Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/230

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tr:,it III-4e9a; Primers XII- 42Ua; printing prcsa XV-5asa Cayenne. See Guiana, French Caves, town III-469d -DIOCESE OF IIW69C Cayla, Felix, Lazariat X-.J59b;

ij.Wd ; 3132c Cayll, Arthur II-l 19b CAYLUS, ANNE-CLAUDE- PHILIPPE DE III-17()a; and Charpentier lll-6:i;ib; ami Serous d' Agincourt XUl- 729d , ,

—Charles de. Bishop of Auxerre XIII-TlSc; appellant I-9od; and Lazarists X-359c; and Terrasson XIV-519b

Jean-Anne, Comte de, Lieuten-

ant-General IIHTOa —Marie-Marguerite le Valois de

Vilette de Murpay IX-;]49d Cayman Islands \III-27oa Cayubaba Indians, habitation

vn-75Sa; language X-fl06c Cayuga Indians VIII-168d; in 6alada XIII-7Ub; C^ mission III-347d; yil-565d; missions III-37c; X-379d; in Rochester XIII-102d Cayuse Indians, uprising XIU- 666c; and Walla-Walla XV- 538a , T - J

Cayzedo, Manuel Jose de. Archbishop of Popayan XII- 25Sc , „. ^

Cayzedoy Cuero, Jose de, Bishop

of Medellin X-n7b Cazales, Abbe de VIMOc — Edmond de, journalist X-olod;

XI-677b ,, . .

— Jacques - Antoine - Marie - de

XIII-lOc ^,. .^,.

Cazan, Khan of Persia IV-ooSb CAZEAU, CHARLES-FELIX III-470b; poor-relief XII-o9Cc — Jean-Baptiste III-470b Cazet, J. B., Vicar Apostolic of

Madagascar IX-511d Cazlona, Diocese of VIII-267b Cazzari (Cathari) III^35a C. C, abbr. I-23d CC, abbr. I-26c CC.V.V., abbr. I-23d CEADDA, SAINT III^TOc; as Lichfield bishop IX-232d; at Lindisfarne IX-269a; in Mer- cia I-506b; relics II-579a; XII-738c; shrine XII-92d; and St. Werburgh XV-588c; at Whitbv Synod XV-610a; as York bishop XV-622a Cea Islands. See Keos Cealchythe. See Chelsea Ceallagh, Saint VI-374a Ceannfaeladh V-191a Ceannfine II-7.j4b Ceara (Fortaleza) VI-145c Cearnach, Conall VII-320c Ceaulee, monastery IX-4ob Ceawlin of Wessex V-553c Cebarsussum, synod (393) V-

i27a CeboUeta, mission X-720d Cebrian de Perales, Juan XIV-

5211a Cebu. island XII-UM —DIOCESE OF 1II-47U; Laz- arists in .\-3il7d; mission sta- tion \'ll-2s:id; seminary IX- (Kllla; statistics XV-177C Cebul, John, missionary IX-690b Cebur, Bishop of St. Asaph XIII-

333a Ceccano, Francesca, Countess

XIV-t)l)5c — Gaetani Vin-.533a Ceccardus, Saint, Bishop of Luni

IX-»3l)b Cecchi, Filippo, Clerk Regular of

the i'ious Schools XIII-58Sd Cecco d'Ascoli. .See Ascoli,


Articles I-167c; at Cambridge III-212b; on Campion V-294a; and Elizabethan executions XV-26d; 27c; XV-28a; and Heath VII-170a; and Knox VIII-682b; and Mary Queen of Scots IX-765b; and Thomas Woodhouse XIV-698a Cecile, Capuchin IX-379C CECILIA. SAINT III-471C; Acts

of XI--'l.!lb —in art lll-423d; Echave the Elder V-270c; Herregouts VII- 294d; Maderno IX-513b; Me- dulic X-145c; Raphael (ill.) III-471d; Settignano XUl- '■Ib — churches XI-565a; 5b5d; crypt of. Pontian epitaph XII- 230a; death III^72b; feast III-163C; martyrdom XIII- 743b; Masses III-472b: patron- age XI-566c; portrait III- 471d; relics III-473a; XI-514C; tomb XIII-176b; and Urban I XV-209b ^ ^ ,„

— Saint, martvT at Carthage ill-

473b , , , , wife of Sigurd Jorsalafarer

Cecelian Club, Augsburg II-77d —of Carthage XI-44c —Society XIV-125d; at Aachen

I-2d; founded IV-24Sb; X-

654b- in Germany II-5c;

Schelble organizes XIII-526C;

and song, religious XlV-Ulb Cecelia Vasa, of Sweden XIV-

Cecilius, Saint, Bishop of Gran- ada VI-723a; 723b Cecily, Saint. See Cecilia Cecropius, Bishop VIII-(94d;

XIII-C68d CEDAR, son of Ismael III-474b CEDAR, trees III^73c; altar of

I-361d; (ill.) III-473C CEDAR, tribe III^74b; I-664d —Creek, battle (1864) XIII-757C Island, settlement XlV-19a;

161c . . .„ „.„.

