. See Gregory

VIII.Antipope Bourdoise, Adnen, theologian XI— 4S6a; and Bernard II- 496d; and Duvcrgier de Haur- anne V-219a; and Laval IX-16a Bourdon, in heraldry VII-247d —JEAN II-719d — Marie-Louise-Franfoise Blin

de. See Blin de Bourdon _ — Sebastien, and Poussin XII-

324b Bouree, Frederic-Albert, mimster

IV-23(lb Bourg, Anne du, magistrate XI-

490d — Antoine du VII-531a — Joseph M., Vicar-General of Acadia XII~595c; among Mic- macs X-2S4c; at St. John XIII-355b — Josephine du, foundress IX-

264d , „

— Sisters of St. Joseph of. See

Joseph, Sisters of St., of Bourg BOURGADE, FRANQOIS II-


— Peter, Archbishop of Santa Fe

XIII-457b; XV-84d; and

Church Extension Society

XIV-78C; at Tucson I-720c

Bourganeuf , priory IX-264d

Bourg Deols, monastery XV-

271d Bourgeois, class and feudalism Vl-64d; and Socialism XIV- 63b — ^Emile, on Saint Simon XIII-

377a — Francois, missionary III-673c;

martyrdom III-671C — Louis-Marie-Joseph, martyr

IX-748b Bourgeoys, Abraham XI-127a — Marguerite, Venerable III- 239c; X-.'J47d; XI-127a: 7lisa; XIII-566a; birthplace XV- 6Sc; in Canada I-23oc; XVI- 69d: funeral sermon II-425a; at Montreal III-232C; 2960 Bourges, town. Assembly (1432) II-338a; Assembly (1438) 11- 337c; captured (475) VI-397b: Pragmatic Sanction VI-3.Wc; VIII-527a; XII-333a; univer- sity n-720c —ARCHDIOCESE OF n-720b: VI-39fia; X-fi03d; St. AiiKin- dus at I-3S0b; and Bordeaux Il-fiS2d — cathedral II-720d; architecture VI-B72d; Cahier's and Mar- tin's work III-140C; choir III- C93d; nave X-724b; sculptures XII-044b; window (ill.) H- facing 720


—Councils: (1225) 1-5578; II- 720c; (1220) II-720C; (1276) IX-724d; (1528) II-720C — map VI-188; primacy XII- 424a; religious orders II-721a; Visitation Nuns Xy-482b — ^Jacques de, missionary III-

675c; XIII-766b — Madeleine, religious xn-24Sb BOURGET, IGNACE II-721b; III-236a; 609b; VII-4U4c; X- 548d; cemetery interdict III- 608b; funeral sermon IV-lOOd; Guibord case III-509b; por- trait II-721b; and Viatorians XV-400b —Paul, novelist VI-203d — Pierre II-721b — CoUege II-240b; XV-400b Bourgeuil, monastery X-71b Bourgogne. See Burgundy Bourgoigne, Jean de, writer IX- BOURGOING, FRANCOIS II-

722a; XI-275b Bourgueil, Etienne de. Bishop of

Tours XV-2C Bourguignon, Johann Franz van

XV-422d Bourigaud, Abbot of Ligug6 IX-

247b Bouriant, Bible edition XVI-Sla Bourion, Honoratus, missionary

IX-090b Bourke, Joseph M. I-257b — Richard, governor of Australia

II-116C; Xni-562b — UlickXVI-lld — Dlick Joseph XVI-Ud; 12a Bourlier, Jean-Baptiste, Bishop of E\Teux, at Napoleonic Coun- cil X-693d Bourmont, pilgrimage VIII-790d Bournabat (Smyrna) XIV-<iOb Bourne, Ansel XI-728C — Francis, cardinal, Archbishop of Westminster V-.593C; IX- 350b; XV-596a; XVI-18a; 38c; and Catholic Truth Society XV-77d; on Church in England XV-596d; at Eucharistic Con- gress X-549c; and Mivart X- 408b;inSouthwark XIV-163b; and Westminster cathedral XV-596a —GILBERT II-722b; V-t7Sc — Hugh, Methodist preacher X-

240d —Philip II-722b Boumouf, Ass>Tiologist II-9c Bourquy, Claudine VI-232d Bourret, Jansenist XV-445d — Joseph, cardinal. Bishop of Rodez XIII-107d; 108a; on St. Vincent de Paul X-35Sd — Stephen de. Bishop of Paris, on St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-69Sd Bourry, Auguste-Etienne, mis- sionary XIV-720C; death IX- 747b Bourses du Travail. See Labour

Exchanges Bourzeiz, missionary IX-217C;


Bouska, Sigismund, poet IV-600b

Bousset, Wilhelm, exegete IV-

495d; on Antichrist I-560d;

on Gnosticism VI-593a; on

miracles X-343b

Boussingault, Jean - Baptiste,

chemist V-189C Bouterwek, Friedrich, writer III-

770a Bouthillier, Denis XII-639a — de Ranee, Jean Armand. See Ranc^, Jean-Armaud Le Bou- thillier de Bouton, Jacques, geographer \ I-

4.'ild; lX-7:ilb Boutroux, Etienne Emile, philoso- pher Xll-3:ic; contingentist theory XII-29C; and Kantian- ism XII-34a; on science and philosophy XII-35d Bouts, Dirk, painter XI-399C Bouvard, missir)nary X-368c Bouvart, Martin, missionary V'll-


723a Bouverie, Philip. See Pusey,

Philip BOUVET, JOACHIM II-723b; in China VI^.'J2b; 471a: China, map of in-674a; XII-720b;

Chinese hooks interpreted XII-

3S7c Bouvier, Abbe XIII-71GC —Claude V 11-920 —JEAN - BAPTISTE II-723d;

IX-144a; and Gregory XVI

Vn-4U3a Bouvines, battle (1214) I-261a;

Vl-9.'jb; lG7d; 492c; 536d;

Vni-14d; IX-531d; XI-358a;

XII-2a Bouxieres aux Dames. See

Notre-Dame de Vouxi^res BOVA, DIOCESE OF II-724b Bovara, lords of Cremona IV-

4S3d Boverca rBuvierca) XIV-452b Boverius, Zachary, chronicler

I-7lll)d: ni-325c Bovianum iBoiano) II-622d; bat- tle CilMl XIII-166C Bovill, Sewall de. Bishop of York


724c Bovio, G., Archbishop of Brindisi

n-788b Bovo, cardinal vicar III-341C Bow (weapon), Church's attitude

III-691a; Indian VII-7old Bowaib, battle XI-71Sa Bowbazar, school, Calcutta III-

154e ^,

Bowden, John, Oratonan XI-

J73d Bowdoin College IX-544c; Ra-

slc's cross X-2Sd Bower, Abbot of St. Andrews

XIII-332d — Archibald, ex-Jesuit VII-702d — Hamilton, captain XIV-719d — Walter, and Fordun annals

XIII-024a Bowers, Henry F., and " .\. P. A."

I-42Bd; 42Sa Bowes, Marmaduke, mart>T V-

475d; and Taylor XIV-40Sb — Richard, martjT V-478a Bowet, Henry, Bishop of York

X\'-734b Bowie, Oden II-230d Bowles, F. S., conversion V-l_13b Bowley, version of the Bible XV-

374b Bowling, family, Maryland II-

229b Bowmaker, Walter. See Bower,

Walter Bowman, William, physician X-

13Sd; 141c Bowne, Borden Parker, philoso- pher, Associationism II-4c; on miracles X-340b Bowring, Sir John, and .\nstey I-

-..-ilb: anil Bentham ll-4s3b BOWYER, SLR GEORGE II-

"24d Boywin, Gabriel, theologian XIV-

,W5a Boxadors, John Thomas de, Do- minican XII-36SFb Boxall, John, mart^T V-47Sa Boxer Rebellion Ill-OS.'ia; and missions, Catholic III-671b; and missions, Protestant III- 679b; suppression VIII-313e Boxes, for altar-breads I-349c Boxthome. See Bramble Box tree, in Bible XII-151d Boyaea, Church in XV-90c BOY-BISHOP II-725C Boyce, Hector. See Boice —JOHN Il-725d: in Boston II-

