Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/220

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Capital, ill ari-hitecture IVrlSO* -Economic Cathohcteachmgl^ 228d; and labour I-b83a.i> 106c; and monopoly X-49/a, Ricardo's theory I-228a; So- cialistic theory XII-215d Syn- dicalist teaching XlV-dbsa —Punishment. See Punishment,

Capital —Script XI-406a —Sins. See Sina, Capital Capitani di parte, Florentine VI-

CapUa'llo del Popolo, Florentine

VI-106b; XV-301b Capita ordinum, cardinalitial

orders IV-193b Capitation tax I-'9»a,„„. Capitella, lessons I^-l??"* , ,. „ CapitUavium. See Washing of the

Capito, Roman jurist IX-87a

—Bishop of Mti& (Jerusalem) VIII-356C 9Rhat

—Wolfgang, reformer ni-26b at Bisle II-339C; and Calvin 111- iq7a- Confessio Tetrapoli- tana'in-2(>a; and (Ecolampa- dtSs XI-213b; at Strasburg XIV-314a; at Worms \-3bD, and Zwingli XII-705C

Capitol, Rome, Clement XU adorns IV-31c; museum II- 342d; XIII-165C; observatory

-wihing'ton. DC. architect II-231b-, Brumidi. work of lU 8a- Catholic services XV-5oyD. construction XV-55Sb; dome V-102a; fresco (ill-) it' '*• Law Library XV-559d

CAPITOLIAS, titular see lU-

rapi't'oline Hill, Rome XIII-164C

—Wolf Xnl-16.5c

Capitolini, Palazzi, Rome XIU

CapUoUnus, Julius IH-IOM Capitoni.Felicianus, writer xiii

737b ^„ ,

Capitula, in Ambrosian Office 1-

399d; lessons IX-190O — Abbonis in-286b — AngUramni II-106c; IV-392b — Coelestini in-478c . , , ., — Hadriani. See Capitula Angil-

_M?rtSni III-283d; IV-392b;

IX-6Id —of Bibles XV-517a —of Hesychius of Jerusalem

CaVtuto^qualifications XV-102a

Capitulate, antiphonary i-^T^"-

Evangelaria V-640c. See Col-


-de imaginibus \ n-62oa


RIA) III-310a; authority 111-

311c: of Benedict Levita U-

466c; Carlovingian, Sirmond

-^„f<?.awlmaf«. in-3oOb; ab- besses, usurpation of 1--9D, al- tars I-363b; assemblies ol clergy IV-213b; St. Bernard of V i e n n e II^96a; on con- fession XIII-662d; educational XII-419b; on marriage cere- mony IX-705C; on tithes XIV-

— disification III-310d; collec- tion III-3Ub; on chapels III- 575c; contents III-310C; ear y use VI-659d; episcopal 111-

— of the Frankish Kings II-166d; MS. XV-348d; Baluze edits

— "yit^II-310c; by Theodul- fus. Bishop of Orl6.ans Xl-318d Capitulars (canons) IIl-583a

(decrees of Charlemagne) 1-

277c; St. Ansegisua's collection

Capitulary Vicar. See Vicar

CM>*^nLATIONS, EPISCOPAL AND PONTIFICAL 111-31 Id; Mfid; forbidden IV-193d; in Greek Church I-7flld

—Franco-Turkish XII-4hSb

Capitula Tria. See Three Chap- ters . „.

Capitulum, in monastic oiti XII-787d


Caplis, James X-282C Capmany, Antomo, author -Xiv

200d; on Cid I"-'7°A'. °°

Nieremberg y Otin Xl-i-d Capnion. See Reuchlin, Johannes Capnomancy, superstition Xiv

339d Capo, Capino da, papal nuncio

XI-li)3b . . .

Capocci, FUippo, musician AVl


— Nicoia XI-737b

— Raniero, cardinal, as hymno- dist VII-603d; and Servites XIII-736b; at Toscanella XV- 489a; at Viterbo XV^88a

Capoccio, Giacomo di. See James

of Viterbo .,

Capocci Towers, Rome Xlll-

Cap'odiferro, Evangelista Madda

Teni, historian ^flU'^-' ■'271a- Capodimonte, college X-^-ia,

palace X-6S4a Capodisopra. .•^cb Sassari — d'Istria, Giovanni Antomo 11-

Capodivacca, Tommaso XI-3S6d Capon, John, Bishop of Bangor

n-2.50b ^ ,. t

—John, Bishop of Salisbury

XIII-401b Capone, sculptor in-771c Caporali, Giambattista, architect I-284a , ,, .