— Point, seminaries lll-//ic,


Cecconi, Eugenie, Archbishop of

Klor.neeVI lUa Cech, periodical. Prague XI-b70a — Svatopluk, poet IV -GOOb Cechen. .SVe Czechs Cecil, John, political adventurer

VII 7(nc; and Roberu XIII-

9Sc; and Thorpe XIV-700C — Richard, religious leader IX-

400b — Robert, first Earl of Salisbury

III-193a — William (Lord Burghley), and

Allen XIV-(>(13c; and Book of

47oa; and St. CeaddaIII-*70c;

in Essex I-506b; at Lindisfarne

IX-269a; in Mercia IX-232b CEDES, in Issachar III-4(5d;

and Mageddo IX-526b CEDES, in Nephtah III-4iob;

VI-342a; XII-712a Cedes, in Galilee. See Cedes in

Nephtali —See Cades

Cedimoth. See Cademoth Cedma, tribe I-664d Cedrei (Cedar) III-474d Cedrenus, Georgius, Church his- torian VIl-375a Cedron Vl-«37a; name X-678a —BROOK OF III-475d —Valley of VIII -345d; (ill.) Vlll-facing 346; Joaquim and Anna's tombs XV - 464Fa; Virgin Mary's tomb XIV-774d Cedulini, Pietro, Bishop of Lesina

Ced'walla, Saxon king. See Caed-

walla, Peter Ceelatha VH37a Cefaia, town III^76b —DIOCESE OF III-4 76b; ca- thedral, architecture VI-677d; XI-397b; cathedral (ill.) III- 476c CehegSn, See of XI-315c Ceila IV-643a; VI-437a Ceile-De. See Culdees Ceiles II-7.Wd

Ceilhes, Cliristian Doctrine bis- ters X-.'>4«d CeiU-Finne, niis-sion V-172a CEILLIER, REMI III-4/6C Ceinos, Francisco X-2('i4d Celadion, I'atriareh of Alexandria

I-3ina; V-351d; V-353C Celakovsky, Lad, poet IV-600b Celano, Thomas. See Thomas of

Celano — Venanzio di, VI-2S7a Celanova, monastery X-477C Celantia, and St. Jerome I-(b8a Celarius III-'26b Celbes VI-598b

Celchyte (Celchyth). See Chelsea Cele, John IV-735a

Celebes, island II-347a

Celebratio III-49.5a

Celebret lll-477a

Celcdon, Rafael, Bishop of Santa

.Malta X1II-J5SC Celedonius, Saint, martyr XIV-

177a- relics XIII-459a CELENDERIS, See of III-477b Celerinus IV-5S4a Celerio, ArgUio. See Lanzi Celeron, explorer XII-12Ia;


Celert, Saint XV-585b

Celesia, Geremia, cardinal, at

Palermo XI-420d; at Patti XI-

58~b „ , . •

Celestial Physics, Book ot, in

Book of Henoch I-603b CELESTINE I, SAINT, Pope III-477C; XIl-273b; and Alex- andria Council I-300d; on Am- brosian hymn I-393a; antiphon I-575a; and Apiarius I-o94D; on St. Augustine II -100b; 102d; VI-2d; Britain VI-473a; clerical attire lV-4 19b; crosier IV-516a; and Ephesus Council V-491d; on Holy Ghost XV- 711c; Introit VIII-81d; "Indi- culus" XIII-706a; letters from bishops XII-268C; and Nesto- rius IV-593a; X-755a; 756b; XIV-600d; and Palladius XI- 424b; and St. Patrick \ III- 99d; XI-554C; on penance XI- 631b; XIV-605b; on prayer VI-695d; on predestination XII-383b; and Prosper of Aquitaine XII^87b; and Semi- pelagians XIII-705a; tomb III-516C „ „ j-

— II, Antipope. See Boccadipe-

cora, Teobaldo ,.,,„_. — n. Pope III-478C; XII-2<4a; at Paris XI-495d; and Pullen XII-563b ^ ^., ,,„^

—in. Pope III-47Sd; XI-325c; XII-274b; and -Albert of Liege I-261b; and Alfonso IX of Spain XIII~391c; as canonist IX-67d; on contumacious cler- ics I-456b; Honorius Ill's life of VII-459a; Knights St. Ju- lian dePereiro I-272a; at Lerida Council IX-lS8d; and Livon- ian Christians II-520a; and ordeals XI-278b; and Peter of Poitiers XI-773b; and Phihp II of France XII-lc; S. Gene- sio treaty XIII-449d; and fea- varic XIII-48Sd; Teutonic Or- der XIV-541b; St. Wlliam of Vercelli congregation X\ -±**<^

—IV, Pope III^79b; XII-2/4b

at Sabina XIII-291b — V, SAINT, Pope III^/9b; XII-274b; abdication I-31c; 31d; XV-248b; and Barthol- omew of Lucca II-316a; and Boniface VIII II-662b; and Celestine Order XVI-IM; Celestines X-476a; XVI-20d; conclave IV-192c; in Divina Commedia IV - 631d- and Fraticelli VI-245b; Stefan- eschi's life of XIV-284a; tomb I-661b , ^ _ ,,

Celestine H, .\hbot of St. Gall

VI-34Sa ^.,, .„,

-.Abbot of St. James Xy-/21c CELESTINE ORDER X\ I-19d Celestines, Benedictine II -459a; III-479c; founded X-4/ba; mother-house XIV-2S4b; sec- ularized IV-37C . ,„ —FRANCISCAN XVI-20b; III-

479c; founded I V-260b Celesyria (Ccele-Syria) M-43ia;

IX-104C ,^.,„

-province XIII-70ia; Xn -

399c; 400a .