7or.c Boycott, Charles Cunningham

Vlll-n2b; XVI-12d Boycotting XVI-12d; moral as- pect VlII-72f.b; origin VIII-

112b Boyd, Henry, writer IV-632e —Zachary XIII-3.32b; rhymed

psalter .Xni-27a; rhymetl Bible

XIlI-27b Boyer, Bishop of Mirepoix XI-

436b —Denis, and Affre I-180a —Jean Pierre VII-114C — Joseph Andr4, Bishop of My-

rina IX-.5S7a — Louise XI-8.^te —Pierre Denis, writer XIII-380c — Toussaint, burial place XII-

121b Boyes, Hughes de. Abbot of

Reading XII-r,73b Boyis, William de, prior XII-171a

Boyl, Bernardo. See Buil Boylan, rector of Irish College,

Rome VIII-lSSc — Andrew, Redemptorist XII-

6S6c — James D. XI-27b —J. F., journabst XI-694a Boyle, town, Ireland, Cistercian abbev (ill.) V-39ob; Mercy convent XIII-578c — Sir Cavendish, governor XII-

289a — EUza XI-294C — Elizabeth, Sister of Charity

III-<)07d; 608a; XI-26d —Maria Wills V-673a — Patrick, journalist XI-673a — Robert, physicist XII-60c; on compressibility XII-66c; and Duhamel V-187c; God, belief in XIII-608a; Royal Society XIV-218a —Roger, Earl of Orrery VIII-

125c —Stephen ni-77od —ABBEY ll-72(ja; annals I-

533d; X-16Se Boyleau, Stephen XIII-lSSc Boylesve, Marin de, commenta- tor XIV-22Sa Boym, Michel, missionarj' VIII- 712b; and Wolfgang IX-746C Boyma, dcitv IV-686d Boyne, battle (1690) Vlll-lOSa Boytakhana, church, Calcutta

in-153c; 154b Boynton, WiUiam, martjT VIII-

167e; XIV-93b Bozarich, Bartholomaus, Bishop

of ^•cglia XV-321a Bozdech, Emanuel, dramatist

IV-COOc Boze, Claude Gros de, numisma-

tologist II-312d Bozen, Pa.ssion Play XI-533b Bozena, Bohemian nun. See

Beatrix Bozkath. See Bascath Bozrah. See Bosra Bozzuti, Scipione, Bishop of

Lucera IX-106C B. P., abbr. I-23d B. 0-, abbr. I-26e Brabanf on, John of. See John of

Barban^on _

Brabant, August, missionary X-

383b —Duchy of III-21b; and Breda II-752b; and Burgundy III- 68d: and Lorraine IX-363d — Siger de. See Siger of Brabant Brabeck, Jobst Edmund van. Vicar Apostolic of Northern Germany VI-529b Bracan, Saint. See Brogan Bracara, Archdiocese of. See

Braga Braccan, Hill of. See Ardbraccan Bracciano, monastery XI-327b;

siege I-291C Braccio di Montone, Andrea, cap- tain IX-725d; XIV-747C BraccioUni. See Poggio Braccio-

Braccio Nuovo, Vatican XV-

277d; 2S2c Bracco, Vincent, Patriarch of

Jerusalem Vin-369a Bracelli, Gasparo Grimaldi X-

604b Brachet, Michel Benoit, Maurist

X-71d Brachiniah. Sie .•\brahamites Brachycephalic, skull XII-621a Brachystaphvline, palate XII-

()21b BRACKEN, THOMAS II-726b;

in New Zealand XI-43a Brackmaim, Albert, historian ^ -

22b Braes, Diocese of VI-755a Bracteate, coin XI-155C; (dl.)


726c- on papal jurisdiction l-

C4.3b Bradfies, John, of Mun-

k.'ic9 X-034d Braddoek, Edward, general X\ -

l.iOa; defeat XI-t)40c Bradfield, John de. Bishop of

Rochester Xin-102b

Bradford, William, Abbot of Sherborne M1I-756C .

^William governor. Thanksgiv- ing Day XlV-55.'-)d

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.