— Kajetan, of Fathers of Most

Precious Blood XII-374a Capo Sala, Vatican official XV-

Caposele, Redemptorists at I- 336d; XII-683b

Capotes, Bonnes. See Hospital- lers of Ernemont _

Capotori, Vatican miUtia Av 300c

Cappa. See Cope

Cappadocia VI-399d

-Church in I-789a; St. Andrew s apostolate I^71c;. Byzantine Rite VI-776a; Christmas cele- bration III-725b; councils I- 787d- Pope St. Dionysius V- 10a; liturgj- IX-311C

-History I-784b; .Asarhaddon II-16a; Asshurbanipal ll-lbO, Ca-sarea III-133c; Corbulo X- 752d- Greeks I-789d; VI-75.-,c, kingdom I-784d; Mithradates XII-234d; Philistines VI-399d ; under Roman rule I-78oa;

-houses I-784a; 786a; literature

Cappadocian Fathers Vll-lfid Cappadocians, cuneiform writing

Il-lOa; Mesraim xn-21c Cappadocia on the Pontus. Aee

Pontus , ., -.rj

Cappadoco-Byzantine Liturgy \ 1-

Cappi'magna IV-420b;_XV-3S8c;

abbots I-19d; IV-i5(a; basilica

XVI-8b; bishops Xll-2J/a.


CappareUi, Giovanm, Bishop ol

Fori VI-137b Cappel, battle. See Kappel —Biblical commentator IV -161a,

XIV-526d Cappella papale IV- (74c — Pontificia VI-630a; at Pon- tifical Mass XII-233b Cappellari, Bartolomeo Alberto.

See Gregory XVI —Giovanni Battista \ n:-?c — Mauro. See Gregory -X-V 1 Cappella Sistina. See bis tine Choir .. , , , ,

Cappellus, Biblical commentator.

See Cappel Cappelmair, Wolfgang, Augustin-

ian VII-2S3C .

Capping, (■onfu,M:ni rite IV-226C

Cappoli, Jacob Xll-28(>d


312b; Vin-2.V2d; and C^usli

VI-.'>74c; and Reumont Xll-

-Ginl soldier VI-108d

— Luigi, cardinal. Bishop of Ravenna XII-667a; and Anslo I-5.51a . , J 171

Piero, Florentine leader VI-

109b; IX-501C; X-12U

— Serafino. See Porrecta, Serafino

Capponiana, Vatican MSS^ XV- 291a;297a; catalogue XV-292a Cappoquin, seminaries X111-7UUO Capra, Villa XI-424a Capranica, novitiate xy-5-4a — Almo CoUegio, Rome III-313c,

XIII-132a; 177c — Angelo, cardinal IVr-V.v '

XIII-132a; at Rieti XIII-54b — DOMENICO, cardinal lU- 312d; at Basle II-335b; and Cesarini nl-540b; college Xni-132a; at Fermo VI-44b. and Imola VII-693a; and Pic- colomini-Ammannati Xli-'4a. and Pius II XII-127a; and Rouen XIII-210b; tomb XIII- C/ipi5u^,GipVANNIBATTIS-: TA cardinal III-313d; at Jesi Vlil-372d; legate in England IV-3Sb; legate in France 1X-- 119b; XII-395a; and Leo XII IX-167d; at Milan X-301b, and Napoleon X-689d —Maria Vittoria, countess lli-

Caprarola, Faruese palace V-789a Caprasius, Saint, martyr I-209b, -guide of St. Honoratus VII-

451a; IX-617d , „ ,, „ Capreolus, Bishop of Carthage

III-387d; letter V-493a -JOHN III-3,14b; XIV-592b,

Sak,.. Tiorhuo a work Ll-z^aa,

606c; Barbus's vjork II-288d; on penance XI-622d; Thom- ismll-248c; XIV-702C .

Capri, island VII-221C; ecclesias- tical patrimony XIV-258a. 1 Faraglioni (ill.) VIII-237; and Sorrento 'xlV-151d; wine VIII-228C

Capriccio VII-139d .

Capriccioso (Goya y Lucientes) VI-687a T o.ou

Caprice, and faith 1-2 Sb .

Caprino, Meo del, architect XIII- 172a; XV-93b

Caprivi, Georg Leo Von, prime minister VI-oUc; on Chris- tianity XIII-602b

Caprotti, Bishop of Dohche \ U-

Cap^-Rouge, river. Carrier's expe- dition III-393a Caps, Swedish party XJV--353b

Capsa, litu'-e'f/JjJH'iir CAPSA, See of III-314C Capsula I-3dSc CAPTAIN (in Bible) III-314d Captassi, Gerard, theolpgiaii

XIII -737b; and Laderchi

VIII-736d „ , . . YTTI Captier, Arthur, Sulpician XIU-

379a _^ ,,,

—Louis-Raphael, martyr IV-

168d: XII-370b Captiosa III-532d Captiva, sequence X11-4S0C Captive Christians (Van Eycken)

Captives, Order for the Redemp tion of. See M?r«dar'ans

Captivitas Papistica Vll-70.b

CAPTIVITIES OF THE IS- RAELITES ni-31.^a; II-183d A>is\Ti;in ll-13c; III-315a; vil'l-199d; III-315a

-Bnbylonwn III-316b; effects III-317a; VIII-200c; restora- tion I II-3 18a; s>-nagogue XI v-

380b ., „„„

— Baruch's prophecy 11-^208,

Ezechiel's prophecy \-737a.

Roman III-319b Captivity Epistles I\ -131c Captured Fortress, Feast of 11

Capmre of_GaUipoli (Tintoretto) —if theTrocadero (Delaroche) Ca^pVa!^Vn VIII-221a- Cicero -^^C^SScESEofl™ aliturgical days I-31-lc; ."/j^K- acolyte I-107a; cathedral (ill.) Vlli-facing 224 -Councils: (391) I-S0b:,lI.-6^,d (1087) III-319d; X\-lllb. (1118) lll-319d .

—cross IV-51Sa; Desiderius X \ - 410b; map Vlll-faemg 244, rite I-395d; seminary XIU- 699b; and States of the Church XVI-201a

— Annibale da, cardinal. Arch- bishop of Naples X-687a — Matteo di XIV-514C —and Benevento, Duchy ot

Ca'puan Castle, Naples X-6S4b Capuano, Giovanni Battista XI-

3S7d Capuanor, rardiiial I-37Dc Capuanus, Saint, Bishop of La- bors III-141b CAPUCHINESSES III-320a; in Marseilles IX-717d; in Mexico

CiS-UCHIN FRIARS MINOR III-320b; in Africa I-191a; Archange de Lyon l-690d; Aremberg's work I-'""d; in Astrakhan XIII-256d; in Ath- ens II-4fib; Basai II-344d; beards II-363d; Benettis II- 477c; Bernard of Bolognas work II-498b: Bern.n. 11-51 lb; Borneo missions II-687b; Bnt- ius Il-793b; BuUarium lU- 50c; in Canada III-239b; 327b.; Carabantes I"-32Sb; Carl, III-349a; Cavazzi III-4b8c, cemeterv. Rome (ill) m- 507d; charity III-323c; charnel houses III-507d

churches ■ St. La-wrence - out-

side the-Walls Xlll-ljOa; Santi Quattro Coronati XUl- 173c; Santissima Concenzipne XIII-171a; Tarragona XIV- 460d; Vienna XV-419a —Clement VII's reform IV-27a, Connolly Xin-355c; custodes IV-578a; definitors IV-6/7b. development 111-320':; diS" calced V-28a; in England lU- 325d; in Ervthra-a I-7'b; in Ethiopia I-76d ; Felix of Canta- lice VI-33a; Forbes M-133b Forty Hours III-324b; and Franciscan tertianes XU- 752a; XIV-642a; 645c; 6-46a; 648b- F-ytch VI-327a; Gauden- tii^ of" Brescia VI-394a; in Greek churches VI-/ -Ob; Has- pinger VII-147d; m India IV- 77b- VII-730a; map \II-fec- ing 736; influence IlI-323<:: "^ Ireland III-326C; Vlll-llSd in Ispahan VIII-192d; Knoll VIII-672d; lay-brothers III- 323b; in the Levant XII--i8Sc, in Maine IX-546C; in Manila IX-600a; and Maximilian of Bavaria X-76d —Missions III-324a; 326b; Bor- neo II-687b; Cayenne VII- 62d; Congo IV-235b ; Haiti VII-114d; Tibet XIV-il9c —in Mobile X-410d; Most Pure Heart of Mary feast X-600b; name III-322d; origin III- 320b- at Oxford XI-369d; Paschal feasts XI-516d; P.atus of Mons XVI-67b; Picomo XII-7DC; in Pittsburg Xll- iVic- in Poland XII-193b; preacher Apostolic XII-354C; and property inheritance Xll-

ana properiy iiuic. ..•."-- ■„ ■tofic- and Reformation in Switzerland III-743d-^estora- tion in France I-690d; Klt«  XIII-77a; rule III-321c; VI- 281a; scapular of St. Joseph XIII-510a; 513d; and Scotism XIII-611d; St. Seraphim of Montegranaro XIIl7726a; bi- eni XIII-7S2c; statistics III- 323c- 325b; XIV-273a; supe- r'o'r? XIII-755a; in Swi.zerland XIV-363c; m Syria XIV -106a,


Flofentini XIV-57Sd in Tibet I-316C; Tricassin X\ Tl^biJ": dentine regulations lj;-3-;3a, in United Slates IlI-32/a, 326b; VI-»82a; in \!-fe"|l» vv-39b- in Venice XI-osfD, in Westphalia XV-603d; wnt- ers III-325b ___

CAPUCIATI, confraternity lll-

-herctics III-328a. See Lol- Capit CasteU« (Burgos) III-67b Caputium, of. alb I--\-a Caputo, Dominican 1-340C . — Michele, Bishop of Oppido Mamertina XI-262a

— oerauuw. ,j,,,.»v..- — .

_— --j-^;^^ treated; (iU.) = iUuBtrat.on..