Celetrum, Macedonia. See Las-

toria . . t. <-■

Celestius (Coelestius). See C»-

Icstius ., , .

Celibacy lX-697c; Ale/mtara Knights I-272C: Aviz KmBMs 1I-1I12C; Il,Ti;en Council X\l- Itia; Hu.ldhist I -773a; 111 3t)c

XII-213a; Shakers IV-181d; Skoptsi Xll-UoOa; Teutonic Knights XIV-542b; in uni- versities XV-193d; and virgin- ity XV— 45Sc; and woman XV- 69 Id

-OF THE CLERGY III-481a; XIV-5S7C; Blessed Altmann I-367a; .Anglo-Saxon Church I-507b; Apostolic custom II- 561b; Aries decree I-727b; Ar- menians I-791d; and benefices III-487b; St. Callistus III- lS4d; Chaldeans XI-724b; Chatel Xni-534d; and con- fession lll-482a; Constantine IV-299c: continence IV-330d; defense III-4.83b; and degrada- tion IV-677d; and Dolhnger III-481d; Elvira canon V- 396a; enforced III-4S5d; Eng- land III-186C; Ethiopian Church V-571a; Faber V-741c; Gaul \'I-396d; German Catho- lics XIH-535a; Gerona canons VI-o3'Jb; Gregory I III-701b; VI-7S3d; Gregory VII VI- 793d; VIII-84d; history III- 4Sla; 483d; Innocent I VIII-llc; Jovinian XIV-26c; Lanfranc VIII-7S5c; Lateran decrees IX-16d; 17b; Lollards IX-334b; Melchites X-160d; Michael Cffirularius VI-764b: and missionary work III-482b; Mbhler X-431d; monastic X- 470a; Nestorians XI-721d; ob- jections offered III-482c; Ori- ental churches III-4S7d; Pho- tian schism VI-765b; XV- 139c; Poland Xn-191a; pres- ent position III-4S7c; secular priests XIII-675d; principles, general III-481a; .Sicily XIII- 774c; Six Articles V-44ia; subdiaconateXIV-320d; 321b: Sweden XII-706c; XIV-348d; X V-207d ; transgression III- 481a; 486a; Trullan Synod IV- 312a; Wenrich of Trier XV- 588a; Welsh Church XV-584d; Zwingli XV-773d Celibates IV-49C Celico, Maurus de.

de Celico Celicyth. See Chelsea Cell De. See Culdees CeUdonius, Bishop of Besancon

Il-525b; IX-155C —founder of Nimes XI-83a Celina, Saint Xn-729b Celinie, Saint XI-4S9a Cell (biol.). assimilation I-800C: Carnov III-371a; discovered II-574d; formation II-571C; heredity VII-254b; y-254c; 254d; as lite source II-071C; IX-241c; XI-411d; nutrition I-274d; Shultzc I-460d; Schwann W6()d; XIII-592d; Weismann V-65Sb —(monastic) VII-2S0b; 28(^c; X-464d; 466a; 466b; 4/Oa;

See Maurus


m XII-433d .\friean cenie- temple XIV-

. — (prison) Belgiv Cella III-lS.Sd;

teries I-196d;

496b; 497d , .

Cellach, Archbishop of Armagh.

See Celsus, Saint, -Archbishop

-l'bboTo^'='lonaVIIl-9.b;615c —Bishop of Killala VIII-640d —Bishop of St. Andrews IX-

269a; XIII-330c; 614b —of the Vi Donnchada Xyl-77b Cell Alaid, Ireland, church \ 111-

Ceilamare, Anthony XII-212C Cella Nova, Greek monastery

VIII-207C . , ,. Yi

Cellarer, monastic 1-14C; -M-

183d , , , ,„,

CeUa Senes, Ireland, church XV-




11 tin


Cambridge lll-212b; C:. tc'ieliing IIi-137a; and conti- nence IV :i30d; and eugenics XV1-39C; -Marcus Eremita on ix-650d; lamaist XIV-718d; monastic X-468a; Politi on

Giovanni dalle. Blessed.

.>,-,■ .lohn dalle Celle —Pierre de La. ■•<■" Peter Cel-

— en-B^rie, Abbey «' ^;V,-'v'|!,«  —Robaud, Abbey of Xlll 192b Ceiles, town. moni«;eryX-b80a,

nilirr maite XI— l.ibb -^bl,otofSt-RemiXII-72Sd — Bedos de, organ builder XI-



T^pJi^dicate: titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrationa.