Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/204

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Bruce, Edward, Lord of Kinloss VIII-66i)a

—Sir Frederick III-683d

■ — James, eighth Earl of Elgin. See Elgin

—James, traveller I-602c; II- 164a

—Robert, swindler VII-701C

— Robert I, King of Scotland. See Robert I, the Bruce

Bruch, battle XIV-185a

Bruchesi, Paul, Archbishop of Montreal IX-584d; X-548d: lectures X-549a; at London congress V-594a; Montreal congress X-549c: temperance movement XIV-492d

Bruchhaus, Joanna XII-257c

Bruchhausen, Anton, physicist X-fi40b

Bruchsal, Vicariate of II-196a

Bruchus, in Bible I-520a

Briick, Gregorius, chancellor V- 7(Ub

— HEINRICH, Bishop of Mainz III-4a;nn Berlage II-492C; on Western Schism XIII-541b

Briicke, Ernest Wilhelm Ritter von, physiologist X-139c: at Vienna Universit,\' XV— 423c

Brucker, Jacob, on Duhamei V- 197d

Bruckner, Alexander, historian VIII-64C: XII-200C; XIII- 274d

— Eduard, scientist XV-707b

— Gottlob, Bible XV-374C

Bructeri, tribe XIV-32Sd: XV- (J02a

Brude, King of the Picts IX- 319c; anil .St. Columba IV-13BC

Bruder, Hermann, concordance IV-19(.b

Bruderschaft VII-69C

Brue, Andre, in Senegal Xni-715c

Brueghel, Anne .\IV-SOSa


Bruere, William, Bishop of Exeter V-71Wa

Brueyre, Benjamin, missionary lll-r,74b; Vlll-l\33d



BRUGES, town III-.5b; academy VII-294d; art III-Uc; belfry (ill.) Il-facing 400; blind, hos- pice for V-307a: and Ghent VI- 95d; merchant guild VII-68b;

Feriodicals XI-671b; revolt of II-69b

— Diocese of III-6d; beguinage II-390a; Benedictine Abbey IH49d; cathedral IV-516b; Carthusian convent XII-230b; conference (1374) XV-722c; institutions III~7a: Jesuit col- lege XIV-309b; pilgrimage XII-89b; restoration Vi-S43b; St. Ursula, reliquary of XII- 763a; Xaverians XV-728b; 729b

Briiggemann, Hans, wood-carver




Bnighaid VIII-90b Brugh-na-B6inne X-98a BRUGIERE, PIERRE III-7b BRUGMAN, JOHN III-7d Brugnani, and Breviary reform

XVI-llc Brugnato, Diocese of. .See Luni,

Sarzana, aTid Brugnato Brugnon, Eugene-Charles, im-

prison.-il IX 747d Bruguiere, N'icrir .\postolic of

C'orea IV-lllild Bruhesen, Johannes van, Arch-

l.i»l .( rir.ilit VIl-3S.Sa

Bruillard, Philibert de, an<l La

S:ilfttr inv.-NliE.ation IX-8c Bruin, Arnold de. Prefect Apos-

Iclic ,.f f'urat-ao IV-570a Bruis, Peter de. See Bruys Brulart, Frangois, Archdeacon of

li.'iiiis .\ll-72,Sb Brule, Alberto di, wood-carver

XV-701b Brulefer, Stephen, Franciscan

VI-29:!a; .Scotism XIII-ei2c;

XIV-.W2b Brule Indians XIV-19d; 23c Brulius. Sn- Bruel, Joachim Brulle, Etienne XI-639a Brumaire, mouth III-740C

Brumel, Antoine, musician XI-


Ill-Sa; frrse,, in Capitol, \V:ishini;t.,n 111!,) lll-8a BRUMOY, PIERRE II-519c;

m-sc, xiii-2iib

Brunacci, Gregorio. See Consal- vi, Gregorio

Brunanburh, battle (937) II- 540b; XI-209C

Brunault, Joseph-Simon-Her- man, Bishop of Nicolet XI- 09b

Brundisium (Bnindusium; Brin- disi) II-7s7d

Brune, Roesia VII-4S4b

—Walter VII-lS4b

Brunehaut (Brunehilde), queen, abbey XIV-131d; Fortuna- tus's poems VI-149b; and Saint Germain of Paris VI-473d; and St. Hermengild VII-276a; hos- pital VII-482a; regency VI- 240a; Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne Xni-354b


LESCHI), FILIPPO III-8c; and Donali-llo X-ll.'id; and Florence, w.irk I-:i,-.4d; Flor- ence, works (ills.) III-9b; VI- 107d; 109d; and Ghiberti VI- 544c; and Michelozzo X-279d; portrait III-8d; Vasari's paint- ing (ill.) X-facing 120; and wood-carving XV-701b

BruneUus (Burnellus) XV-C60C

Brunengo, G., on Asshurbanipal Il-lUd

Brunet, Catharine, Daughters of Wisdom XV-<;69a

—Francis, Lazarist X-362c; 363d

— John, Lazarist X-357d

BRUNETIERE, FERDINAND Ill-lOb; VI-204C; academi- cian I-S9b; on Bodin II-609c; on certitude XII-29a; and Colin IV-lOOd; conversion VI- 18Sb; on eighteenth century VI-172c; on existence of God XIV-o69d; on "Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes" V- 419c: on Renaissance, French VI-193b; Reunion des Etudi- ants VI-lS.8b

Brunfels, Otto, X-129C


Bruni, Celestino, Bishop of Boiano II-G22d

—LEONARDO Ill-llb; Uc: at Arezzo I-702b; on Dante IV- 629d; 632b; and drama XIV- 561a; humanism VII-.539C: VIII-249a; and Manuel Chrys- oloras IX-614b; and Poggio Br.acciolini XII-177d: at Rome University XlII-177c; and Salutali " XIIl-4n.5c; tomb XIV-774b; XVI-73a; tomb (ill.) .\lV-774b

— Mariangela XI-3S3a

Brunicho, provost III-64b

Brunkeberg, battle IV-728a

Briinn, town (ill.) X-5C2

—DIOCESE OF Ill-lld; pil- grimage III-35b; statistics II- 136d; III-12a

—John n von. Bishop of Wjirz- burs XV-719d

Brunne, Robert de in-292d

Brunneman, Joseph 11-sllilb

BRCNNER. FRANCIS DE SALES 1 1 1- 12c; in Ohio IV- 5.">d: \l-lsllb; Precious Blood Consjr.LMtion Xll-374a; 375b; XIV-7lllla

— Johann Conrad, anatomist I- 460b

—SEBASTIAN II-129d; III-1.3a

Briinnow, R. E., orientalist XI- 30ta

BRUNO, SAINT, Carthusian III-14b: XIII-9Sa

—in An: Carduci III-34.5b; Gucrrino Ill-ltld; Houdon XllI 174d; Iloudon'a statue (ill.) 111-14C; Monlane.s III- fifid; X-520d; Zurbaran XV- 770b

— Chartreuse foimded III-C37a: X^7.5a; as exegcte IV-160b; at Reims XII-728C; and Urban II XV-210a

— Bishop of Augsburg II-74b

— Bishop of Brixen II -794a

— founder of Brunswick III-19b

— SAINT, Archbishop of Cologne III-I3b; IV-117d; as educator XIII-557a; and Lorraine IX- 362d; 363c; and St. Matilda X-49a; at Metz X-248c; and Otto I XI-355a; pallium XI- 428c; and Ratherius XII-651b; and Salzburg XIII-411d

— n. Archbishop of Cologne IV- 118a

— IV, Archbishop of Cologne V- 429d

— Saint, Bishop of Minden X— 323b

—Bishop of Olmutz XI-247d; XII-340a

— Count of Pleissengau XI-78Sa

—SAINT, Bishop of Segni III- 14a; VI-793a; XIII-6S4a; as abbot II^63c; on Hugh the Great VII-525d; sermons III- 16c

—Bishop of Toul IX-363C

—Bishop of Verona XV-362a

— Saint, Bishop of Wiirzburg XV-719c; 721b

— Christopher. See Bornis, Chris- topher

— Eusebius. See Eusebius Bruno, Bishop of Angers

—GIORDANO in-16d; VII- .")'.t!b; ;inil .\^rippa of Nettes- hriiEi l-2lild; condemnation Xll-.'>5a; Copernican system XII-.55a; death III-17b: XII- 76Sd: "Eroici Furori" X-745b; on immanence VII-683a; ma- terialism X-42c; on monad X-447c: naturalism II-i2a; X- 714a: XII-32b- and Tclcsio XIV-477b

— K., VI-653d

Brun of Querfurt. See Bruno of Querfurt

Brunoni, Vicar Apostolic of Aleppo XlV^OSd

Bruno of Carinthia. See Gregory V, Pope

— of Dagsbourg. Sec Leo IX, St.

— of Isenburg, Bishop of Osna- briickXI-341c

— of Laufen, .\rchbishop of Trier X\-43a

—OF QUERFURT, SAINT III- ISa. and St. Stephen XIV-2,S7d

— of Roucy, Blessed, Bishop of L.iiiKres VIlI-790a

—of Toul. Srr Loo IX, St.

Brunori, Federigo \'ll-55c


— the Swabian, of Metz X-L'lsb

Bruns, Anthony, .\dministrator of Vienna .\V-419c

—Victor, physician XV-84b

Brunschwig, Hieronymus, sur- geon .\-131b

Brunshausen, monastery III-19b

BRUNSWICK, duchv III-19a; cathedral Xni-I99a; Hanse- atic League VII-70d; punish- ment, capital XII-569d; secu- larization X V-205d ; syncretism XIV-384b

—town III-19a; patron III-729C

Brunswick-Luneburg, duchy VII- 127d: andOsnabruckXI-341d; prominence VI-499b

Brunswick- Wolfenbiittel, Hein- rich Julius von. Bishop of Min- dc'n X-324b

Brunyng, John, .\bbot of Sher- borne XlII-7o6c

Bruodin, Antony, Irish mart.>Ts, catalogue of VIII-164C: on O'Donnell XI-210d; Scotism XIII-612d; on Tanner XIV- 445a

— Dermot, confessor VIII-I67a

BRUS, ANTON, Archbishop of Prague IIl-2(lb: XII-340d; on Peter Canisius XI-7G0C

—Robert de X-2,S6b

BRUSA, !iee III-20d

—town IV-3(l,'ia

Brusasorci, Domenico, painter V- 7SNa; X\' 3ll2b

Brusati, i-ardinal, tomb XIII- 171a

—family n-760b

Brushford, James, martyr V- 47sa

Bruso, Heinrich ni-724b

Brusq. Our Lady of. See Our Lady of Bruaq

BRUSSELS III-21a; Act of IV- 230a; Alva in I-371b

— Church in: apostle XI-697d: Beghards II-390b: Beguinage II-390a; Benedictine convent II-455b; Blessed Sacrament Confraternity XIV-122b; Car- melite convent I-261c; Catho- lic Congress (1895) X-749b: Caudenberg Abbey, BoUan- dists II-635c; Christian Doc- trine confraternity III-711d; churches III-23b:' Eucharistic Congress (1898) V-593b; XIV- 426c; St. Gudula, Church of VII-56c: St. Gudula, Church of (ill.) Il-facing 400; institu- tions III-23d; La Chapelle, Church of V-735b: papal nun- ciature XI-lOlc; Redemptor- ists XII-6S4a; Saint Michel College II-638d; St. Michel College (ill.) II-637d: St. Michel College librarv (ill.) II-638C; Servites Xiri-737a: Society of the Blessed Sacra- ment XlV-llIa

— conference (1555) XII-2d; con- ference (1626) XIV-651d; Du- quesnoy'a work V-206c; Ge- sellenvereine VI-538c; govern- ment III-21d; Hotel de Ville III-23C; Hotel de Ville (ill.) III-23d: Lefebvre in IX-113c; Library of Bourgogne II-637a; manuscripts IXH)2fla; Ma- sonic council IX-776d; Maur- ice de Saxe takes VIII-612a; numismatics congresses XI- 152b: plague (1489) IV-92c; revolt (1S30) VII-390d; riot (1884) II-402c; Scientific So- ciety III-331c; socialist bu- reau XIV-63c; temperance congress XIV-4S6a; town hall VI-677b; university III-24a

—Union III-21C

Brusthem, battle (146.8) III-69C

Brut, by Barbour II-2SSb; Lava- mon V-460c: Wace XV-52ic

Brutails, M. arch.-rologist X1-668C

Brute, Walter, vision:irv IX-.334a

Brute de Remur, Simon William Gabriel, tlie Ijl.ler lll-24b

BRUTE DE REMUR, SIMON WILLIAM GABRIEL, the YouuKer Ill-L'tb; \ll-741c: 744b; XI\-:t:i2b; at Baltimore II-230c: at Chicago III-65:id; and Dubois X-605b: and edu- cation XIII-.580b; and Hail- andidre XII-508a: and Lamen- nais VIII-762c; and Lazarists X-366c; memoirs I I-360a; por- trait III-24C; and RosatiXIII- 360d; at St. Mary's College XIV-331a: and Mother Seton XIII-740C

— Hall, Mount St. Mary's, Mary- land X-605b

Bniti, Mariaima Marchesa IV- 739d

Bruttium, invasion (455) III-406a

Brutus, Marcus Junius, bust, bv Michebngolo III-62a: at Phil- ippi II-107a; Xll-Sa; on t\Tannicide XV-109C

— of Troy, legend 111-2110; IX- 341c

Brut- y-Tywysogion XV-584b; 584 d

Bruun, Candidus. See Candidus

Bruxelles. .s. r Brus.sels

Bruyant, Bernard X-.").'>0d

BRUYAS, JACQUES III-24d: X-:)s7b; XlV-17Ib; at Aurics- ville II-lllc; at Caughnawaga III-4.58b; on Millet .X-314b

Bniyere, Jean de La. Sec La Bru.\'6re

Bruyne, Donatien de. Biblical commissioner XV-5I7b; 519a

Bruys, on Halley's comet XII- 159c

—Pierre Pde, heretic III-18fib: VIll-12d; 2Sc; IX-17a; XI- 781a

Bruzio (Calabria) VIII-22:^c

Bruzza. Barnabite IV-74(lc

Brwynog. Sion, poet X\'-535b

Bryan. William J. XV-177d

Bryanites X-24()d



— William, clergyman III-2oa

Large typo indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.